sought造句211. An employment interviewer reviews these forms and asks the applicant about the type of job sought and salary range desired.
212. This onslaught won financial concessions but not the decisive part in the colonization of New Zealand which the company sought.
213. Among those literary wanderers of the day who sought a wide and appreciative audience, exaggeration was the fashion.
214. Both sides have sought in recent days to hook jurors by summing up four months of testimony in a few catchy slogans.
215. The applicant sought judicial review of the Director's decision to seek to enforce compliance with the requirements of the notice.
216. Because everyone knows they have a direct channel of communication to the Palace, their ear is sought.
217. The managers observed that their subordinates sought their assistance about a variety of problems.
218. He also sought to preserve wheat for human consumption and issued a proclamation prohibiting the manufacture of starch from wheat.
219. In his acceptance speech, Kemp sought to reach out to those voters with references to the legacy of the Rev.
220. Records of previous admission for peptic ulcer were sought for people in the case and the comparison groups.
221. The applicant sought a declaration and/or prerogative orders to identify the lawful decisions and correct any unlawful decisions.
222. He also sought exceptions for anti-personnel mines used in wartime, and for those protecting anti-tank mines.
223. Kino was a great humanitarian who sought to alleviate hunger wherever he went.
224. The new laws also lift a ban on multiple trade unions operating in a single workplace, something workers have sought.
225. The dynamic forces within society and in the economy eventually came into conflict with a national polity which sought to avoid change.
226. He sought out - he did not summon - those he wished to consult, and if persuaded would act at once.
227. Patient leaders, on the other hand, became activists and sought reforms.
228. The court also upheld the decision of the assistant recorder to reject the counterclaim which the defendant sought to introduce.
229. Having determined its legal obligations based on the facts of this specific disease, the company actively sought employee cooperation.
230. Archer suggested many of the reforms sought by Clinton were in the seven-year balanced budget package vetoed by the president.
231. Administrators at the hospital conceded that they had limited outings as they sought to learn about their clientele.
232. He had no political aims and did not lead a faction, although he sought lesser posts for a few clients.
233. York ham commands a high price and is much sought after, especially at Christmas time.
234. Non-domestic rates are also regressive but various measures have sought to ease the burden.
235. Sadly, however, a few Opposition Members sought to block the Bill as it neared the end of its passage through Parliament.
236. In western capitalist economies the vast majority of governments have sought to reflect this distinction by adopting anti-insider dealing laws.
237. Kaczynski sought to build increasingly lethal bombs by improving his bomb design and his bomb-making techniques.
238. My constituent had sought assurances from the Minister about the financing of the proposed station.
239. When union reps sought an 8-cent increase, they and hundreds of other workers were sacked.
240. In 1983, Mrs Victoria Gillick sought a court order to rule the latter order of priorities illegal.