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121. The bill is expected to received royal assent in July, the regulations to come into force early 1994. 122. He's decided to come into motor sport and stands a good chance. 123. Other factors also come into account such as the angular momentum of the two bodies. 124. Officer Browning has kindly agreed to come into school and give us a talk on crime prevention. 125. But this is actually only one of six sets of regulations and guidance which are due to come into force. 126. They will brighten the garden, produce leaf and die down again often before other plants have come into growth. 127. Yet both of them must come into contact with the same assortment of germs and viruses in their daily lives. 128. The forensic scientist - as distinct from the forensic pathologist - has come into his own. 129. Only when the very complicated structure of the brain exists will smells come into existence. 130. Section 20 will come into operation in the absence of express agreement or other clear evidence of the intention of the partners. 131. Once you are relaxed, focus your attention on the music and see what images come into your mind. 132. Christina found herself remembering the way the promising young architect had first come into their lives. 133. Should the proposals come into force they would greatly affect the already unfairly restricted use of metal detectors. 134. He has, of course, come into recent prominence through a long association with the late Robert Maxwell. 135. But caution is required where miracles come into play; let us stick to the facts. 136. Sorry, you can't come into this club - you're barred. 137. Ralph, the first boy to come into contact with Piggy did not try to be friendly towards him. 138. Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.Fyodor Dostoyevsky 139. Full implementation was delayed until after the Companies Act 1989 had come into effect. 140. Meanwhile, more than 1, 350 city contractors have come into compliance with the law. 141. As frozen crystals come into contact as water droplets they fuse together forming even bigger crystals. 142. This season Brooks has really come into his own as a goal scorer. 143. It is conceivable that quotas may come into future use to encourage or limit the numbers of certain types of applicant. 144. Another amazing fact is that crystals actually vibrate at different frequencies when they come into contact with other energy fields. 145. But he was still at an experimental stage of his thinking, and this enabled his political opportunism to come into play. 146. They come into effect next month and we shall issue planning policy guidance later this month. 147. It will double the number of vehicles that will come into King's Cross or St. Pancras during the morning peak hours. 148. Economic practices come into the literature in determining a fair price or a fair wage. 149. But a mild winter and plenty of rain means that this year the flowers have come into bloom a month early. 150. The divide between the two groups is considerable yet, increasingly, they do come into contact with each other.