快好知 kuaihz

211. Whenever he was upset, he would turn to her for comfort and advice. 212. Permission was given against the advice of the planning officers. 213. I bow to your opinion, and will take your advice. 214. We would welcome any advice or suggestions with open arms . 215. We offer our customers one-stop banking services and investment advice. 216. I doubt if he'll listen to advice from me, but I'll give it a go . 217. It's pot luck whether you get good advice or not. 218. There is much to be gained from seeking expert advice early. 219. When I need advice, he is a helpful and sensitive friend. 220. Legal advice should be sought before you take any further action. 221. I have it in mind to ask her advice when I see her. 222. It doesn't matter how much good advice I give Cathy, she always goes her own sweet way. 223. Be prepared to accept the advice of members of staff. 224. They sought advice on how to project a more positive image of their company. 225. He helped me enormously with advice on how to do ideological work. 226. Finding a way through the legislation is impossible without expert advice. 227. If we followed your advice we'd all be walking down the primrose path to ruin. 228. He was heavily in debt by the time he sought advice. 229. The magazine, which gives frank advice about sex and romance, is aimed at the teenage market. 230. She understood his meaning, if not his words, and took his advice. 231. If my advice had been acted upon, the firm would not have gone bankrupt. 232. In today's programme, we'll be giving you advice on how to manage your money. 233. I bought the car on the strength of her advice. 234. Anyway, for better or for worse, I followed her advice. 235. The scheme offers free advice to people wanting to set up in business. 236. He felt unequal to the job and wished there were someone he could go to for advice. 237. She's very free with advice but she never seems to act on it herself. 238. If you don't take my advice, you'll regret it, I promise you. 239. The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice. 240. We need some financial advice - that's where Kate comes in.