快好知 kuaihz

come into造句
91. The scientific study of dreams has not yet come into its own. 92. New driving regulations are going to come into force later this year. 93. The Japanese maple that stands across the drive had just come into leaf. 94. She'll come into quite a lot of money when her father dies. 95. You can contract Aids if your bodily fluids come into contact with the bodily fluids of someone else who is infected with HIV. 96. The school is on your right as you come into the village. 97. I always have so many things to attend to when I come into the office after a trip abroad. 98. How had this com-promising picture come into the possession of the press? 99. Come into the warm and get dry, both of you. 100. His position did not come into it. 101. They'd come into the shops covered in Christmas decorations. 102. Logic does not come into it at all. 103. I have come into this chapel to commit murder. 104. In anticipation and retrospect, holidays come into their own. 105. And material riches do not come into it. 105. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 106. Besides, shagging had not come into it. 107. Again, appearance and reality come into conflict. 108. Even at this early design stage, Ogilvy and Mather had come into the project as equity partner and future tenant. 109. They come into existence after relatively brief periods of rapid change in a small sub-population of a pre-existing species. 110. Generally people start to come into their own in their second season. 111. When you first come into the building, you'll see the elevators just across the lobby. 112. Since deregulation in 1979, dozens of airlines have gone out of business and dozens more have come into existence. 113. Not a penny of federal money could come into Chicago without clearing through Daley. 114. I waited for him to come into my room and say hello. 115. Do, Aristotle asked, all the parts of the embryo come into existence together, or do they appear in succession? 116. Also in accordance with the agreement, the government gazette announced that a multiparty system had come into effect on May 11. 117. She wasn't even sure why she'd been so reluctant to come into contact with him. 118. Viridian and phthalocyanine green come into their own when a particularly transparent mid green is required. 119. May we learn to treat with respect everyone that we come into contact with. 120. As we drive on, the Willapa Hills of coastal Washington come into view.