快好知 kuaihz

break up造句
121. He can break up the rhythm with the deceptive powers of a confidence trickster and made something happen from seemingly stagnant positions. 122. Did he seriously believe that she had set out to break up a woman's marriage? 123. Repeated insertion of a fork to its full length is all that is needed to break up shallow pans. 124. Horses' shoes break up the trails and leave them exposed to erosion. 125. When they break up, non-marital separations can be as traumatic as a divorce. 126. The Schirmer and break up time test confirmed a decrease of tear secretion. 127. They do nothing to break up the food into easily swallowed gobbets or to tease out the hard inedible bits. 128. Tear gas was used to break up demonstrations by 300 striking bus drivers and students in Managua on July 21. 129. The drug, called tPA, is a blood-thinner widely used to break up the clots that cause heart attacks. 130. We turn under the brambles and sorrel, break up the fertile earth, and plant the magic seeds. 131. They enable us to break up the larger and more nebulous goals, into smaller, more manageable pieces. 132. When set, break up into small pieces. Cut the oranges into segments and place in a serving dish. 133. From meteor studies we know that cometary meteors break up over a very wide range of dynamic pressures during atmospheric entry. 134. His drink problem caused the break up of his marriage. 135. What causes continents to break up and drift apart? 136. We'll break up that plot of ground soon. 137. You should break up your wasteful habits. 138. It can break up a bad traffic snarl. 139. Falling raindrops break up through hydrodynamic effects. 140. Did you break up amicably? 141. Simethicone helps break up gas bubbles in the gut. 142. All revolutions, as they loosen the rigid bonds of social traditions and break up Saturnian privileges and estates, release enormous social energies. 143. To break up ( ore, for example ) with a gad. 144. To break up and be being cut off character, connecting is a kind of retrorse dimensional processing means fully, it is to point to the interface that will break up a space so all or partial eliminate. 145. They break up the shoals into smaller, more manageable balls , and all the hunters benefit. 146. You should be cautious of these distractions, but allow yourself the occasional distraction to break up your day. 147. Though Pangea was intact, the first rumblings of continental break up could be heard. 148. We have not only seen an earlier break up of ice on rivers and melting glaciers, but also the early emergence of insects, egg laying by birds and the flowering of plants. 149. Break up two area with soft partition, advocate lying illicit close sex is insusceptible also, the job wants tiredly to rest, turn a body it is big bed, unapt also regained consciousness again. 150. Things go downhill from there and they eventually break up.