快好知 kuaihz

1. It's easy to fall into a trap, but hard to get out again. 2. He used some cheese to trap the rat. 3. To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap. 4. A trap was laid, with fresh bait. 5. What fools we were not to see the trap! 6. Nets should have fine meshes to trap small particles. 7. The thieves were caught in a police trap. 8. Suspecting nothing, he walked right into the trap. 9. The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit's flesh. 10. The police set a trap for the thieves. 11. The fox got its foot caught in a trap. 12. This landscape seemed to trap and amplify sounds. 13. If you fall into this trap, it will be all your own doing. 14. Caught in the poverty trap, they are unable to save money for business ventures. 15. Fallen into the trap,for you are too greedy,it's not because of others cunning. 16. Have you fallen into the trap on April Fool's day? 17. The trap closed round her leg, badly mangling her ankle. 18. How many rabbits have you trapped in your special trap this week? 19. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can learn a foreign language without doing any work. 20. The fox was caught in the trap. 21. Careful you don't trap your manhood in your zip! 22. We learnt how to trap and skin a rabbit. 23. Some women see marriage as a trap. 24. For some women marriage is a trap. 25. Amanda felt that marriage was a trap. 26. All wholsom food is caught without a net or a trap. 27. The only way to catch mice is to set a trap. 28. The police played an elaborate game of cat and mouse to trap him. 29. Cheese is very good for luring a mouse into a trap. 30. Nancy knew she'd be a sitting duck when she raised the trap door.