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break up造句
61. The kids break up on Wednesday. 62. Rotary cultivator A powered digger to break up ground. 63. When does your school break up? 64. In spring the icebergs begin to break up. 65. It took just one of the party girls to drift by and break up his life. 66. The facility also serves as a badly needed testing ground for new chemicals designed to break up spills. 67. Cath from T-shirts is on crutches after treading barefoot on broken glass trying to break up a skinhead brawl. 68. I was worried that she might shut me out and that our marriage might break up. 69. The grey clouds that had prevailed that morning began to break up, promising a fine afternoon. 70. The first days of the war saw the Saltash Territorials ordered to break up camp at Exeter and proceed to Falmouth. 71. Divorce has become socially more acceptable, so more marriages break up. 72. An Institute of Agrarian Reform was founded to break up large estates and redistribute them to landless labourers. 73. He is understood to feel that compulsory sales would break up historic estates. 74. Martin did well to recover from the onslaught to go a break up in the third set. 75. The old masters merely dammed streams and created lakes to break up the landscape or else reflect its beauty. 76. Their original intentions were to break up the monotony of the London dance scene and inject a little humour and imagination. 77. Dispersion: This is the ability of a detergent to break up a body of dirt into fine particles. 78. Break up chocolate flakes, press some around sides and decorate with strawberries and the remaining chocolate flakes. 79. The declared aim of such finance pirates is to break up the giants, and sell them off bit by bit. 80. Your two crystals grow visibly: they break up from time to time and the pieces also grow. 81. The process constitutes a national threat because it will break up the United Kingdom. 82. For many it was something to break up the monotony of camp-life. 83. You're obviously still in turmoil from the break up of your marriage and you need help and advice. 84. Radical activists wanted to break up the estates that once belonged to the Shah and his acolytes. 85. Add garlic and ground beef and cook, stirring constantly to break up lumps. 86. Fold together all the filling ingredients, taking care not to break up the marshmallows and banana slices. 87. New technology allows companies to decentralize, contract out and break up large factories which have unionized workforces. 88. Don't be such a wimp, Simon. Tell her you want to break up. 89. But consider this, she says: Six out of 10 marriages that break up involve children. 90. As the salt crust thins, so cracks appear in the surface and the flats begin to break up.