快好知 kuaihz

121. Even men who have been accidentally thrown into primary child care do get over their resistance. 122. An 11-month old baby died after accidentally swallowing a few laetrile tablets. 123. He accidentally electrocuted himself. 124. Miller had accidentally crossed into Iraqi territory and was arrested for spying. 125. Many dolphins are accidentally captured in the nets of tuna fishermen. 126. Pipes and drains which are blocked are not accidentally damaged and the cost of clearing the blockage is not covered. 127. If you accidentally caused a fire with your blowlamp, you would be covered by the fire section. 128. During one game I accidentally scored against my own side and acquired the tag "wrong way" Jones. 129. Accidentally detonated, they kill or maim some 25, 000 people a year, mostly civilians. 130. But in 1691 the boy was reported to have fallen accidentally from a second-story window and perished. 131. Control were trying to get hold of him, to verify that he had accidentally triggered his window alarm. 132. A week later he accidentally set his apartment on fire. 133. On a flotilla holiday you may accidentally lose equipment or damage the yacht. 134. Nevertheless, we were given the green light - unfortunately, poor Molly was accidentally stepped on a couple of times. 135. The crescendo of firearms climaxed when a 20-year - old man accidentally shot and killed his girlfriend. 136. He said that the rioters had been killed accidentally, the reverse of what had actually happened. 137. Having crossbred his own seed for 35 years, he wondered if he had accidentally created some kind of mutant. 138. Packer and Sheehy were both taxiing around Sydney airport in their respective corporate jets on Tuesday when they accidentally collided. 139. Sometimes his fingers strayed between her lips and when she closed her mouth she accidentally sucked on them. 140. Accidentally, obliquely, the squadron had found this way of striking back. 141. Mitchell swallowed some accidentally as he rinsed his mouth but forced it back up before the microbes could celebrate a new host. 142. One is prone to dousing the headlights accidentally while signaling. 143. Finally, the bird, while searching for the mouse, accidentally knocked over the woodpile, which caught fire. 144. They said they tried to revive him and that all the injuries were inflicted accidentally. 145. In the struggle the autopilot was accidentally disengaged, sending the aircraft into a dive. 146. Others, either purposely or accidentally, found the war useful to further their careers. 147. He accidentally snapped his putter in half during one tournament. 148. Thirty-five of the Americans killed in the war were accidentally killed by their comrades. 149. This does not mean you have to excuse a child who hits another child who accidentally bumped into him. 150. Its thirteen powerful dorsal spines contain enough poison to kill any human swimmer who accidentally treads on it with a bare foot.