快好知 kuaihz

181. Could you give me some advice on the best way to do this? 182. On her doctor's advice Smith decided to take early retirement. 183. Getting professional advice will help you avoid the most obvious pitfalls. 184. The current advice to pregnant women is to cut out alcohol. 185. Unemployed people are the main users of this advice centre. 186. It was advice of a kind, but it wasn't very helpful. 187. I wish he wouldn't offer advice on my marriage - it's nothing to do with him. 188. The CIU provides churches with solid advice on a wide range of subjects. 189. You shouldn't rush headfirst into starting your own business without proper advice. 190. Don't keep asking me for advice. Use your initiative . 191. She seems to regard any advice or help from me as interference. 192. We offer advice to Polish companies who want to link up with Western businesses. 193. Your doctor should be able to offer advice on diet. 194. I don't mind listening to advice that I've asked for, but I refuse to be preached at. 195. To go ahead with the match after such clear advice had been asking for trouble. 196. It's risky to buy a car without some good advice. 197. They offer a free counselling service which can offer help and advice on legal matters. 198. None of my advice seems to have penetrated his thick skull . 199. They are always willing to lend an ear and offer what advice they can. 200. His advice was to be defensive and never admit to any inadequacy. 201. It would be a good idea to get professional advice. 202. He went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned. 203. They manage a company offering advice on mergers and acquisitions. 204. The Bridal Department will have experts on hand to give you all the help and advice you need. 205. I told her I didn't think she should get mixed up with that group, but as usual she ignored my advice. 206. You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter. 207. A solicitor can give you disinterested advice. However, in speech it is sometimes used instead of uninterested, although this is thought to be incorrect. 208. But two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special training for this kind of work. 209. Don'tbe afraid to ask for advice about ordering the meal. 210. He followed the doctor's advice and had no further trouble.