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break up造句
151. These lightly armoured skirmishers , drawn from the peasantry, are armed with javelins which they hurl at their foes to weaken their enemies and break up formations. 152. The second day, 286 ask me to eat sparerib noodles, I eat of a happy, break up that matter thoroughly to record. 153. If break up, why a person can leave big-heartedly but does the another want to weep over silently? 154. Poseida had been the least damaged of the major Atlantean cities after the break up into islands, and was still of a very high frequency and quality of life. 155. Dermal middle - level is hemal by collagen bundle break up naturally be like crack form. 156. Wait, before I break up clinch a deal the record calculates. 157. More broadly, he said it was a "crazy proposition" to even talk about a possible break up of the 17-nation currency bloc because European leaders were fully committed to making the euro area work. 158. Bowel of will small lamb immerses , abluent, break up, outside using corn flour, scatter. 159. The seal (5) is torn for usage, then pushing and pressing along the arrow head direction (6) by hand, to break up the isolation layer (3). 160. To break up and level ( soil or land ) with harrow. 161. Even though geography and academic obligations can provide a graceful exit, some couples who may not be sure if they want to stay together might not want to break up, either. 162. A unity invariably tends to break up into different parts. 162.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 163. My girlfriend says she wants to break up. I'm dog house now. 164. Horizontal consolidation in shock after last Wednesday in Shenzhen City, the first to break up. 165. This allows you to break up a large, complex model into smaller units that individual developers can work independently. 166. Break up copy into easy-to-read sectio ns - Use subheadings and bulleted lists to highlight benefits. 167. Emulsion breaker, equipment or a process such as a heater, mechanical device, electrostatic treater, or chemicals that break up an emulsion into its components. 168. Consequently, we used Rose's "unit control" feature to break up the model as appropriate. 169. These vortices are a major source of induced drag, but when a fish nears the water's surface the vortices start to break up. 170. It includes audio-visual filters which distort sounds and break up the wearer's vision into facets. 171. It is partition with lamplight, it is support illume appliance, perhaps use different illuminance, different light source , will break up dimensional design. 172. Police in the capital of Kyrgyzstan have used tear gas to break up a fight during an opposition demonstration calling for the president's resignation. 173. Goddess in the moon gives me a book from heaven in those days, be lost by me between every, from now on laic break up turn over a book to know when to blow where rained. 174. Reminiscence in practice and sensationalism in research break up the history relation of the theories. 175. A dawdle is most also with respect to 3 money, if cut them 5, 8, its price can break up severalfold even a few times. 176. Now, " he observed to Drouet, with a tone of good-fellowship, "when you leave your wife alone, you must let me show her around a little. It will break up her loneliness. 177. Roosevelt responded with regulations and federal antitrust lawsuits to break up the greatest concentrations of industrial power. 178. And if this affair does lead to a break up of your marriage and into a new permanent relationship, the chances are you will end up with the same problems! 179. Plants can also break up stonework. Tree roots have cracked this statue of Khmer god. 180. Riot police detained about 60 protesters on Saturday who tried to violently break up the Balkan country's first gay pride parade that defied severe opposition by the church and far right groups.