快好知 kuaihz

121 Over the past 10years whale and dolphin deaths have been linked to increased fishing activity. 122 They also said the sexually mature whale needed a mate. 123 When full grown, the Blue Whale measures 110 feet in length. 124 Some, however, continue to end up as whale meat in restaurants. 125 Susan felt like a fat white whale surrounded by sharks. 126 It is likened locally to a stranded whale, and dominates the area. 127 The killer whale was in motion, swimming slowly around the raft to take a closer look. 127try its best to collect and build good sentences. 128 If so, why is it that the largest known fish is smaller than the largest whale? 129 So, Ishmael argues, if you really wish to know what a great whale looks like you should go whaling. 130 After being freed Tuesday, the whale swam toward the ocean. 131 In part, these acknowledged the continuing difficulty in establishing whale populations. 132 Then Father Mapple begins his sermon based upon the biblical account of Jonah and the whale. 133 You could go over and see it, like a big whale washed up on the shore. 134 You know enough about that to know the difference between a whale and a U-boat? 135 Trade in the grey whale has been outlawed since 1949 because uncontrolled whaling had put it on the verge of extinction. 136 The blue whale is a vast creature, weighing up to 30 tons. 137 Local storms at sea and strong equinoctial tides may affect whale migration routes that pass close to the coast. 138 It bounces along wonderfully, with Caine obviously having a whale of a time, and is ideal kiddies' Christmas fare. 139 Lying across it like a stranded whale, if, that is, whales wear pink flying suits, was Carol. 140 The whale swam away with great sweeps of its tail. 141 The whale then becomes a fine symbol for Melville because it is for him neither fish nor mammal. 142 Both species are being exploited increasingly as a substitute to whale meat. 143 He starts to travel north, but suddenly a killer whale is on his tall. 144 More immediate than that, Linda, like the Blue whale, was largish with nice eyes. 145 The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, only four years old, is recruiting about 1,000 new members each month. 146 Whale muscles contain large amounts of myoglobin, a protein that pulls oxygen from the blood. 147 There are some, Ishmael tells us, who, like Stubb, find whale meat a great delicacy. 148 When the whale is cut up, the head resembles that of the mysterious Sphynx. 149 The sighting of the whale, Ahab cries, was meant for him, and then he is lowered to the deck. 150 Soon the whale is aware of the danger and starts ahead.