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在2011年的冬季刊,中国发展简报刊发文章,对全球知名社会创新社会变革的引领和推动者,美国NGO—Ashoka(爱创家)进行了介绍。本期,中国发展简报又荣幸地约请到Ashoka的创始人和CEO比尔·德雷顿( Bill Drayton)先生本人接受专访,分享他个人对社会创新社会创新家的理解,以及Ashoka在全球各国的实践,包括“登陆”中国的计划和进展。在德雷顿看来,发乎内心、秉持道德操守、专注地奉献于所有人的福祉,以高度的创造性推动社会体系和模式的改变,是社会创新家所需具备的特质。


比尔·德雷顿是阿育王:服务公众的爱创家机构的创始人和首席执行官,他引领了社会创新领域的发展,迄今已经发展了包括近3000名顶尖社会创新家的全球网络,他们共同努力创建一个“人人都是变革者”(everyone a changemaker™)的世界。德雷顿从青少年时期就是一个社会创新家。在哈佛大学和耶鲁大学读书期间,他发起成立了几个组织机构,包括耶鲁大学法律服务中心和每周一次跨学科的社会科学论坛——哈佛大学阿育王会议。1970年,他开始为在纽约的麦肯锡咨询公司工作。1977年到1981年,他担任美国环境保护署助理署长,在任期间,他发起了排放交易(《京都议定书》的基础)和其他改革。1981年,在为麦肯锡咨询公司兼职工作期间,他成立了两家机构,一个是阿育王,一个是保护环境保护署(Save EPA),后者后来更名为环境安全(Environmental Safety)。1984年他被选为麦克阿瑟研究员Fellow,获得奖金,使他得以全身心地投入阿育王的工作。目前他除了担任阿育王理事长兼首席执行官,还担任另外三个项目机构的理事长,分别是鼓励、资助和支持青少年创业的Youth Venture、倡导城市居民创建和共享绿地的Community Greens、推动美国更全面就业政策的Get America Working!。 迄今为止,由于他做出的显赫成就,德雷顿获得了世界上众多的奖项和荣誉。


拍摄:Yusuke  Abe


问:你如何定义社会企业(social enterprise, social business)、社会企业家精神(social entrepreneurship)?社会创新家(social entrepreneur)需要具备什么标准,或者具备什么基本素质才能成功?社会创新家和传统的非政府组织在应对和解决社会问题方面有什么不同?


























































答: Ashoka过去几年已经开始在东亚的工作。我们12月份选择了首批两名日本的Ashoka伙伴。他们中的一个正致力于改变老年人护理业,包括把这个领域的一半工作机会给予那些遭受歧视的人,比如移民。另一个伙伴正在许多国家,包括中国, 与听障人士一道开发一种通用的手语。















How would you define social enterprise (also known as social business) as compared to social entrepreneurship? What standards or essential components should social entrepreneurs have in order to be successful? In addressing social issues, how are social entrepreneurs and traditional NGOs different? 

The social investing world is in the middle of another outbreak of embracing “social enterprise,” an idea that has also been associated with impact investing and many other names over the years.  How could one not like investing where one can make a profit and achieve useful social impact?  Moreover, there really are such opportunities – and therefore enticing stories.

Every four to six years this opportunity is discovered anew, given an alluring name, and publicized by its proud discoverer.  Firms and funds are launched, and money is committed.

Some of those investment funds find good deals.  However, since the number of good opportunities did not suddenly increase, most of the new wave of investor resources either do poorly or are not invested (the smart minority).  The enthusiasm then slinks quietly away – until someone else discovers this El Dorado all over, gives it a new name, etc.

These waves focus on only a narrow sliver of the need for social investing.  The full range of opportunity for funding (and people’s time, information in and out, and captive businesses) extends from grants (no financial return) through mixed revenue situations (e.g., a school that earns some fees, seeks grants, and gets a lot of parent volunteering) to diverse business equities.  These waves of enthusiasm, moreover, do very, very little to change the underlying patterns.  They announce a new “investment class” and encourage everyone to go and find deals.  This is about retail investing.

Social entrepreneurship is deeply different.

It is about pattern change, not retail deals.  And it is not limited to a narrow financial niche.

Ashoka is not interested in investing in a school or a clinic.  Ashoka social entrepreneurs are about, for example, a new approach to educating or parenting, a new system that spots and roots out fake pharmaceuticals or that connects older and young people to their mutual benefit.  Three-quarters of the Ashoka Fellows have changed the pattern in their field (e.g., environment or rural development) at the national level within five years of launch.  In some circumstances, it is important to give people fish.  It is usually better to teach them how to fish.  The biggest impact, however, is not such direct service, retail work; it is redesigning the fishing industry.

That is what entrepreneurs do.  Social entrepreneurs redesign the fishing industry – to serve the good of all. 


What is the background in which social entrepreneurship emerged, and what social impact did/do they have? How does it relate to NGOs or the civil society?

The underlying central force of our era is that the rate of change is still escalating exponentially.  So are the number of people causing change and, perhaps most important, the ever-richer combinations and combinations of combinations of people causing change.

In this world, the basic systems of society, which we still tend to think of as being givens, are in fact changing ever more rapidly -- with each change triggering yet further changes in other parts of society’s systems.

These changes can easily go in harmful directions.  Thus, for example, right now privacy is suffering terribly.  We need preventive surveillance because now a very few can cause huge harm; the cost of connecting all the dots in all our lives has become negligible; and the dominant digital business model is to give people something, get information in return, and make a profit by selling that information (e.g., via advertising).  Our consequent accelerating loss of privacy is alarming for many reasons, not least the fact that creativity needs privacy.

Who will spot such traps (and new opportunities), care, and be able to help guide society back to better balance?  Systems change requires entrepreneurs; indeed, this is what defines this special type of person.  And here one needs the even more special social entrepreneur: The lives -- and therefore the work -- of these men and women are devoted from deep within to the good of all.  Consider the founders of the movement that ended slavery; Florence Nightingale, who pioneered the nursing profession; and Muhammad Yunus, who spread microcredit across the globe. 


As these examples suggest, social entrepreneurs work wherever the opportunity or need is greatest.  They do not let the definitional or organizational boundaries created to serve yesterday’s solutions get in the way.


However, as the underlying rate of change has accelerated exponentially (this is mathematically true) over the last decades, our field has grown every bit as fast.  We had to invent the term “social entrepreneur” 30 years ago.  Now in virtually all the leading business schools, more students sign up for our field than the old favorites, marketing and finance.  As these social entrepreneurs have gone to work, the productivity, scale, and now globalization of the citizen sector have experienced explosive growth -- far much more so than the rest of the economy in the advanced OECD countries where we have reliable statistics.  That is why the social sector in these countries is growing jobs at 2.5 to 3 times the rate of the rest of the economy.


Can you describe your support to social entrepreneurs in the world? What criteria and conditions do you impose when choosing them? 


For Ashoka to elect an idea and its entrepreneur (and the institution needed to support both), we must believe that the idea and the person together will change the pattern in an important field (for example, health, the environment, children and young people), at least at a continental level.  Is there an important new idea?  Is the person highly creative, very much an entrepreneur by temperament, and guided by strong ethical fiber?  Is the idea, once demonstrated, one others in that field will copy because they find it new and important and practical?

We are very tough in applying these criteria – using a five step selection process with different people at each step.  Over half the Ashoka Fellows have changed national policy within five years of their launch.  Three quarters have changed the pattern in their field at the national level within the same five years. This is true over the 80 countries where we work.  Our process works.

When are looks at the work of the Ashoka Fellows, on the one hand one is delighted and amazed by the degree to which an idea in the hands of an entrepreneur can, indeed, change the world.  One is also struck by the fact that the ideas are not rocket science.  Any of your readers, if they just gave themselves permission and went at it, could identify a problem (that certainly is not hard!), figure out a solution, and then make it the new pattern.  I hope they will!

What types of NGOs are suitable for a business model approach (that is, in the public interest and also using a business model, as in a social enterprise)? Is it appropriate for advocacy organizations, for example, environmental NGOs?

Social entrepreneurs are not limited to any form, certainly not the narrow sliver of “social enterprise.”  Much of their creativity lies in finding new, practical ways of advancing the good.

What is the role of the social  entrepreneur in society?

The social entrepreneur’s job is to create something new.  Something that serves the good of all — and something that works.

The greatest value here comes from something others have never imagined.  A humble willingness to be surprised, even to enjoy the predictably unpredictable is a wise guide for all who want this very special orchid in the forest to bloom and flourish.

Although the new is always a little uncomfortable, the true social entrepreneur is carefully and for deep, reliable reasons, a safe neighbor.  The social entrepreneur lives for the day his/her contribution has become society’s new pattern.  Controversy and conflict put his/her life purpose at risk.  They do not want to make a statement.  They have to make their life contribution.  They are not activists or political; they are entrepreneurs. 


Ashoka has been working in many countries to promote social entrepreneurship. In the last few years, social entrepreneurship and social innovation have become hot topics and pursuits in the not-for-profit sector in China. What is holding Ashoka back from becoming more involved and promoting it in China? Is it because of timing? What are your plans? 

Ashoka has begun work in East Asia over the last several years.  We elected the first two Japanese Fellows last month.  (One is transforming care for the elderly — including moving to give half the jobs in the field to those suffering discrimination, including immigrants: The other Fellow is working with the deaf in many countries, including China, to develop one common sign language.)

And on January 28, we launched a special program in the triple disaster-hit northeast for 12- to 20-year-olds with their own dream to help them build their own team and leave an ongoing change for the good.  Eighty local young people came and are at work.  One example:a 14-year-old girl who lost family and is living in refugee housing noticed that many of the people living there were isolated.  She is therefore putting in place a simple meeting place with coffee for the equivalent of 20 U.S. cents.  She plans more such centers.

One of my favorite encounters in this Ashoka Youth Venture program in southern Japan was a 17-year-old Mongolian exchange student who is helping other non-Japanese, who have trouble getting jobs there, help tourists from China.  Do you have a moment’s doubt that she will be a great contributor in life?  Or that she is helping all the other young people working with her learn empathy and teamwork and also absorb the idea that they too can become changemakers?

We hope to begin work more fully in China and Korea soon.  In both cases, we are looking for a superb caliber person who can guide us to serve in wise and sensitive ways.  We need someone who is himself or herself a proven entrepreneur, who intuitively “gets” the Ashoka vision, who has strong social and emotional intelligence, who has exceptional ethical fiber, and who can be a full member of a global team that uses English as our common language.

In the meantime, we have taken small steps to share.  We were delighted when David Bornstein’s How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas (Oxford and 30 other publishers), the excellent classic introduction to our field, was translated into both forms of Chinese.  We have brought a series of Ashoka leading social entrepreneur Fellows from around the world to universities and other forums in China to help introduce our field and the Fellows’ ideas.  We have a number of Fellows, an Ashoka Support Network group, and other programs in Hong Kong.  A number of Fellows from many other parts of the world have brought their work to China.

Once we find our Representative, we will proceed, as we always do, balancing respectful learning and our desire to move ahead.  We will certainly come to you with many questions.

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