快好知 kuaihz

61. You'd better seek advice from your father before you reinvest your money with the firm. 62. There's lots of advice in the book on baby care. 63. People don't always need advice. Sometimes all they need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand. 64. My advice to you is to get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher. 65. I called my broker for advice about investing in the stock market. 66. Do you need advice on your entitlement to state benefits? 67. May I solicit your advice on a matter of some importance? 68. We have derived a great deal of benefit from her advice. 69. The consultancy gives advice to manufacturers on the health and safety aspects of their products. 70. She is one of those vain people who never take others' advice. 71. His pithy advice to young painters was, "Above all, keep your colours fresh." 72. Ken has more than 10 years of experience in photography behind him, so he is well qualified to offer advice. 73. I hope you'll act up to the good advice I've given you. 74. It is easy for you to advise, but difficult to take advice from others. 75. The centre provides expert advice for people with financial problems. 76. She needed him to hear her out and render advice. 77. Without someone to turn to for advice, making the most appropriate choice can be difficult. 78. Paul still tends to dish out unwanted advice. 79. Permit me to give you some advice. 80. Take advice to insure yourself against being misled. 81. She devested herself of my advice. 82. He disdained to turn to his son for advice./advice.html 83. Her advice appeared to be disinterested. 84. Your advice was a great help to me. 85. She leans on her husband for advice. 86. Was his advice ever any good? 87. He's his own man, but he doesn't ignore advice. 88. All their advice was swept aside. 89. I chose to ignore his advice. 90. After all our advice, he insists on going.