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break up造句
181. Science really doesn't understand why it happens, but it's likely due to racing thoughts, the 'he-said, she-said' reenactment of the break up plays out mentally while at rest. 182. Typically, I like to break up build scripts by core function and ensure they can be executed as stand-alone scripts (think build componentization). 183. They had to break up the mission work in Kansas City a few years before. 184. The police were called in to break up ( ie stop ) the fracas. 185. The dirt ball passed through unharmed, to land and break up several yards beyond. 186. " he observed to Drouet, with a tone of good-fellowship, "when you leave your wife alone, you must let me show her around a little. It will break up her loneliness. 187. No concrete road surface is thinner than 10 cm since any smaller thickness might break up. 188. Not the slightest ill omen prior to the quake, I felt myself sitting on a powder magazine and the ground is going to break up at any possible time. 189. The Come-on: I'll break up with you if you don't have sex with me. 190. Mooch off of them until they get sick of you. Get real drunk and confess your feelings, and then break up. 191. Break up to pork sell for pigskin of lean lean, chop, fat no wonder perhaps. 192. Among former Warsaw Pact countries,[http:///break up.html] the majority of Russians and Ukrainians said the break up of the Soviet Union was a bad thing. 193. Break up the interval ( a, b ) into small enough intervals. 194. Along with the break up of contract's principle of relativity, the protective force of contracts for the third persons has become stronger. 195. All examined with tear break up time ( BUT ), Schirmer I test ( SIt ) , rose bengal ( RB ) staining. 196. But efforts by progressives to break up trusts failed because, like Standard Oil at the time, they could simply move to less reform-minded states with more permissive commercial laws. 197. The 2nd kind is symbolistic break up, the measure that it includes to use content of baluster, glass, overhang or light, colour to wait for blame substance will differentiate space. 198. The researchers analyzed sediment layers at sites in New Jersey, Connecticut and England, where lakes had been swallowed by lava at different times after the break up of Pangea. 199. Basis rub Er is mensurable , the amount of the transistor on chip will break up one time inside 18 months. 200. You'd better break up with your sleazy boyfriend before you get hurt. 201. Don't let him put a guilt trip on you! So why did you break up with him anyway? 202. They break up with you, fire you, leave you, or humiliate you. 203. To break up and level ( soil or land ) with a harrow. 204. It was, according to Webb, the colonial governors who favored the small farmer, opposed the plantation system, and tried through taxation to break up large holdings of land. 205. Opponents would try to break up meetings by threatening to ride down supporters of reform. 206. The employer Used a lockout to break up the employee strike. 207. Afterword, if two people love each other more adherence, more do not break up courage, would be less regret, less tragedy. 208. I agree with your point of view, perhaps the main 20,30-day moving average, and so the last shift, to be short and medium term moving average bond break up and then choose. 209. The coward's way is to break up by SMS, e - mail or phone message. 210. The message is send by multicast tree in multicast network, once the branch node in multicast tree failure, the network in Low River will break up.