

  unit 4 a charity show
  一. 教学内容:
  unit 4 a charity show grammar
  二. 教学目标:
  含有情态动词(can, may, must, should)的被动语态
  because & because of
  1. 基本结构:
  1) shall/will + be + done
  the new film will be shown next thursday.
  we shall be punished if we break the rule.
  2)be going to + be + done。如:
  the problem is going to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.
  【经典例题1】 i promise that this matter _____ next week.
  a. will be taken care
  b. will take care of
  c. will take good care
  d. will be taken care of
  【思路点拨】选d。从题干不难看出,一是从句中的 this matter 和 take care of 是被动关系;二是take care of 是固定搭配,不能拆开;三是相对于promise来说, take care of 是将要发生的动作。故从句谓语应用一般将来时的被动语态。
  【经典例题2】 these dictionaries _____ the library again (by you ).
  a. will be taken out of b. won’t be taken out of
  c. will take out of d. won’t take out of
  【经典例题3】 the class ____ on everything they have learnt this year.
  a. is going to be examining
  b. are going to examine
  c. is going to be examined
  d. are going to be examined
  【思路点拨】选d。题中the class指全班同学,谓语动词应用复数形式, 并且主语和谓语动词之间是被动关系, 所以谓语应用一般将来时的被动语态。
  【经典例题4】 an exhibition of painting _____ at the art museum when he comes back from abroad.
  a. is going to hold
  b. is going to be held
  c. are going to hold
  d. are going to be held
  【思路点拨】 选b。根据题意, 此处应用一般将来时的被动语态, 而且主谓应保持一致。
  2. 各种结构形式。
  肯定式主语+will(shall) be 动词的过去分词
  否定式主语+will(shall) not be 动词的过去分词
  疑问式will(shall) 主语 be 动词的过去分词?
  简略回答yes,主语 will(shall). no,主语 won’t(shan’t).
  特殊疑问词 + shall/will + 主语 + be + done...?
  肯定式be going to + be + done.
  否定式be not going to + be + done.
  疑问式am/is/are going to + be + done?
  特殊疑问词 + am/is/are + 主语 +going to be + done...?
  3. 使用一般将来时的被动语态时,应注意以下两点:
  1) 在时间、条件状语从句中,应使用现在时表示将来时。同样,应使用现在时的被动语态表示将来时的被动语态。
  if i am given enough time, i will go to japan for my holiday.
  2) 使用一般将来时的被动语态时,学生易遗漏被动式中的be。
  【经典例题5】you can go out to play football this afternoon if your homework _____.(finish)
  a. finishes b. will be finishedc. is going to finishd. is finished
  【思路点拨】选d。根据题意, 此处if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,而且根据homework与finish之间的关系用被动语态。
  1. we are told that a new car factory _____ here next year.
  a. will set up b. will be set up c. would set up d. would be set up
  2. the  olympic games _____ in beijing; several big changes _____ in the capital city.
  a. is held; will make b. will be held; will make
  c. will be held; will be made d. is held; make
  3. you _____ to take so much luggage with you on the plane.
  a. will be allowed b. will allow
  c. won’t be allowed d. won’t allow
  4. you _____ around our school this afternoon. now, please have a good rest.
  a. are shown b. were shown
  c. are going to be shown d. will show
  5. can you tell me by whom the talk _____ tomorrow?
  a. will give b. will be given c. give d. be given
  6. hundreds of jobs ____ if the factory closes.
  a. lose b. will be lost c. are lost d. will lose
  7. the water will be further polluted unless some measures ____.
  a. will be taken b. are taken c. were taken d. had been taken
  8. i ____ if i finish the work within one day.
  a. shall be praised b. would praisec. will praise d. praise
  9. —a party is going to ____ tonight. would you like to go with me?
  —i’d like to, but i have to look after my sick mother.
  a. organize b. have been organized
  c. be organizing d. be organized
  10. if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, the sports meet ____ in the playground of our school.
  a. is holding b. will holdc. will be held d. is to be holding
  bcccb bbadc
  1. 这个女孩太漂亮了! 会有很多人喜欢的!
  2. 他一到达这个城市就会被认出。
  3. 这项工作很快就完成了。
  4. 我们不会受到邀请。
  what a beautiful girl! she will be loved by many people!
  he will be recognized as soon as he arrives at this city.
  the work is going to be done soon.
  we will not be invited.
  1. 现在完成时的被动语态的肯定式
  由"have/has  been  及物动词的过去分词"构成。例如:
  two windows have been broken. 两个窗子被打破了。
  2. 现在完成时的被动语态的否定式
  由"have/has  not been  及物动词的过去分词"构成。例如:
  the car has not been repaired. 这辆汽车还没有修好。
  3. 现在完成时的被动语态的一般疑问式
  由"have/has  主语 been 及物动词的过去分词"构成。例如:
  ① has her work been finished?她的工作完成了吗?
  yes,it has. 是的,完成了。
  ② have the cars been repaired?这些汽车修好了吗?
  no,they haven’t. 不,还没有。
  4. 现在完成时的被动语态的特殊疑问式
  由"疑问词 have/has 主语 been 及物动词的过去分词"构成。例如:
  how long has her work been finished?她的工作完成了多久?
  who has been helped by the new computer?谁已经得到了这台新计算机的帮助?
  how many new words have been learned by the students?
  1. 表示被动的动作发生在说话之前(即现在的过去),强调对现在造成的影响和结果。
  例1:the door has been locked. 门被锁上了。(结果是现在没有人能进去)
  例2:this work has been finished, you may have a rest.这项工作已被完成,你可以休息一会儿。
  例3:this book has been read by me, you needn’t tell me anything about it.这本书已被我读完,你没有必要告诉我有关它的任何东西。
  2. 表示一个被动的动作或状态开始于过去,持续到现在,并可能将持续下去,常与for或since引导的时间状语连用,或用于how long...?句型中。例如:
  they have been told about it for many times. 有人告诉他们这事很多次了。(可能还会有人告诉他们)
  how long has the machine been used?这台机器使用了多久?
  this film has been put on for half an hour.这场电影已放映了半个小时。
  1. 现在完成时的被动语态有两个助动词,即 have/has和been,两者缺一不可。
  2. 注意与一般过去时的被动语态的区别。一般过去时的被动语态表示一个被动的动作发生在过去某个时候,其结果对现在没有影响;而现在完成时的被动语态的动作或状态尽管发生在过去,但侧重说明该动作或状态对现在造成的影响和结果。例如:
  the house was built last year. 这房子是去年建造的。
  the house has been built. 这房子已经建好了。
  3. 由finish,buy,start,begin,post,return,borrow,join,marry,open等词构成的现在完成时的被动语态不能与表示一段时间的状语如for four days,how long等连用,而要改换动词或时态。例如:
  误:how long has this book been bought?
  正:how long ago was this book bought?
  no books have been bought since last week. 自上周以来,没有人来买过书。
  4. 短语动词是一个不可分割的整体,在被动结构中要保持完整性,不可省略短语动词中的介词或副词。例如:
  the old man has been well looked after. 这位老人一直受到很好的照顾。
  ( ) 1. now these magazines___ in the library for a long time.
  a. have kept b. are keeping c. have been keeping d. have been kept
  ( ) 2. the pot ___ for ___ hot water.
  a. used; keeping b. was used; keeping
  c. is used; to keep d. are used; keep
  ( ) 3. tea ___ in the south of china for hundreds of years.
  a. has been grown b. is grown
  c. were grown d. will be grown
  ( ) 4. the bridges___ since two years ago.
  a. have been builtb. have built c. were built d. was built
  ( ) 5. the meeting ______ since 5 o’ clock.
  a. has had b. had c. have been had d. has been had
  语法三:含有情态动词(can, may must, should, ought to)的被动语态
  1、this bike can be repaired.
  2、the tree must be put straight in the hole.
  3、the classroom should be cleaned every day.
  含有情态动词的主动句变成被动句时,由"情态动词 be 过去分词"构成,原来带to的情态动词变成被动语态后"to"仍要保留。
  we can repair this watch in two days.
  —this watch can be repaired in two days.
  you ought to take it away.
  —it ought to be taken away.
  they should do it at once.
  —it should be done at once
  肯定式:can/may/must/should/ought to be done
  否定式:can’t/may not/mustn’t/shouldn’t/ought not to be done
  疑问式:can/may/must/should /ought to be done?
  ( ) 1. the flowers ___ often.
  a. must be water b. must be wateredc. must watered d. must water
  ( ) 2. the books may___ for two weeks.
  a. be kept b. be borrowed c. keep d. borrow
  ( ) 3. the broken bike____ here by mr smith.
  a. can mend b. can mended c. can be mend d. can be mended
  ( ) 4. the river smells terrible. people must ___ dirty things into it.
  a. be stopped to throw b. be stopped from throwing
  c. stop to throw d. stop from throwing
  ( ) 5. the teapot ___ water.
  a. is filled with b. filled of c. filling of d. filled
  ( ) 6. old people must be ___ politely.
  a. speak to b. spoken c. speak d. spoken to
  ( ) 7. old people must ___.
  a. look after well b. be looked well after
  c. looked well after d. be looked after well
  1. i think one day books may ________ (place) completely.
  2. my bike ___________ (leave) at school, so i have to take the bus to school today.
  3. the battery __________ (change) yet. how can i use my recorder?
  4. paper should not _________ (throw) away.
  5. books and other material can _________ (borrow) from the library.
  6. i’ve bought a second-hand mp3 player—and about 1,000 songs have ________ (download) onto it!
  7. has the computer __________ (repair) yet? i need to write my article with it.
  8. what has___________ (turn on)? the radio.
  1. be placed 2. has been left 3. hasn’t been changed 4. be thrown
  5. be borrowed 6. been downloaded 7. be repaired 8. been turned on
  语法四:because & because of的用法
  区别:because + a clause of reason
  because of + noun./pronoun
  e.g.: i did not go because of the rain.
  =i did not go because it rained.
  he did not buy a present for his mother because he had no money.
  =he did not buy the present for his mother because of no money.
  david didn’t go to school yesterday _________ his cold.
  i didn’t go to school yesterday _________ i had a cold.
  the football game is cancelled today __________ the sandstorm.
  there was a traffic jam in xuanwu district ________ a car accident.
  a lot of people were trapped in the airport _______ the bad weather.
  because 与so可以互换
  1. because we want to raise money for charity , we are organizing a show.
  we want to raise money for charity so we are organizing a show.
  2. we will hold a meeting next week because we must make some decisions.
  we must make some decisions so we will hold a meeting next week
  3. we will hold the show indoors because the weather might be bad.
  the weather might be bad so we will hold the show indoors.
  4. we will need a lot of people because there is a lot of work to do.
  there is a lot of work to do so we will need a lot of people.
  1. they helped with the farmers, they enjoyed working on the farm (because).
  2. lots of people went to the show, there were many famous pop stars (so).
  3. he spoke very loudly, there was a lot of noise there (because).
  4. he worked very hard, he wanted the show to be a success (so)
  例如:rose felt nervous because he saw the tv cameras.
  rose felt nervous because of the tv cameras.
  ①lots of people knew about the show because they saw the advertisement.
  ②the fans were very excited because many pop starts came.
  ③we couldn’t go to the show because we had the exams.
  ④the ground was wet because it rained last night.
  ⑤there were many trees on the road because there was a strong wind.
  1. they helped with the farmers because they enjoyed working on the farm .
  2. there were many famous pop stars so lots of people went to the show.
  3. he spoke very loudly because there was a lot of noise there .
  4. he wanted the show to be a success so he worked very hard.
  ①lots of people knew about the show because of seeing the advertisement.
  ②the fans were very excited because of many pop starts.
  ③we couldn’t go to the show because of the exams.
  ④the ground was wet because of the rain last night.
  ⑤there were many trees on the road because of a strong wind.
