快好知 kuaihz

come into造句
61. Several new members have come into the club since last year. 62. Modern cosmology believes the Universe to have come into existence about fifteen billion years ago. 63. Come into my office. 64. Come into the warm! 65. When a person is ill, the body's natural defence mechanisms come into operation. 66. It's cold standing out there - come into the warm. 67. Do not let the glue come into contact with water. 68. A variety of factors come into play when choosing an employee. 69. The real existence of a military option will come into play. 70. Don't let that glue come into contact with your skin. 71. Phelan is fit again and could come into the reckoning. 72. Come into the kitchen. I've got to put the roast in. 73. Drugs are believed to come into the country through five main entry points. 74. The new law will come into operation by midnight tomorrow. 75. Personal feelings should not come into play when you are making business decisions. 76. If the winter weather is mild, plants may come into flower too early. 77. A new EU directive on maternity leave will come into force next month. 78. I got the job because I was the best. My looks didn't come into it . 79. Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate. 80. Doctors exercise considerable power and often come into conflict with politicians. 81. Personal feelings should not come into play when one has to make business decisions. 82. The treaty will come into force on the stroke of midnight tonight. 83. Organized crime has an insidious influence on all who come into contact with it. 84. This was the cue for him to come into the room. 85. Long skirts have come into fashion again. Faded jeans are still in fashion too. 86. Many of these problems may simply fade into irrelevance when the new rules come into force. 87. The new Children's Act will come into force next year. 88. On seeing us come into the room, he started up from the bed. 89. She can't just come into this office and start laying down the law. 90. All your faculties have come into play in your work.