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211 Even though today's compact fluorescents are 500 times more efficient than candles and whale oil lamps, what we spend on overall lighting hasn't gone down. 212 The shorter length of the Thames whale plus postmortem findings led the scientists to conclude it was a young animal. 213 Kerosene refined from such petroleum helped displace the whale oil that lit lamps in the 19th century and led to the near extinction of many whale species. 214 The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. 215 During the summer, many polar bears gather to rest and feed on hunter-harvested bowhead whale remains near Kaktovik, on Barter Island. 216 The whale has drawn huge crowds of curious onlookers, with young and old climbing over rocks slickened by rotting whale fat and braving a powerful stench to gawk at the giant carcass. 217 Central to this image is the eye of a baby southern right whale. The young whale sticks close to its mother as they navigate Patagonia's Nuevo Gulf before the spring migration to Antarctica. 218 The right whale gets its name from whalers who deemed it a particularly good species to hunt, because it floats after being killed. 219 Annasach ended up playing until four in the morning, and had a whale of a time. 220 The stated objectives are to determine the population structure and feeding habits of several whale species, including endangered fin and sei whales, in order to "manage" stocks. 221 That's according to John Hildebrand of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego. He published a 2009 study on whale songs. 222 It also stated that pregnant orbreast-feeding women should refrain from eating any pilot whale meat at all. 223 Villagers grab the line around the fluke of the whale and haul away with shouts and laughter. 224 "There are several beaked whale species that are still known from only a handful of specimens (strandings) and some have never been seen alive, " Dalebout said via email. 225 With the new discovery of whale fossils, scientists have only recently been able to study the efficiency of limbless swimming. 226 A lot of skates and rays and the chimaeras are not as charismatic as white sharks or whale sharks or a manta ray, but these things are probably taken in far greater numbers in terms of by-catch. 227 This photo shows a bowhead whale that was harpooned during the whale fall migration to their winter grounds. 228 But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault. 229 Most astounding, the same gene bureaucracy is franchised throughout life, from fruit fly to whale. 230 Later in the evolution of whale hearing, the toothed and baleen whales parted ways. 231 Australian media say a lost humpback whale calf has bonded with a yacht it seems to think is its mother. 232 Thousands of fish and a dead whale were found dead in the west Mississippi River, Louisiana, US. Species include crabs, sting rays, eels, speckled trout and red fish. 233 I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale [whale song], you know that it don't sound like no spring peeper [frog sound]. 234 In chapter 15, "The Right Whale's Head," the narrator says that the Right Whale is a Stoic and the Sperm Whale is a Platonian, referring to two classical schools of philosophy. 235 Today it is fueling the astonishing resurrection of the Antarctic fur seal, as well as the slow but steady recovery of several whale species. 236 On reviewing the dive video tapes, expedition leader Craig Smith and his team saw that the skeleton was probably either a blue or a fin whale. 237 The most he heard, from sonar echoes in 1997, was very like a whale. 238 These are the caves beneath the waves, where stripy fish with feathery fins and sharks with hideous toothy grins swam round the whale and the snail on his tail. 239 Today, Clark said, New Yorkers could stand on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge and look down on a present-day active whale habitat. 240 And this is the whale lying beached in a bay.