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121. Most damaging of all, some scientists fell into this very trap. 122. One who thinks she fell into that trap is 76-year-old Josephine Woods. 123. I paid Fagin to trap Oliver into a life of crime. 124. As levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane increase, the greenhouse effect will trap increasing amounts of heat. 125. Now he had fallen into a trap which the greenest copper would have avoided. 126. The tendency to keep falling into the subjectivity trap usually brings with it a tendency to confuse goals with methods. 127. Anderson combines affection and horror in his version of the seventies while avoiding the trap of nostalgia. 128. Lakes and ponds were tapped, water from the Lys sterilized and stored in barges, and cisterns built to trap rainwater. 129. Trying to find out for certain if you were the burglar, and laying a little trap for you if you were. 130. Yevtushenko asked bluntly whether this concert idea of mine was not a trap to get him into trouble. 131. Luckily, she was wearing tough boots, so the trap had not torn her leg. 132. Mavis raised her eyes to the mill and understood instantly the trap they were all in. 133. The dams also render the animals easy prey for hunters and trap them when the water is drained for irrigation. 134. Volcanic rocks cool quickly, trap the argon, and so give good dates. 135. But Night Trap could not be exempted because it depicted violent actions involving realistic images of human beings rather than straight forward computer graphics. 136. If it really was a bomb, unzipping the cover would almost certainly trip a booby trap. 137. There is no need to bait the trap in any way. 138. And the beam can't be spotted by drivers who use radar trap detectors. 139. I'd like a trap or a gig, something light I could drive myself. 140. Dole was clearly trying to avoid the trap in which former President Bush found himself after violating the tax vow. 141. A more effective insulation is to box in the trap and drainpipe and fill the box with fiberglass insulation. 142. The Opposition was also anxious to embarrass the Government, and to trap it within its own latent inconsistencies. 143. This was the extra boost I needed to clear the trap. 144. The only way into his protective case was through a little trap door he kept locked night and day. 145. A pit trap dug close to the entrance with a bait positioned to lure the ferret. 146. But the second ... I wanted to warn you: black ice, low cloud, a speed trap; some hazard. 147. This week, a new range of digital speed cameras were introduced that can trap up to three vehicles per second. 148. Every area he tells us is secure turns out to be a death trap. 149. Avoid items with sharp edges or the potential to trap fish. 150. The elaborate nets thrown out by air proved far too porous to trap major enemy units.