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181. Modern econometric work has found no conclusive evidence for the existence of a liquidity trap. 182. At least Morton would never fall into that trap ... But it was all moonshine. 183. As she did so, a rusty trap sprang shut, clamping her left foot. 184. Greenhouse gases trap heat and prevent its escape from the atmosphere into space. 185. During the 90s Washington fell into the trap of allowing events to dictate the relationship, with increasingly destabilising results. 186. He scowled at her and then lurched away to trap some other person with his clipboard and pamphlets. 187. It became a more serious potential debt trap than running up bills at retailers. 188. It would be easy, Wheeler said, to block the ditch off to trap the pollutant. 189. Fell into the...trap of slagging off social workers. 190. But small reserves can become a death trap. 191. That whole town is a glorified bear trap. 192. Caught in the act by a remote camera trap, a sambar deer drinks from a water source in Bandhavgarh National Park, India. 193. The first is the return status from a command, and the second is the trap command within your shell. 194. Trap one of these nightingales beneath a bell jar and time stops. 195. The solution of problems such as water hammer, hard to dispose the noncondensables, air lock and selection of steam trap were discussed to save energy, protect environment and lower the cost.