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151 Since both his father and brother had been killed by whales, Starbuck had developed a useful attitude toward the whale. 152 This question is the great white whale of graduate school finance courses. 153 She rallies support for the endangered whale, catalogues underwater life and creates new devices in which to explore virgin sea worlds. 154 In fact the Minke whale, the smallest species, has always been hunted with a non-explosive grenade. 155 A white cat, like an albino human or white whale, has a biochemical quirk. 156 She will not face inland, and so the Whale will not swim ashore. 157 The boats were lowered but the harpooner on the boat nearest him was devoured by the Great White Whale. 158 The sperm whale at Tranque, Ishmael says, was about right for a large-sized whale of this type. 159 The altered gene has also been found in mink, cattle-and a single killer whale. 160 Brave whalers were pitted against the mysterious powers of the deep, as represented by the huge whale. 161 What body changes occur when the sperm whale dives? 162 He told us a whale of a story. 163 We saw the whale shark in the aquarium. 164 A whale is a kind of mammal. 165 A beluga whale at Vancouver's aquarium. 166 Which sounds a whale of a birth plan. 167 North Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead. 168 A blue whale is bigger than a dinosaur. 169 They had a whale of a good time. 170 The whale is the largest mammal in all creation. 171 Putin had arrived for the dive a day after clipping a satellite transmitter onto a Beluga whale called on Chkalov island in Russia's far east. 172 A crew of men sets to work stripping the great whale of its blubber. 173 There're lots of animals in North Pole, for example whale, polar bear and sea dog, and I like polar bear best. 174 Numbering well under 50, the eastern North Pacific right whale --which can reach up to 18 metres (60 feet) in length -- falls below theIUCN's threshold of likely viability as a species. 175 This whale has become a sensation at an aquarium after learning how to blow halo-shaped bubbles. 176 A beluga whale swims in a tank at the Vancouver Aquarium. 177 The 17 sea mammals on gruesome display included porpoises, white dolphins, common dolphins, aa pilot whale, a beaked whale and a pilot whale. 178 The most well - known sharks are the great white shark, whale shark, blue shark and hammerhead shark. 179 A southern right whale surfaces in the waters near the Argentinian village of Puerto Piramides on June 17. 180 Even as a baby a blue whale can make a grown man seem like a minnow.