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181 Under the counter of the dhow the whale - boat was tossing furiously. 182 Nature lovers will be on the lookout for eagles, cormorants, and the occasional whale. 183 They hunt the Atlantic minke whale, which has a population of about 103, 000. 184 Just last year, an apparent bowhead-right whale hybrid was photographed in the Bering Sea between Alaska and Russia. 185 Theargument goes that stopping the Japanese from eating whale meat wouldbe akin to stopping Americans from eating apple pie, Australians fromeating meat pies and the British from eating roast beef. 186 The example that is often trotted out is from Beowulf where the kenning "whale road" is used to mean the sea. 187 We took our holidays in Hawaii and had a whale of a time. 188 High demand and rising prices for whale oil spurred a search for and investment in the 19th-century version of alternative energy. 189 Surrounded by snow and ice, an Aleut hunter slices slabs of raw whale blubber for dinner. 190 Existing beaked whale populations are found in nearly every ocean. 191 Blue whale of Antarrct has plunged to less than 1% of the original abundance. West Pacific grey whale hovers on the edge of extinction with just over 100 remaining. 192 New Zealand Department of Conservation spokesman Trish Grant said, the pilot whale stranding South Island tourist city located about 150 km west of Nelson's farewell Sha Tsui. 193 In the story of Moby - Dick, European depended on whale oil for lighting. 194 A village'sentire beach and harbor can be fouled by a single rotting whale. 195 Acaleph, coral, actinia , electric eel, seaweed, shark, whale, seal... 196 Loudest mammal - the Blue Whale. The second loudest is the Howler Monkey. 197 I saw my first whale in a safari park outside London—a captive orca named Ramu—back in the early 1970s. 198 Also known as the Goose-beaked whale, this creature is found as far north as the Shetland Islands and as south as Tierra Del Fuego at the tip of South America. 199 The sperm whale is believe to dive deeper than any other cetacean. 200 Chinese boy, suffering from infantile autism, looks at a beluga whale in Changfeng Park in Shanghai December 21, 2005. 201 Blue Whale my back was light blue, belly full of folds, with ocher color macula. 202 First Putin the conservation warrior joined naturalists chasing a gray whale across the North Pacific, and fired a skin-sampling harpoon into it with a crossbow. 203 Marine Mammal - In 1985, Georgia adopted a state Marine Mammal, the Right Whale. 204 Its calls do not match those of any known species, although they are clearly those of a baleen whale, a group that includes blue, fin and humpback whales. 205 MAR is a participant in the national whale disentanglement network. 206 Men went whaling to get the valuable oil, meat, and bones of whale. 207 Although Westerners were once reliant on whale oil for lighting, we never actually ran out of whales. 208 Tusks of the narwhal whale were once sold as unicorn horns, and were immensely valuable. 209 Living alongside the largest sharks ever known, the raptorial—meaning actively hunting—whale measured about 60 feet (18 meters) in length, about as big as a modern male sperm whale. 210 Establish abasic medical and health care system and improve the heath of the whale nation.