快好知 kuaihz

91. Go to your doctor and ask for advice. 92. Why don't you ask him for his advice? 93. Can I give you a little advice? 94. He continued to drink despite advice to the contrary. 95. Now you can give me some advice. 96. We are extremely appreciative of your friendly advice. 97. If I were you, I'd get some legal advice. 98. If you take my advice you'll see a doctor. 99. On his advice I am staying in bed. 100. He was deaf to all advice. 101. Students should be able to approach teachers for advice. 102. Her advice fell on deaf ears. 103. On their advice I applied for the job. 104. He did it in disregard of any advice. 105. The advice I received was often contradictory. 106. He told a story to point his advice. 107. He gave me some very sound advice. 108. Her good advice was wasted on the children. 109. Let me give you some advice . 110. He's always handing out advice to people. 111. She turned to her teacher for advice. 112. The advice wasn't very tactfully worded. 113. That's very sound advice; you should take it. 114. If you need advice, I am at your service. 115. We went to Paris on Sarah's advice. 116. Your advice was a big help. 117. Judith is always spot-on with her advice. 118. He accepted my advice without reservation. 119. It's hard to obtain truly independent financial advice. 120. Why didn't you follow my advice?