快好知 kuaihz

break up造句
91. They were all very highly strung and eventually, they did break up. 92. Break up the chunks with a wooden spoon as it cooks, then strain the pulp through a jelly bag. 93. Weathering is a general term for all the processes that can break up rocks. 94. The police had to break up yesterday's animal rights demonstration. 95. The police had to use tear gas to break up the protest. 96. I left it a while but they didn't break up, so I went over to see what was going on. 97. In time the Soviet bloc might begin to break up as nationalism reasserted itself among the satellite states. 98. I never said a word about my decision to break up with her. 99. If she experiences too many challenges at one step, then break up that step into even smaller chunks. 100. Slashes break up paragraphs / like lines of lyrics / and choruses repeat and blur / like a gentle remix. 101. It was usually best to break up a demonstration in the early stages. 102. My duty was to supply conversation to break up the monotony of the heat-haze on the straight roads through the bush. 103. A reformed Competition Commission will be able to break up monopolies,[http:///break up.html] free from interference from ministers. 104. Lime is spread to help to break up heavy wet clay soils. 105. It was less cruel to end a short, passionate love affair than to break up a five-year marriage. 106. To get maximum impact, break up the messages and the format. 107. A gang of youths threw stones and missiles at officers who were trying to break up the display. 108. After a time, all knew that the concourse was not going to turn sour or break up in a fight. 109. It was argued that the fierce weather which had prevented a salvage operation also helped break up the oil. 110. We will encourage greater competition in the banking sector. Break up monopolies. 111. I mean, there were shoving matches that Security had to break up. 112. Most couples who break up seem to find it hard to remain friends. Kim and Gerry are exceptions to that rule. 113. The government wanted to break up this system, which, it claimed, encouraged prison riots. 114. Water may break up rocks, too, simply by pounding against them, as waves do. 115. The police were attacked as they tried to break up the crowd. 116. The police fired into the air to make the crowd break up. 117. A stable soil soaks up water, and allows acid to break up bedrock and create more soil. 118. The police were instructed to break up the demonstration and arrest the ringleaders. 119. My new companions break up the cigarettes, and make tea with the herb. 120. Some back-row moves would certainly help to break up the pattern of play, but they must have a solid scrum first.