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红娘鱼(Sea robins),又叫绿鳍鱼(gurnard), 是鲂鮄科(Triglidae)以底栖动物为食的蝎子形鱼类。它们以其大型胸鳍而出名,它们在游泳时能像飞翔的鸟类翅膀一样打开和收起。


它们是居住于海底的鱼(深达200 m,660ft)。多数鱼种的长度约为30至40厘米(12至16英寸)。它们的头骨非常坚固,许多鱼种身上也有铠甲板。另外一个明显的特征具有“擂鼓的肌肉”,这个肌肉拍打鱼鳔而声音。被抓住时,它们发出类似于青蛙呱呱(guǎ)的声音,所以又因拟声呱呱而得名(gurnard)。






Sea robins, also known as gurnard, arebottom-feeding scorpaeniform fishes in the family Triglidae. They get theirname from their large pectoral fins, which, when swimming, open and close likea bird’s wings in flight.


They are bottom dwelling fish, living atdepths of up to 200 m (660 ft). Most species are around 30 to 40 cm (12 to 16in) in length. They have an unusually solid skull, and many species alsopossess armored plates on the body. Another distinctive feature is the presenceof a “drumming muscle” that makes sounds by beating against the swim bladder.When caught, they make a croaking noise similar to a frog, which has given themthe onomatopoetic name gurnard.


Sea robins have six spiny “legs”, three oneach side. These legs are actually flexible spines that were once part of thepectoral fin. Over time, the spines separated themselves from the rest of thefin, developing into feeler-like “forelegs.” The pelvic fins have been thoughtto let the fish “walk” on the bottom, but are really used to stir up food. Thefirst three rays of the pectoral fins are membrane free and used forchemoreception.


Sea robins have sharp spines on their gillplates and dorsal fins that inject a mild poison, causing slight pain for twoto three days.



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分子智能学 使徒1,2,3,41.红河卫生职业学院(2015-)2.重庆医科大学附属第一医院(2013-2014)3.中国科学院昆明动物研究所(2010-201...(展开)