快好知 kuaihz

31. The hunters took a fox by a trap. 32. I realized I'd walked into a trap. 33. She realized that she had blundered into a trap. 34. He baited the trap with a piece of meat. 35. He stepped into a bear trap covered in snow. 36. Solar panels trap energy from the sun. 37. They were laying a trap for the kidnapper. 38. We fell right into the enemy's trap. 39. The hunter lured the fox into a trap. 40. Don't fall into the trap of feeling guilty. 41. His offer smelt of a clear trap. 42. Mind you don't trap your fingers in the door. 43. The hunter laid a trap for the tiger. 44. Is this question a trap? 45. Police believe the fingerprints could help trap the killer. 46. The deer was beguiled into a trap. 47. You fell right into my trap. 48. Just keep your trap shut. 49. He walked into the trap. 50. Mind you don't walk into a trap! 51. The unemployment trap exists when an unemployed person on benefit would be worse off in a low-paid job. 52. The police managed to trap him into revealing his true identity. 53. I wondered if it was an animal caught in a trap. 53. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 54. Journalists informed police who planted an undercover detective to trap Smith. 55. They put a bucket of water on top of his door as a booby trap. 56. Many people fall into the trap of believing that home decorating must always be done on a large scale. 57. He believed he could outmanoeuvre and trap the English king. 58. The undercover agents went to the rendezvous knowing that it might be a trap. 59. Civilian trap in the beleaguer city has been airlifted to safety. 60. The police used him as bait to trap the killers.