快好知 kuaihz

151. Duffy refuses to fall into the trap of spoon-feeding the material to passive students, which only increases their passivity. 152. Finding the rodding arm in an inspection chamber fitted with an interceptor trap is particularly difficult. 153. Sparta disciplined the Phukians, but found herself in a trap. 154. This is usually dictated by the need for a flat area immediately next to the house to act as a sheltered sun trap. 155. They shouldn't fall into the Spurs trap of mounting debts and asset-stripping sales of star players. 156. It was during the episode of Supersense on chemical warfare and trap strategy. 157. To be fair to the tourists they appear to be avoiding that trap as the days trickle by before the Kandy Test. 158. They have drawn out the magical circle simply to trap the adventurers, when they saw them approaching the area. 159. A complicated story unfolds, with Mitchum desperately trying to extricate himself from the trap. 160. That, she said later, was how life baited the trap. 161. With his head and shoulders inside the trap, he reached to the base. 162. The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens. 163. We must have moved all of a foot and a half before we hit a booby trap. 164. Families with such children are sometimes in a moral trap. 165. Be careful of getting caught in the trap of total involvement with your computer. 166. The trap looks rather like an open-ended small plastic cloche, and hangs in the tree. 167. To cap it off, the last but one trap contained a ten pounder. 168. It prevents an enterprise from falling into the self-defeating trap of rewarding one constituent group repeatedly, and repeatedly penalizing others. 169. Caught in the poverty trap, they are unable to make the savings necessary for business ventures. 170. This has led a number of commentators to argue that the unemployment trap is now of little importance to the real world. 171. Job fears and the mortgage debt trap are failing to halt the housing slump. 172. Fire broke out in an old, litter-strewn stand which soon became a death trap in which fifty-six people perished. 173. The pollution is worst during winter, when thermal inversions trap the warmer polluted air above the city. 174. The apothecary came in his pony and trap just before Pa got home. 175. During the next few months and years, we must avoid continuing in the trap that we were in before. 176. Q.. The tub drain and trap under a bathroom and over a crawl space froze last winter. 177. Were they all pretending to be ignorant in order to trap him into making some punishable blunder. 178. Keeping hydrated improves the body's ability to trap and neutralize those microbes before they can gain a foothold. 179. Ronell avoids the trap by proceeding in ever-decreasing circles - or fractal geometry, as it is now known. 180. The exhaust will also have to be fitted with filters to trap the particulates and their carcinogenic PAHs.