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151. New regulations will amend the Insurance Companies Act 1982 and come into force by 21 May 1993. 152. The Convention was to come into force upon ratification by 30 states. 153. Bodies come into the section on a conveyor and are directed automatically into a buffer store. 154. She used to come into his room and sit there by his bed and cry. 155. However, various political considerations come into play with some Bills rather than their merits. 156. A 500 rouble note would come into circulation in the near future. 157. It's environmental benefits may be undisputed, but it seems its suitability for the car engine has now come into question. 158. It also exposes the fallacy of thinking that every possible world might come into existence sooner or later. 159. To prevent any such accident, the king ordered that no flax or hemp should ever come into his castle. 160. For all his shyness, Rawls has exercised a great influence on those who come into personal contact with him. 161. The problem results when acid rainclouds drifting across moorland come into contact with the branches of conifers. 162. Their wings do not normally come into contact, but even so there are problems when the dragonfly executes sharp turns. 163. We chose these three prices because most larger loan discounts come into force when you borrow more than £60,000 or £100,000. 164. New democracies have come into being since the end of the Cold War. 165. Pronethalol had only just come into clinical use when it was found to produce tumours in mice. 166. It's the second time in a quarter of a century that the locals have come into conflict with planning officials. 167. The reason became apparent when she saw a young female come into breeding condition. 168. The draft directive is likely to be adopted by Council in the autumn and would not come into force before 1993. 169. These come into play after corporate plans have been formulated and are concerned with implementing them. 170. The Volkskammer approved a new travel law to come into effect on Feb. 1, 1990. 171. Clearly there are times when correctional staff and professionals come into conflict over their aims. 172. Both the Poll Tax and the Business rate come into force on 1st April 1990. 173. There is no reason why even one possible state should ever come into existence. 174. They are highly controversial and can not come into force until after the next election. 175. Phil Kelber said the evacuation was precautionary to reduce the risk that an open flame might come into contact with the gas. 176. New security measures, including video surveillance cameras, come into force on the city's bus fleet this week. 177. We have often been tempted to abandon this task; then another battered woman would come into our lived. 178. The hills had now come into view, and I enjoyed the grand spectacle of Mount Blue ahead. 179. Accounts must follow a format that will be laid down in regulations due to come into force in September 1993. 180. With decline, such distinctions broke down, and the ruling race was forced to come into closer contact with the ruled.