快好知 kuaihz

91 Lifeguards at that time reported that the whale appeared lethargic and did not attempt to swim away once freed from the kelp. 92 Each whale was about 40 feet long and weighed 45 tonnes. 93 Meanwhile, the indestructible burial mound would shrug off the tempest like a great, ageless whale. 94 Melville adds as a footnote that the oil from the whale is used in the most important ceremonies including most coronations. 95 Thus the importance of the whale oil is attested to. 96 Lobster fishers had spotted the infant whale Monday morning caught in thick kelp about a mile off the coast of San Diego. 97 Whale ribs are used by the Inuit peoples to form the frames of drums. 97try its best to gather and create good sentences. 98 The whale was about thirty feet long, half the length of Hsu Fu, and would have weighed about seven tons. 99 Here he found remains of structures for rendering blubber into whale oil. 100 Such was the rorqual whale, 64 feet long with a 12 foot tail, washed ashore in 1879. 101 We both got a shock when an orange whale suddenly rose up out of the water and nibbled Radish's paws. 102 Melville uses the eyes of the whale to suggest something of the duality of nature as opposed to the Singularity of man. 103 A whale, he says, is a spouting fish with a horizontal tail. 104 The whales were being killed for sport because the islanders did not require whale meat for survival, she added. 105 Tiny vessels fussed in her wake like pilot fish around a whale and aircraft roared past her portholes. 106 The third mate is Flask, who seems to have a personal grudge against every whale in every ocean on the globe. 107 The whale headed for the other side of the pool with a spurt of his blow hole. 108 The sperm whale dives to a mile and more and can stay under for two hours. 109 For him, the whale was a brute beast which provided the source of his income. 110 At any rate, maybe the fountains of vapor are still another attribute of the profound dignity and mystery of the whale. 111 A terrible storm comes to the island and a whale beaches on the shore. 112 We got tickets at the booth and started with the whale. 113 The three countries are preparing to resume the slaughter of whales for profit and restart the international trade in whale meat. 114 Each whale ship carries its own brick kiln, above which are two big shining pots. 115 The whale sent one final spurt into the air and disappeared. 116 At one point they also passed a beached whale squirming in the desert. 117 Unusual swimming patterns are often a tip-off that a whale is in danger. 118 The average sperm whale is 72 feet long and about 90 tons in weight. 119 Greenpeace has in the past campaigned against the Faroese whale hunt, drawing vehement criticism from the islanders. 120 The blue whale is the largest creature that has ever existed on earth.