快好知 kuaihz

151. They also help nearby factories with technical advice. 152. Good advice is beyond price. 153. My parents' advice on sex was pathetically inadequate. 154. He took me aside to give me some advice. 155. We were advised to seek legal advice. 156. She is acting on the advice of her lawyers. 157. I will seek my doctor's advice. 158. What advice would you proffer her? 159. You ought to ask a lawyer's advice. 160. No attention was paid to his advice. 161. She's always dishing out advice, even when you don't want it. 162. Can you give me some advice on where to buy good maps? 163. You should refuse to meet anyone who cold calls with an offer of financial advice. 164. He insisted on going to the football match, notwithstanding his doctor's advice to the contrary. 165. That charlatan! I lost thousands of dollars because I followed his advice. 166. The Local Authority runs an advice centre in the town. 167. He discharged himself from hospital against the advice of doctors. 168. OFSTED's brief is such that it can conduct any inquiry or provide any advice which the Secretary of State requires. 169. I had been given a great deal of conflicting advice. 170. The club is holding a golf clinic next week, where golfers can get advice from the pros. 171. Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying. 172. I keep getting contradictory advice - some people tell me to keep it warm and some tell me to put ice on it. 172.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 173. Could you give me some advice about buying a home? 174. I am in Ruth's debt for the excellent advice she gave me. 175. As always, we went straight to the experts for advice. 176. If my advice had been acted upon, this would never have happened. 177. When I asked advice, he pondered and then told me not to go. 178. Today we are bombarded with advice on what to eat and what to avoid. 179. I listened to a lot of people handing out a lot of advice. 180. They give free advice on contraception at the family planning clinic.