

  归纳概括:要求在阅读和理解全文的基础上对文章作出归纳、概括或评价。解这种题目时,不能只凭文中的只言片语而断章取义,比如涉及文章的标题(title)、主题(main idea)、结论(conclusion)、结局(end)等有关问题,都需要在细读全文的基础上,结合所学语言知识、背景知识、生活常识、专业知识进行逻辑思维推理判断,从而获取文章中内隐的信息。
  one day, a doctor was looking over the eyesight of the young men who were ready to join the army. by jeff’s turn the doctor pointed to the eye chart(图表)on the wall and said, "please read the top line, young man."
  "the top line of what?"
  "the top line of the chart."
  "what chart?"
  "the one on the wall."
  "where’s the wall?" jeff asked. at last the doctor thought the young man’s eyesight was too poor. he couldn’t join the army.
  that evening the same young man was at the cinema when another man came and sat next to him. when the film was over and the lights went on, the young man found that it was the doctor who sat next to him. at once he said to the doctor, "excuse me, madam, but does this bus go to the museum street?"
  judge the following sentences true (t) or false (f).
  1. the young man hoped to be a soldier.
  2. at first the doctor believed what the young man had said.
  3. the young man’s eyesight was really weak.
  第二道小题,题干的意思是说医生开始的时候相信了年青人的话。这道题属于语义理解性题目,在短文中第六段中"at last the doctor thought the young man’s eyesight was too poor."这句话中可以看出答案是正确的。
  people all over the world eat rice. millions of people in asia, africa, and south america live on it. some people eat almost nothing but rice. rice is a kind of grass. there are more than 7,000 kinds of rice. most kinds are water plants. farmers grow rice in many countries, even in the south of the united states and in eastern australia.
  china is the world’s largest rice-growing country. in XX, china grew 166 million tons of rice. but it is not easy to feed the world’s largest population. in the 1960s, thousands of chinese died because they didn’t have enough food to eat. in the 1970s, yuan longping, a chinese scientist, grew a kind of rice called hybrid(杂交) rice. it makes 20% more rice than any other kind. hybrid rice is a stronger plant, unlike ordinary rice. it can grow in lots of water or in not much water. it doesn’t easily get diseases or worms.
  today, half of china’s rice plants are yuan’s special hybrid rice. china uses yuan’s hybrid rice to grow much more rice than before. yuan is known as the father of hybrid rice. he won the world food prize for his work to help feed so many people.
  choose the best choice from abc or d according to the passage above.
  1. rice is grown ______ in the world.
  a. in lots of countriesb. for humans and animals
  c. only on wet landd. by chinese farmers
  2. china _____ in the world.
  a. offers the best rice to peopleb. harvests the most rice
  c. has the largest farmlandd. is short of rice
  3. yuan longping’s hybrid rice ______.
  a. gets sick more oftenb. is ordinary rice
  c. can grow without waterd. can make more rice than the others
  4. the chinese scientist, yuan longping, is famous for ______.
  a. the father of riceb. his rice to feed all chinese
  c. his hybrid riced. growing different kinds of rice
  1—4 abdc
  第一道小题的设题属于语义理解性题目,在世界的什么地方可以种植水稻,从文章中的第一段中"farmers grow rice in many countries",只有答案a中用的"lots of"这个词,many与lots of是同义词,因此从这句话可以选出答案a是正确的。
  第二道小题也属于语义理解性题目,从第二段的第一句话"china is the world’s largest rice-growing country."可以推断出答案b是正确的。
  第三道小题属于直接理解性题目,从第二段中的"it makes 20% more rice than any other kind."可以选出答案d是正确的。
  第四道小题属于归纳概括性题目,需认真阅读全文,仔细推敲每个答案:答案a具有片面性,文章中说他是the father of hybrid rice而不是the father of rice;答案b 的题干是his rice to feed all chinese,而在文章中说half of china’s rice plants are yuan’s special hybrid rice,此答案明显是不正确的;答案c是正确的;答案d的题干是growing different kinds of rice,而从文章中可以得知yuan longping只是种植杂交水稻。答题时考生要在正确理解短文内容的基础上,认真看清短文后的题目内容和要求,然后根据短文内容,运用分析、排除等方法选择正确答案。对短文中没有直接说明又无法从短文所提供的材料上明确做出判断的,就要在理解字面意思的基础上进行深入分析、推理,或联想短文材料以外的常识加以考虑,从而推断出正确答案。
  our school is always asking students to take part in school activities(活动)and events. what’s been going on in our school?
  every week there is a film night of popular chinese and english films. after the films, there’re discussions groups where the audience can share their ideas and ask questions about the films. every two weeks, on wednesday there is a cooking night. students come and cook delicious chinese dishes. the first thursday of each month is a fun night. students come to play computer games or to sing karaoke. there are karaoke competitions. so young people can come and show off their singing.
  there are also a few short classes on subjects such as chinese handwriting and the history of china. these are open to the whole city.
  every year we have a special activity with the name china night. it is our most exciting and biggest activity of the year. there are traditional and modern chinese singing, dancing and acting. what a great night it is!
  answer the following questions according to the passage you read.
  1. how often can the students see films every month?
  2. who can go to chinese handwriting class?
  3. how many times a month do the students cook chinese food?
  4. what activities does the school have?
  1. they can see films four times a month. / four times.
  2. all the people.
  3. twice. / the students cook chinese food twice a month.
  4. film night, cooking night, fun night and china night.
  本题属于阅读理解回答问题题。文章的题材是考生熟悉的校园生活的短文,是有关学生的课外活动,共涉及了四个活动的名称,介绍了活动相关的时间、内容和参加人员等等。 第一道小题,问的是每个月学生们多长时间看一次电影,属于考查细节。从文章中的第二段中的第一句话"every week there is a film night of popular chinese and english films."可以看出是每周看一次电影,而一个月通常是四周,因此答案应是four times。
  第二道小题,问的是谁能参加中国书法课?属于语义理解性题目,通过对文章中的第三段的"these are open to the whole city."这句话的理解,可以知道此小题目的答案应是all the people。
  第三道小题,问的是学生一个月做几次中国食品。此题的设题同第一小题是相同的,也属于考查细节性题目。从第二段中的"every two weeks"中可以知道每两周一次,那么一个月就应该是两次,因此正确答案应是twice。
  第四道小题,问题是学校有哪些活动?此题属于归纳概括性题目,需在阅读和理解全文的基础上对文章做出归纳,共有四个,分别是film night, cooking night, fun night and china night。考生在答此类试题时,首先弄清楚问的是什么信息(what, when, where, why, how等);然后再根据对文章的理解和把握组织自己的语言,写出正确答案。可以用完整的回答方式,如(they can see films four times a month.),也可用简短的回答方式,如(four times.)。此道题考查了学生的综合概括能力和处理信息的能力。
  fill in each blank according to what you read, only one word for each blank.
  1. the weather report says it will be ______ in east coasts. if you go there, you’d better take an ______ with you.
  2. the football match will be ______ in jinzhou stadium on ______.
  3. you can’t borrow ______ five books each time and you should ______ for watching videos.
  4. adults can’t go to the music festival for young ______ ______.
  1. rainy, umbrella 2. held, sunday
  3. over, pay 4. listeners, alone / themselves
  第一道小题设题是有关天气的,第一个空问的是在in east coasts的天气是什么样的?属于考查细节性题目,从文章中的"east coasts will have rain."此句话中可以得知,应是下雨的天气,而设题是"it will be______",应用形容词来形容天气,因此可以得知答案应是rainy;第二空设题属于逻辑推理性题目,you’d better take an ______ with you.在文章中不能直接找到此题的答案,但是根据对文章意思的理解和推断,下雨就应该带伞了,因此答案应是umbrella。
  第二道小题是有关足球比赛的,第一空是考查学生对题干的理解,the football match will be ______ in jinzhou stadium,根据句意应填"举行"这一词,答案为held;而第二空on ______,此空明显是填相关日期的,属于直接理解性题目,从文章来看,可以填日期,也可填星期,但题目要求只能填一词,因此只能填星期sunday。
  第三道小题是有关图书馆书目的,第一空问的是每次借书的数量,属于语义理解性题目,从文章中borrow five books at most at one time这句话中可以得知每次最多是借五本,而设题you can’t borrow ______ five books each time,当然是不能超过五本了,"超过"这一词应是over。第二空问的是看录像应该怎么样,从文章中的最后一句keep a video for a week for 1 dollar和设题you should ______ for watching videos可以得知是应该付费的,与for搭配的动词是pay。
  第四小题是有关音乐节的,设题是adults can’t go to the music festival for young ______ ______. 从文中"music for young listeners"和"each adult must come with a child."这两句话中可以得知,年青人必须和父母一起来,因此答案第一空应为listeners, 第二空应为alone / themselves,属于考查细节性题目。考生在解此类题时先认真阅读所给的短文、图表或广告,掌握其内容后,再细读所给待补全的句子。解题时,可带着问题到原文中去寻找答案,寻读原文中与之相关的句子。先确定空格处所填词的词义,然后再判定其词形。解这类题时,应注意信息转换,同义句改写等。
  section one
  choose the best topic from a to f according to the meaning of the passage.
  1. a 60 year-old beijing woman was arrested while stealing clothes at a supermarket last week. when the policemen searched her home, they found that she had stolen a number of goods ranging from socks to dresses, with a total value of around 50,000 yuan (us$6,170). her husband said that she is "probably" a kleptomaniac.
  2. on december 26 tilly, a british schoolgirl felt something was wrong while on the beach with her family. her mind kept going back to the geography lesson just two weeks before she flew to thailand with her family.
  "i recognized what was happening and had a feeling there was going to be a tsunami. i told mummy," tilly remembered.
  quick action by tilly’s mother and thai hotel staff meant the beach was quickly cleared, just minutes before a huge wave crashed(冲撞). the beach was one of the few on the island of phuket where no one was killed.
  3. beijing’s government steps up safety at all schools and kindergartens in which some children have been hurt and even killed. as road accidents are listed as the no 1 killer, something must be done to ensure campus(校园)safety in the city.
  4. a special potted(盆栽的) flower and potted plants market has recently opened to the public in the yuquanying area of beijing. the plants and flowers displayed at the market are believed to play a major role in removing the so-called "indoor polution."
  5. to guard against criminals(罪犯) who use the fake id cards to engage(从事) in illegal transactions(非法交易), the jsc&i korea company’s beijing branch has recently developed a new scanning(扫描) and identification system(识别系统). with the help of the new gadget, a person’s name card, facial features and fingerprint can be identified in a short time.
  a. hard study saves lives
  b. keeping things real
  c. how to learn well
  d. child safety
  e. long-time thief
  f. magic plants
  1. a group of penguins at a zoo in japan take a walk to lose weight. every day, 15 king penguins there walk 500 metres twice. "just like humans, penguins don"t exercise much during winter. they become fat easily," says a zookeeper.
  2. experienced female college graduate with a major in english offers temporary and long-term translation service and would also like to teach chinese to foreigners at a reasonable and affordable price.
   email: nobadluck@bs178.com
  3. wendy and peter went to bed early last night so that they would have plenty of rest. the next morning, their mom took them to the airport.
  now they are at the airport. "how will our suitcases (小提箱) get to london?" peter asks. mom says,"they put them into the bottom of the plane. they fly with you."
  the flight attendant (飞机乘务员) shows them to their seats. wendy has a window seat, and peter is to him. both of them put on their seat belts. the flight attendant shows them what to do if there is an emergency (紧急情况). then it is time to take off.
  4. in the 1960s, some countries cared a lot about the moon. they had a dream: to be the first country to put a man on the moon. american and russia were part of this "space race." they spent a lot of time and money on it. the first man in space was yuri gagarin, a russian. that was in 1961. years later, in 1969, an american space ship flew to the moon. neil armstrong walked out. he was the first man on the moon.
  5. i need an assistant (male or female) who supports me in a wide range of fields, like economic topics, business- and labor law, translation, the person should know how to deal with public authorities and of course he or she is good at both english and chinese.
  a. assistant wanted
  b. race to the moon
  c. job wanted
  d. the first man on the moon
  e. first plane trip
  f. it’s good to walk
  1. beijing is to provide the homeless with food, warm clothes and shelter to help them survive the winter, according to the city"s rescue administration. all the 19 rescue centres in the city are open to the homeless, providing shelter and other necessities. food and clothes will also be handed out to those who are reluctant to come to the rescue centres.
  2. beijing expects to close down 83 coalmines in its year-end coalmine safety rectification drive, according to the beijing mine safety supervision bureau. the city will also set up a coalmine safety system which will demand coalmine directors and managers go down shafts in shifts to ensure safe production and reduce the chances of accidents. the new regulation will be issued next year. violators will be fined 30,000 yuan (us$3,750) to 150,000 yuan (us$1,875).
  3. china"s first on-line musical classroom was launched in beijing with lu siqing, a well-known chinese violinist, giving the first lesson. lu, nicknamed the "paganini of the east," will give lessons and exchange ideas with his fans in his "personal on-line concert hall." the website, which can be found at www.dofala.com, will provide lessons, teaching resources and give musicians a opportunity to be heard. lu will also share some of his unreleased works.
  4. beijing has recently seen the emergence of the first group of electronic bus stop signs which provide a wealth of useful information including news updates and weather forecasts. more importantly the signs can show how long people have to wait for the next bus. the first batch is being installed along chang"an avenue and other main roads.
  5. it was her first time in beijing, and the warm hearted doctors and nurses, all made han meiyan very welcome, putting a big smile on her face.
  han is just one of the 20 children who came from the impoverished areas in qinghai province to receive medical treatment at the plastic surgery hospital in beijing.
  a. smart bus stops b. net tune tutoring
  c. a well-known chinese violinist d. homeless help
  e. get down there f. for tomorrow"s smile
  1. many people like animals and take them as their pets. nowadays pet hospitals are very busy. kind persons who love animals are needed to work in busy animal hospitals.
  2. scientists think that pets will probably be much smaller because people in the future will be living in much smaller spaces. scientists are already working on making very small farm animals. the same things might be done to make smaller cats and dogs.
  3. it’s said that some day you might own a panther as a pet. scientists might have to start turning wild animals into pets. this might be the only way to save them from dying out.
  4. what about a robot for a pet? this may sound silly, but it could become true. robot dogs have been made to bark like real dogs. these "pets" might become more and more popular in the future. after all, robots don’t lose hair or chew on things the way real pets do.
  5. lots of people miss their pets while they are on holiday. one hotel in minnesota has solved this problem. they lend cats to their guests. many experts believe this idea will become more and more popular. it is very possible that in the future you will be able to order a pet, as well as room service, at a hotel.
  a. pet hotels
  b. smaller pets
  c. a robot doctor
  d. robots for pets
  e. a panther for a pet
  f. assistant needed in pet hospitals
  1. small children don’t understand that hot water and hot drinks can be dangerous. we often forget the dangers ourselves. yet it only takes a cup of hot tea or coffee or a bath that’s too hot to scald a child badly. a severe(严重的) scald can mean a long stay in hospital, and a really severe scald can kill.
  2. children of all ages fall and hurt themselves from time to time. luckily most falls aren’t serious, but some can cause severe injuries, such as head injuries.
  for babies, the danger is rolling off the edge of something like a bed, chair, table or kitchen worktop.
  toddlers(初学走路的孩子) soon learn to climb and explore. to them, climbing on furniture(家具) doesn’t seem dangerous. it’s just fun. but it is very easy for a toddler to fall off a piece of furniture, or down the stairs, or even out of a window or off a balcony.
  with older children, adventure (冒险) accidents are a problem. climbing trees, high walls, or fences can be dangerous.
  3. every year children die in house fires and many more are badly burnt. a cigarette, for example, can easily start a fire. and many fires are started by children playing with matches.
  but of course it’s not only fires that cause burns. there are things in every home that can burn a child badly-a hot iron (熨斗), for example, or an electric fire.
  4. children love playing with water. whether it’s in the bath at bed time or in the garden pond or in the sea, water is fun. but it is also dangerous. a baby or toddler can drown in every shallow water-far less than you put in the bath.
  5. glass causes the most serious cuts. few people realize just how serious glass cuts are. yet every year about 7,000 children end up in hospital because of accidents with glass. these are not only accidents with things like broken bottles. more often the children have fallen through a glass door or window and are badly hurt.
  a. burns
  b. fires
  c. scalds
  d. drowning
  e. falls
  f. cuts
  section two
  tom, an 11-year-old boy, was ill. he had got a cough. his mother was worried and took him to see a doctor. the doctor looked over tom carefully and said, "tom, nothing serious." then he gave him some medicine. these are the words on the instruction of the cough medicine.
  take three times a day after meals
  dose(剂量): grown-ups: 2 spoons each time
  children: 8-l4yrs. one spoon, 4-7 yrs. 1/2 spoon
  not fit for children below the age of 4 years
  notes: 1. store in a cold place. 2. using before oct. XX-2-23
  tel & fax: 021-56317708
  add: no. 10 nanjing road, shanghai
  1.tom should take three spoons in a day.
  2.tom had better have his meals before he takes the medicine.
  3.the medicine can be kept in a fridge.
  4.children aged five can’t take this medicine.
  5.from this instruction we know tom can go on using the left medicine after oct. XX.
  inventions arrive every day. when people invent great new things, we get ideas about the future.
  what will the future be like? it’s possible that we may often fly up into space! out of all the coolest inventions of the year, space ship one is thought to be the best.
  space ship one is a 6-metre-long white spaceship. on june 21, XX, american pilot mike mclville flew it to space and back-about 100 kilomtres up into the sky.
  some might say it’s not a big deal. you know, people went to the moon years ago.
  well, space ship one is special because it is the first spaceship that wasn’t made by the government(政府). it was built and sent up by a private(私人的) us company.
  lots of people went to travel in space. but it’s too expensive. american millionaire(百万富翁) dennis tito paid almost us $20 million to become the first space tourist to visit the international space station in XX.
  so private companies began to think of making their own spaceship to take other tourists up into space.
  the success of space ship one is a good start.
  "the flight opens a new page in history, putting space within the reach of ordinary people," said patti smith, an official at us federal aviation administration(联邦航空管理局).
  in the next 10 to 15 years, if you pay $20,000 to $100,000 you could fly high above the earth.
  what about having your own spaceship in your garage(车库) and taking it to space at the weekend.
  1. of all the coolest inventions from which people can get ideas about the future of the year, space ship one was chosen as the best one.
  2. from the passage, we know that only few people have the right to build the spaceship.
  3. if you want to fly to the international space station, you’d better keep healthy and eat more food.
  4. people would know things well about the space since 1960.
  5. the successful flight of space ship one opens a new page in history, because it puts space near to the ordinary people.
  department stores (百货商店) in the united states are very large. they are called department stores because they have many different departments. for example, you can buy dresses, blouses and skirts in the women’s clothing department. you can buy suits, shirts and ties in men’s clothing department. parents can buy clothing for their children in the children’s clothing department. and shoes, boots, and sneakers (运动鞋) are in the shoe department.
  most department stores have tvs and radios in their home entertainment departments. some stores also have appliance (器具) departments. you can buy refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, and other appliances there.
  do you want to read a book? go to the book department! do you want to buy a pair of earrings (耳环) or a necklace? go to jewelry department! do you want to buy some special chocolate? go to the gourmet food department (美食店)!
  there are a lot of other reasons why people shop in department stores. you can buy things at special low prices when department stores have sales. sometimes stores even have half-price sales!
  you can also return things at department stores. take your receipt (收据) to the customer service department, and you can exchange the item (项目) or get back the money. in some stores, you can even eat lunch or dinner in a restaurant.
  department stores are great places to shop because people can get almost everything they want in one place.
  1. you can buy sneakers either in the women’s clothing department or in the men’s clothing
  2. most department stores sell television sets.
  3. if you want to buy an air-conditioner (空调), you should go to the jewelry department.
  4. you can save money when the store has a sale.
  5. if you want to return something, you can be served a good meal.
  many american families live busy lives. every week, the children have sports, music lessons, club meetings, and many other activities, including (包括) hours of homework. the parents are busy, too. they work, take care of their homes, cook meals, and drive their children to activities. some families do not have time to eat meals together more than once a week. one american community (社区) decided that it was time to take a break.
  after seven months of planning, the community of ridgewood, new jersey, took one night off. they called it "family night", a night for families to spend time together. sports teams stopped their practices, and teachers did not give homework.
  on family night, families agreed to turn off their televisions. they also decided not to answer the telephone. answering machines said, "please call back tomorrow." many families ordered take-out pizza and other take-out food so that they wouldn’t spend time cooking.
  popular activities included board games and card games. these games gave families a chance to spend time together. children and parents weren’t so busy, and children didn’t spend so much time playing video games and watching television. on family night, families relaxed and spent the evening together. the town hopes to have many more "family nights".
  1. many american families are too busy.
  2. children have many other activities besides homework.
  3. it took one night for ridgewood to plan the special "family night".
  4. parents cooked a big dinner for the whole family on "family night".
  5. more "family nights" are expected by the people in the town.
  the red cross helps the children of different countries know each other better. children in schools all over the world have their own red cross groups. these children write letters and send presents and pictures to one another. the american red cross also gives help and advice to the red cross societies of other countries. through these activities the red cross hopes to bring about a more friendly, more peaceful world.
  1. the children of different countries can know each other better because the red cross helps them to do so.
  2. the red cross doesn"t have many members in schools in asia.
  3. the children in the red cross groups write letters and send presents and pictures to each爋ther because they just want to know each other.
  4. what the red cross does is to hope that the people all over the world will live in peace.
  5. the red cross is doing something good for the friendship of the people.
  country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the united states today because it is about simple but strong human feelings and events - love, sadness, good times and bad times. it tells real-life stories and sounds in the way people really talk. as life becomes hard for us, it is good to hear music about ordinary people.
  country music, sometimes called country-western music, comes from two kinds of music. one is the traditional music of the people in the appalachian mountains in the eastern united states. the other is traditional cowboy music from the west. the singers usually play the guitars, and in the 1920s they started using electric guitars.
  at first city people said country music was low class. it was popular mostly in the south. but during world war ii, thousands of southerners went to the northeast and midwest to work in the factories. they took their music with them. soldiers from the rest of the country went to army camps in the south. they learned country music. slowly it became popular all over the country.
  today country music is also popular everywhere in the united states and canada, in small towns and among towns and in new york city, among black and white, and among educated and uneducated people. about 1200 radio stations broadcast country music twenty-four hours a day. english stars sing it in british english, and people in other countries sing it in their own languages. the music that started with cowboys and poor southerners is now popular all over the world.
  1. people like country music because it is about human feelings and events.
  2. country music comes from the northeast and midwest of america.
  3. city people thought country music was low class because it was sung by cowboys and poor southerners.
  4. country music became popular during world war ii.
  5. today country music is sung by stars all in english.
  for most americans, life without a car is hard to imagine. however, society has realized the serious air pollution problem caused by cars. the polluted air becomes poisonous(有毒的) to our health.
  one way to get rid of(摆脱) the polluted air is to build a car that does not pollute. that’s what several large companies have been trying to do. but to build a clean car is easier said than done. progress is this field has been slow.
  another way is to replace the car engine(发动机) with something. now inventors are working on steam(蒸汽) cars as well as electric cars. many car makers believe that it will take years to develop a useful model that pleases people.
  to prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we make some changes in the way we live. americans, for example, have to reduce(减少) the number of their total cars. they should be encouraged to travel and go to work by bicycle.
  but this change does not come easily. a large number of workers might find themselves without jobs if a car factory is closed. thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment(失业).
  although cars have led(引导) us to better lives, they have also brought us new problems.
  1. a car is very important for most americans.
  2. building a clean car is not difficult.
  3. one way to get rid of the polluted air is to replace the car engine.
  4. the writer thinks that the problem of air pollution is more important that that of unemployment.
  many years ago, there was a man. he had a cat and loved it very much. he decided to call it sky. one day, a friend said to him, "let me tell you that there is something stronger than the sky. i mean the clouds, for they cover the sky." "you are right." answered the man, "and now i"m going to give my cat the name ‘cloud’".
  two days later, another man was having supper with him at his house. "why do you call cat cloud? the wind blows away the cloud without difficulty." so the man changed its name again. it was then called wind.
  but a week had not passed when his neighbor noticed this quite beautiful cat. he said, "wind seems to be the worst name. even a wall can stop the wind. wall seems to be better." so the cat was called wall. but a teacher said that a wall was not stronger than a mouse. the man had to change the name again. just then the man"s son came in. "mouse!" he shouted. "what a foolish name! i know something much stronger than a mouse. everyone knows that a cat catches the mouse and eats it. a cat is stronger than a mouse," said the boy. this time the man saw his mistake. he changed its name back to cat again.
  1. the man named his cat "sky" because he liked it very much.
  2. one day he changed the name sky because he was told that the sky was higher than the cloud.
  3. he turned the name to "cloud" because he found that the cloud would be blown away by the wind.
  4. his neighbor considered "wind" the worst name because even a wall could stop it.
  5. finally the man called his cat "cat" because he thought a wall not stronger than mouse.
  do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work? or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?
  if you do, you need to take control of your feelings and stop getting angry so easily. getting angry with people can cause you to lose friends.
  gary egeberg, an american high school teacher, has written "my feelings just like wild animals" to help you control your feelings. it tells teens how to stay cool when bad things happen to them.
  the book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. it can never make them better.
  getting angry is not a natural way to act, the book says. it is just a bad habit, like smoking.
  the book says you can control your anger(怒气) easily¬-all you have to do is tell yourself not to be angry.
  when a baby falls over, it only cries if people are watching it.
  like a baby, you should only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do.
  the book gives many tips(提示) to help you if you get angry easily. here are our top three:
  1. keep a record. every time you get angry write down why you are angry. look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily.
  2. ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. this will teach you not to be angry.
  3. do something different. when you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. try to laugh!
  1. getting angry with people can cause you to lose friends.
  2. the book "my feelings just like wild animals" can help you make more friends.
  3. the book says you can control your anger easily by telling yourself not to be angry.
  4. if you fall over, you should get angry.
  5. keeping a record can help you learn from your past experience and control your anger.
  these two letters appeared in a newspaper. both writers have their own ideas on zoos.
  zoos do a good job
  it is good to keep animals in zoos. i know a lot people think it is wrong to keep animals in zoos. however, i believe that zoos have many good points.
  firstly, zoos are places for people to see many different kinds of animals from all over the world. without zoos, most people would never see a real bear or tiger.
  secondly, zoos look after the animals very well. the animals are always given food and cleaned regularly(定期). in the wild(荒野), it is not always possible for an animal to find food, so sometimes it goes hungry. but animals kept in zoos never go hungry.
  thirdly, zoos protect the animals they look after. they offer them safe places to live in. in the wild, some kinds of animals are in danger of becoming extinct(灭绝). but zoos give these animals a chance to live. without zoos, there would be fewer kinds of animals in the world.
  maria smith
  zoos are unnatural
  in maria’s letter, she says that zoos are good for animals. i am afraid that zoos are not good for animals, and they are only good for people.
  it is unnatural(非自然的) and unfair(不公平的) to keep wild animals in cages that are too small for them. in the wild, these animals would travel freely. in zoos, they can’t do this. this is why the bears and tigers look so sad.
  most cages are not very clean either. it is true that zoos give the animals food regularly, but this is not natural. wild animals are used to looking for their own food. we should treat(对待) animals in the same way that we treat other people-with respect(尊重).
  would anyone be happy if you don’t let him go outside his home? would maria like to have lots of people standing outside her house looking at her? no, she wouldn’t. any animals don’t like it either.
  philip black
  1. maria and philip have quite different ideas on keeping animals in zoos.
  2. in maria’s opinion(观点), a real bear or tiger can only be seen in zoos.
  3. maria thinks that animals live better in zoos than in the wild.
  4. according to philip, if cages are big and clean enough, tigers and bears will look happy.
  5. maria and philip are discussing how to make animals in zoos happy.
  section three
  choose the best choice from abc or d according to each passage.
  for many years scientists have said that the earth is getting warmer. now they have found something new-hot cities! in the southern us, they have found that cities become very hot in summer. for example, the city of atlanta in georgia has rooftop temperatures of up to 50 degrees while it is 27 degrees in the streets! at night, the outsides of the building stay so hot that the heat of the city causes storm over the city.
  china also has the same kind of problems. every year more farming land is used for factories or offices. more housing is needed, too. as people become richer, they buy more cars. now roads are needed and new car parks are built in the city centers. this all makes the city hotter.
  it is not easy to change the situation. city planners say that we should plant more trees in the middle of cities. every new street should have trees on both sides, they say. trees make the temperatures lower, so we should have more trees in our parks and squares. also we should paint our roofs white. if we do this, they do not become so hot. every roof in a hot and sunny country should have solar roof panels. the electricity from these can be used to run the air conditioners in the building.
  people continue to cut down forests around the cities. this makes the problem worse. cities are growing faster and faster. by the year 2025, 80% of the world’s population will be living in cities. if we go on like this, there will not be enough farmland to feed everyone in the world.
  1. the best title for the passage is _______.
  a. the earth is getting warmer b. more land is needed
  c. cities are warmer in winter d. scientists are worried about storms
  2. what have scientists found?
  a. atlanta is the hottest town in the usa. b. buildings become very hot in the sun.
  c. it is not as hot on the roof as in the street. d. there are not as many storms as before.
  3. what can we do to make the cities cooler?
  a. make more parks. b. use air conditioners more.
  c. paint the roofs of all the white buildings. d. plant more trees.
  4. what may happen in future?
  a. most people will move to the villages. b. people will plant more trees outside the cities.
  c. we will not have enough food. d. the problem will get better, not worse
  when might you need to give blood(血) for a personality test? the answer is that you need to do so when you ask for a job.
  some people believe that your blood group hides(隐藏) no secrets. it shows the "real you". and the owners of certain blood groups might be particularly good or bad at certain tasks(任务). this is the very reasons of why you could be asked to offer your blood group before being given a job.
  the new idea was carried out first in japan and now it has been brought over to other parts of the world. one important business company in japan is quite special about this need:"for our office members, we must have 30 percent of group a and 15 percent of ab, 25 percent of o and 30 percent of b".
  do you happen to know your own blood group? it seems that if you belong to blood group o, you can get things done and sell the goods well. blood group a are the thinkers, while blood group b are highly creative. and if you have problems, ask the abs to solve them. so if you visited the japanese company, you would find the o types out selling goods and a types keeping order in the office.
  1. according to the passage, __________.
  a. four types of the blood were discovered by japan
  b. people of good blood might do their work very well
  c. know your own blood group and you could get a good job
  d. more and more countries have accepted the new idea about blood groups
  2. creative persons, good salesmen, thinkers and problem solvers are the four kinds of persons needed by the japanese company. the proportion mentioned in the passage is __________ respectively.
  a. 30%, 15%, 25% and 30%b. 30%, 30%, 25% and 15%
  c. 30%, 25%, 30% and 15%d. 25%, 15%, 30% and 30%
  3. people belonging to blood group b might be good at __________.
  a. sports and gamesb. smoothing away difficulties
  c. doing office workd. painting and writing
  4. this passage seems to lead you to believe ____________.
  a. your blood group could affect your work
  b. blood types can never change your life
  c. the idea about blood groups has little scientific basis
  d. personality tests are exactly correct
  5. this passage is mainly about ___________.
  a. the origin of blood group
  b. the effect of the blood group on personality
  c. the secrets of blood groups
  d. the new skill of hiring people
  when you want to call a store or an office that you don’t call often, you may look the number up in a telephone book. you dial (拨) the number, and then you forget it! your short-term (短期) memory last about 30 seconds. however, you don’t need to look in the telephone book for your best friend’s number because you already know it. this information is in your long-term memory. your long-term memory has everything that you remember through the years.
  why do you forget things sometimes? there are several reasons. an important reason for forgetting something is that you didn’t learn it well in the beginning. for example, you meet some new people, and soon you forget their names. you hear the names but you don’t learn them, so you forget them.
  you can help yourself remember better. move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. you can do this if you practise the new information for more times.
  1. why do you forget the telephone number that you don’t call often?
  a. because the telephone number is too long.
  b. because the telephone number is very strange.
  c. because you look it up in the telephone book.
  d. because you use your short-term memory to remember it.
  2. which is easier to forget?
  a. your best friend’s name. b. something that you understand.
  c. the new information that you have practised a lot.
  d. something that you didn’t learn well in the beginning.
  3. how long does a person’s short-term memory last?
  a. about half a second. b. about half a minute.
  c. about half an hour. d. about half a day.
  4. what’s helpful for you to remember better?
  a. learn something well in the end.
  b. look something up often.
  c. use your short-term memory to learn things.
  d. move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory.
  5. the writer mainly wants to tell us some ideas on how to _______.
  a. keep something in mind long b. learn a foreign language well
  c. make a telephone call d. remember a person’s name
  when charles stratton was five, he stopped growing. his mother took him to see the famous showman, p.t. barnum. mr. barnum thought a small person would be the perfect addition to his show. he hired charles’ parents along with him, and they traveled the world together.
  he gave the two-foot tall charles a new name, general tom thumb. he taught tom how to sing, dance, act, and tell jokes. when he felt tom was ready to perform on stage, he made up ads. to stir up great interest, he said that tom was eleven years old and had come from england.
  during the show, tom fought battles pretendedly with tall people. he also danced upon a wooden plate held by a person who was eight feet tall.
  tom’s act was very popular and brought in a lot of money. by the time tom was an adult, he had grown very rich. he had become a billionaire at the age of twenty-five.
  fortunately for tom, mr. barnum added more little people to his show, and tom became lucky in love as well. one of the little people was lavinia warren, a school teacher. tom was able to win her love, and they married.
  the ceremony and reception were the talk of the town. they were attended by many rich and famous people and by about two thousand guests. crowds filled the streets of new york to have a look at their honeymoon, just before the couple would be going to live in tom’s house in connecticut.
  their wedding, which took place during the civil war, provided a welcome escape from the sad problems of war. not willing to let this bit of sunshine fade, communities throughout the country sponsored "tom thumb" weddings, small boys and girls, all dressed up, went through marriage ceremony for fun.
  1. "talk of the town" means ________.
  a. it was in the newspaper
  b. people spread rumors about it
  c. it was the most popular thing happening
  d. it was discussed in a city meeting
  2. what does the author think about tom thumb’s wedding?
  a. people gave it too much of their attention.
  b. it helped people cheer up in a dark time.
  c. it was funny and ridiculous
  d. tom and lavinia were stupid.
  3. which of the following is the best clue to the fact that tom was smart?
  a. he became a billionaire at twenty-five.
  b. he learned how to sing, dance, and act at a very young age.
  c. he met with president lincoln during his honeymoon.
  d. he married a school teacher.
  4. tome would dance on a wooden plate held by a person who was eight feet tall because ______.
  a. the wooden plate would make it sound as if tom were tap dancing
  b. it made tome feel taller
  c. the eight-foot-tall man was the only tall person tom trusted
  d. the difference between them would make tom look even smaller
  5. what is the main idea of the last paragraph?
  a. weddings always make people feel full of sunshine.
  b. people are always disappointed during war time.
  c. entertainment can serve an important purpose.
  d. people should be married when they are small children.
  pat brown went to her bank to ask for an atm (自动取款机) card. it looks like a credit card. a few weeks later, the bank posted her a card and a four-number personal identification number (pin). her pin is 1234.
  as pat was getting ready for bed one night, she remembered that she had only $2 in her bag. the next day she had to give $10 for a lunch for a co-worker. she didn’t want to get up early to go to the bank. so she had to go to the bank that night. she used her atm card to take out $50 from her checking account (账户).
  these are the steps she followed to withdraw (提取) money. first, she put her card in the lower slot (狭孔) on the right side of the machine. she made sure her card was facing the right way. second, the computer screen said, "please enter your pin." pat pressed the number 1, 2, 3 and 4. next, the screen said, "please select type of transaction (交易) you want by pressing other keys." pat pressed the button key for taking out money.
  then the screen said, "from which account?" the choices it gave were checking, savings, and money market. pat pressed the key for checking. next, the screen said, "please select amount (数量) of transaction (办理)." pat pushed the number 5 and then 0 three times, and the screen read, "50.00." the screen then read, "please wait." in less than a minute, it read, "please lift the lid and take your money."
  pat lifted the lid marked withdraw (提取). she counted her $50 to make sure the atm hadn’t made a mistake. then she waited for her withdrawal slip to come out of the slot at the upper right corner of the machine. pat checked the slip to make sure it was correct. then her atm card was returned through the card slot. she put it in her bag and walked away. if pat had made a mistake at any point by pressing the wrong button, she could have pressed cancel (取消, 删去) and started over again.
  1. what was pat’s first step?
  a. pressing the withdrawal button. b. inserting (插入) her atm card.
  c. counting her money.
  2. what did pat do at once after choosing the account?
  a. selected whether to withdraw, deposit (存款), or transfer (转帐, 过户) money.
  b. lifted the lid and removed her money.
  c. selected the amount of money she wanted to withdraw.
  3. when did pat enter her pin?
  a. right after inserting her card. b. right before selecting the account.
  c. right before selecting the amount of money.
  4. when did pat select the type of transaction?
  a. right before receiving her withdrawal slip. b. right after recording her pin.
  c. right after selecting which account she wanted.
  5. what did pat do when the screen said "please lift the lid and take your money."?
  a. took her $50. b. got out her card. c. picked up her withdrawal slip.
  to master a language one must be able to speak and understand the spoken language as well as to read and write. lenin and his wife krupskaya translated a long english book into russian. but when they went to england in 1902, english people couldn’t understand a word they said and they couldn’t understand what was said to them. these days more and more foreigners are coming to china and more chinese are going out to foreign countries to work or study. so the spoken language is becoming more and more important.
  speaking, of course, can’t go without listening. if you want to pronounce a word correctly, first you must hear it correctly. thy sounds of the chinese and english languages are not exactly the same. if you don’t listen carefully, you’ll find it difficult or even impossible to understand the native speakers.
  well, what about writing? like speaking, it’s to exchange ideas. people generally use shorter words and shorter sentences in their writing. the important thing is to make your idea clear in your head and then to write it in clear lively language.
  chinese students read far too slowly. if you read fast, you understand better. if you read too slowly, by the time you have reached the end of a page you have forgotten what the beginning is about. when you meet with new words, don’t look them up in the dictionary. guess the meaning from the context. you may not guess quite correctly the first time, but as new words come up again and again in different contexts, their meaning will become clearer and clearer. if you look up every word, you’ll never finish a book.
  students of a foreign language need a particular knowledge, the knowledge of the life, history and geography of the people whose language they are studying. they should study these subjects in the foreign language, not only in translation. in this way one can kill two birds with one stone: learn a foreign language and get some knowledge of the foreign country at the same time.
  1. how many points are there in the passage?
  a. twob. threec. fourd. five
  2. in his first point the writer told us ____________.
  a. how to speak english
  b. how to read and write
  c. why spoken english is important
  d. why english people couldn’t understand lenin
  3. in his last point the writer advised us ____________.
  a. to kill two birds with one stone
  b. to learn two languages at a time
  c. to study all the subjects in a foreign language
  d. to get some knowledge of the foreign country whose language you are studying
  4. in the fourth paragraph the writer gave some advice on ___________.
  a. how to read faster
  b. how to guess the meaning from the context
  c. how to look up new words in the dictionary
  d. how to grasp the general meaning of a passage
  5. "to kill two birds with one stone" means ___________.
  a. to get some particular knowledgeb. to get more than what one pays
  c. the stone is too bigd. the birds are blind enough
  february 14th, valentine’s day, is a complicated but interesting occasion. first of all, valentine’s day is not a holiday from work. no one gets a day off. in many countries it is observed by sending cards to your friends and candy or flowers to your husband or wife if you’re married, or to your boy friend or girl friend if you’re not married. in japan, some girls even give their fathers chocolates.
  why is this holiday for people in love called valentine’s day?
  one explanation comes from a christian man whose name was something like"valentine". he lived at a time when the roman emperor refused to allow any roman soldiers to get married for any reason. many couples came to valentine to be married. so he would secretly marry them in a christian ceremony. he was discovered and put in prison by the emperor. one tradition says that he wrote notes to his friends by marking on leaves and then throwing them out of the window of his prison. the leaves were shaped like a heart. valentine was killed on february 14th and valentine’s day recalls his tragic death.
  on valentine’s day, american elementary school children make or buy valentine cards, write the name of a classmate on them, and take them to school and put them in a special valentine’s day box. and then on that day the box is opened, the cards are taken out and given out.
  1. which of the following is true about valentine’s day?
  a. it is observed by sending flowers to one’s husband or wife.
  b. children in japan give their fathers chocolates.
  c. it is a legal holiday in many countries.
  d. people send candy to each other.
  2. the man called valentine was put in prison because ________.
  a. he secretly got married in a christian ceremony
  b. he helped people get married when love was not allowed
  c. he helped roman soldiers get married
  d. he wanted to kill the roman emperor
  3. so he would secretly marry them in a christian ceremony. "marry" is closest in meaning to ________.
  a. which priest is going to marry them?
  b. she has married off all her daughters.
  c. i’m glad hubert married a girl of spirit.
  d. at present she doesn’t intend to marry at all.
  4. people celebrate valentine’s day _________.
  a. to take a day offb. in memory of valentinec. c. to show their loved. both b and c
  5. american school children don’t _______ on valentine’s day.
  a. buy valentine cards
  b. make cards for their teachers
  c. give each other valentine cards
  d. put their cards in a valentine’s day box
  many people go to school for an education. they learn languages, history, politics, geography, physics, chemistry and mathematics. others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. school education is very important and useful. yet, no one can learn everything from school. a teacher, no matter how much he knows, can not teach his students everything they want to know. the teacher’s job is to show his students how to learn. he teaches them how to read and how to think. so, much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.
  it is always more important to know how to study by oneself than to memorize some facts or a formula. it is actually quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in mathematics. but it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a math problem. great scientists before us didn’t get everything from school. their teachers only showed them the way. edison didn’t even finish primary school. but they were all so successful. they invented so many things for mankind. the reason for their success is that they knew how to study. they read books that were not taught at school. they would ask many questions as they read. they did thousands of experiments. they worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. above all, they knew how to use their brain.
  1. people go to school to _________.
  a. learn several subjectsb. make a living
  c. get an educationd. learn from teachers
  2. according to the passage, the most important thing a teacher should do is _________.
  a. to teacher his students everything he knows
  b. to know everything
  c. to teach the students how to think
  d. to teach the students how to study by themselves
  3. to work out a math problem, you need to know _________.
  a. only a certain formulab. more than one formula
  c. some factsd. the method to solve it
  4. why were many scientists so successful?
  a. they received good education.
  b. they were very clever.
  c. they knew how to learn.
  d. they learned lots of facts and formulas.
  5. how did great scientists study?
  a. they read a lot of books and asked many questions while reading.
  b. they did thousands of experiments.
  c. they always worked hard and never wasted time.
  d. all of the above.
  the customs in different countries are rather different. if i have dinner with a chinese host, he always puts more food onto my plates as soon as i have emptied them. it often discomforts me greatly. i have to eat the food even if i don’t want to, because it is considered bad manners in the west to leave one’s food on the plate. i have already noticed that when a chinese sits at an american’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer of food or drink though he is in fact still hungry or thirsty. this might be good manners in china, but it is not in the west at all. in the us it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or insist on him accepting something. americans have a direct way of speaking. if they want something, they will ask for it. if not, they will say "no, thanks". when an american is fed with beer by the host, for example, he might say, "no, thanks, i’ll take some diet. pepsy–cola if you have it." that is what an american will do. so when you go to the us, you had better remember the famous saying, "when in rome, do as the romans do".
  1. from the passage, we know that the chinese are usually _______ to the guests.
  a. eager to give all they haveb. polite
  c. impolited. cold
  2. when a foreigner has dinner with a chinese host, he often feels _________.
  a. pleasantb. uncomfortablec. satisfiedd. happy
  3. why does a chinese often refuse the offer of food or drink at a dinner party? because _______.
  a. he has had enoughb. he is shy
  c. he is afraid that others will laugh at himd. he thinks it’s polite to do that
  4. when an american wants something to eat or drink at dinner, he will _________.
  a. go and take it himselfb. refuse the hosts offer
  c. ask for it directlyd. ask another to fetch it for him
  5. "when in rome, do as the romans do." means ________.
  a. when you get to rome, you should act as the romans do
  b. when you stay in rome, you should do as the romans do
  c. when you are in a new country, you should do as the natives do
  d. romans can be example for you
  when we can see well, we don’t think about our eyes very often. it is only when we can not see perfectly that we come to see how important our eyes are.
  people who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing, reading and sewing, become nearsighted. then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant things clearly.
  people who are farsighted suffer from just the opposite problem. they can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. if they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.
  other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. this, too, can be corrected by glasses. some people’s eyes become cloudy because of cataracts(白内障). long ago these people often became blind. now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.
  when night falls, colours become fainter to the eyes and finally disappear. after your eyes have grown used to the dark, you can see better if you use the sides of your eyes rather than the centers. sometimes, after dark, you can see a small thing to one side of you, which seems to disappear if you turn your head in its direction. this is because when you turn your head, you are looking at the thing too directly. men on guard duty sometimes think they see something moving to one side of them. when they turn to look straight at it, they can’t see it any more, and they believe they were mistaken. however, this mistake happens because the center of the eye, which is very sensitive in daylight, is not as sensitive as the sides of the eye after dark.
  1. we don’t know that our eyes are of great importance until ___.
  a. we think about our eyesb. we cannot see clearly
  c. we wear glassesd. we have to do much reading
  2. according to the passage, a _________ is more likely to be nearsighted than the average person.
  a. tailorb. doctorc. guardd. driver
  3. those who suffer from cataracts _________.
  a. will become blindb. can’t be cured
  c. may be curedd. must move to other places
  4. people who are farsighted _________.
  a. cannot do a lot of close work without glasses
  b. can only see things that are very close to their eyes
  c. have difficulty reading a book if they hold it at arm’s length
  d. have the same problem as the nearsighted people
  5. to see a small thing at night, it is better to look _________.
  a. with wide open eyesb. with half-shut or narrow eyes
  c. straight at itd. in a slightly different direction
  hi, dear boys and girls! do you know how to be a healthy kid? here are some rules you should follow.
  first, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. you may have a favourite food, but you"d better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients (营养物质) your body needs.
  second, drink water and milk as often as possible. when you"re really thirsty, cold water is the no.l choice (选择). milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium (钙) your body needs to grow strong bones (骨头).
  third, listen to your body. how do you feel when you are full? when you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach (胃) feels comfortably full. eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.
  fourth, limit (限制) screen time. screen time is the time you watch tv, dvds and videos, or using computers. it is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. you can"t watch tv for more than two hours a day.
  fifth, be active. one thing you"d like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. find ways to be active every day.
  follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.
  1. you should eat different foods especially ___.
  a. meat   b. hamburgers   c. sweets     d. fruit and vegetables
  2. which kind of drinks can give you more calcium?
  a. juice  b. milk      c. cold water   d.tea
  3. according to the passage, you should follow __rules if you want to be healthy.
  a. five   b. nine      c. fifteen    d. thirteen
  4. according to the passage, which of the following is true?
  a. when you"re eating, you don"t have to notice how your body feels.
  b. you can eat your favourite food as much as possible.
  c. you can watch tv whenever you like to get more information.
  d. we should try to live in an active way in our life.
  5. which is the best title for the passage?
  a. how to make yourself important
  b. how to be a healthy kid
  c. how to be a popular kid
  d. how to make your parents healthy
  a 12-man chinese team landed on the antarctic icecap(南极冰盖最高点) peak on january 18. they are the first people to reach the peak of dome a (海穹a). it is 4,039 meters above sea level (海拔).
  the team built a station there to study the changes of the weather, get ice samples (标本) from 150 meters to 200 meters below, and do other studies. so far, the team has got nearly 100-meter long ice samples from a place about 300 meters under the icecap peak.
  it is the first time that people have been able to get samples from the icecap peak in antarctica and it is very important for people to study the weather changes and environmental changes in this area(地区).
  the chinese scientists have also built a weather study system (系统) at the peak. the system can send out information about temperature, how strong the wind is, and many other things about the weather.
  the antarctic icecap makes up 70% of the earth"s freshwater (淡水). by studying dome a, scientists can get the lowest temperature of the earth and other information about the world"s weather changes. we can"t get this information from other places on the earth because dome a is the best place for this kind of studies. so it is very important to land on the peak of dome a.
  1. how many chinese first landed on the antarctic icecap peak?
  a. 18     b. 12     c.150     d.200
  2. the team has got about 100-meter long ice samples ___.
  a. from 150 meters to 200 meters below
  b. from a place about 300 meters below
  c. from 200 meters to 250 meters below
  d. from a place about 150 meters below
  3.they built a weather study system to get ___.
  a. the earth"s freshwater     b. ice samples from the peak
  c. information about the weather  d. the news about other countries
  4. choose thy right order (顺序) according to this passage.
  ① they built a station to study the changes of the weather.
  ② a cliinese team landed on the antarctic icecap peak.
  ③ the chinese scientists built a weather study system.
  ④ they got ice samples from the icecap peak.
  a.②①④③    b.②①③④    c.③②①④    d.②③④①
  5. from this passage, we can infer (推断): after the chinese team landed on the antarctic icecap peak, ___.
  a. we can go there for holidays
  b. the world"s weather must be better and better
  c. the peak will be the best place for people to live in
  d. our country will do better in the world"s weather research
  the total area of land on earth is estimated(估计) as 149 million square kilometres, or about 29 percent of the total area of the earth.
  the mean(平均) height of the land is about 750 meters above the sea level.
  the eurasian(欧亚的) land mass is the largest with an area of 54,527,000 square kilometres. the smallest continent is the australian mainland, with an area of about 7,614,600 square kilometres, which together with tasmania, new zealand, new guinea and the pacific islands, is described as oceania(大洋州). the total area of oceania is about 8,935,500 square kilometres, including west iran which is in asia.
  the world’s largest peninsula(半岛) is arabian, with an area of about 3,327,500 square kilometres. the largest island in the world is greenland, with an area of about 2,175,600 square kilometres. the largest island surrounded(环绕) by fresh water is liha de maraja(4,022 square kilometres) in the mouth of the amazon river, brazil. the largest island in a lake is manitoulin island(2,766 square kilometres) in the canadian section of the lake huron. this island itself has on it a lake of 106 square kilometres called manitou lake, in which there are several island.
  1. oceania is made up of ______.
  a. tasmania and new zealand b. australia
  c. new guinea and the pacific islands d. all of the above
  2. the largest island surrounded by fresh water, which has an area of 4,022 square kilometres, is in ______.
  a. a river b. a lake c. a sea d. an ocean
  3. lake huron lies ______.
  a. in canada b. near to canada c. partly in canada d. in brazil
  4. which of the following diagrams shows the correct relation ship between manitoulin island (mi), lake huron (lh), manitou lake (ml), and the "several islands"(sl) mentioned at the end of the passage?
  mark hartmann is in the third grade, but he cannot read or write. he makes loud sounds from his chair and waves his hands around his head all the time. he cannot listen for more than two minutes at a time. sometimes, he hits the other children. sometimes, he also hits his teacher.
  mark hartmann has autism(孤独症). his brain cannot organize(组织) and manage information clearly. he does not understand the world or the people around him.
  the school principal(校长) says that the other children lose two much learning time when mark is in their classroom. she thinks mark can get a better education at a special program nearby. there, teachers know how to take care of students with autism.
  but mark’s parents do not want him to go there. in fact, a law was made in 1988. it says that students with disabilities(残疾) can be in regular(正常的) classes. this gives them the same chances for success as everyone else.
  the hartmann used to live in chicago. mark went to regular classes there. mark had help from some special teachers, and the program was very good for him. "he was part of the school," mrs. hartmann told reporters. "he also learned to hold hands with some of the children in his class."
  answer the questions.
  1. how does mark act in the classroom?
  a. he cannot pay attention very well.
  b. he shouts from his chair.
  c. he hits other children.
  d. all of the above
  2. paragraph 2 explains ______.
  a. autism b. mark’s idea c. mark’s school life
  3. the 1988 law says that disabled students can have ______.
  a. more chances than everyone else
  b. fewer chances than everyone else
  c. the same chances as everyone else
  d. different chances from everyone else
  5. what is good about the "special program" nearby?
  a. the teachers there know more about autism.
  b. it is close to mark’s home.
  c. mark likes the program.
  trees are useful to men in three important ways: they provide them with wood and other products (产品), they give them shade (树荫), and they help to prevent drought and floods.
  unfortunately, in many parts of the world, men have not realized (功能) is the most important. in their eagerness (渴望) to make money form trees, some people have cut trees down in large numbers, only to find that without them they have lost the best friends they had. and beside...
