

  unit 3 the world of colours and light单元复习学案
  1.now that he a____________ that he had stolen the money,you should forgive him.
  2.sometimes we can see a beautiful r____________ in the sky after a shower in summer.
  3.in the lab you must follow your teacher’s i____________ before doing your experiment.
  4. after g____________from a university,he has worked as a middle school teacher.
  5.someone who catches fish either as a sport or as a job is called a f____________ .
  6.she said that she had plenty of films to____________(冲洗).
  7.five students from this school were awarded____________(奖学金).
  8.one of the rooms has been made into a small modern art____________(美术馆).
  9.tom,please go to the ____________ (杂货店)and buy two pieces of soap for me.
  10.it is said that his son is studying____________(建筑学)at university.
  11.he is a ____________(talent) director.
  12.only in a____________(peace)environment can we develop smoothly.
  1.admitted 2.rainbow 3.instructions 4.graduating 5.fisherman 6.develop 7.scholarships8.gallery9.grocery 10.architecture 11.talented 12.peaceful
  1.________________  有许多科学发现
  2.________________ 一个有天赋的艺术家
  3.________________ 预订;预约
  4.________________ 获准进入……;被……录取
  5.________________ 在……和……之间
  6.________________ 在20世纪90年代
  7.________________ 形成不同的风格
  8.________________ 在……的帮助下
  9.________________ 做实验
  10.________________ 就某事和某人讨价还价
  11.________________ 轮流干某事
  12.________________ 给过路人分发传单
  13.________________ 以独特的方式呈现某物
  1.make many scientific discoveries 2.a gifted artist,3.make a reservation 4.be admitted to/into 5.range from...to... 6.in the 1990s 7.develop different styles of 8.with the assistance/help of 9.do/make/carry out/perform/conduct an experiment 10.bargain with sb.about/over sth. 11.take turns to do sth. 12.distribute leaflets to passers­by 13.present sth.in a unique way
  1.(回归课本p40)out________the children.
  2.(回归课本p41)hardly________we left the dormitory the next morning________we realized we had left our map in the room.
  3.(回归课本p43)________ ______while at the new york school of art________he experimented with different materials such as cloth and plastic in his paintings.
  1.rushed 2.had;when 3.it was;that
  1range  vi. (在一定范围或幅度内)变动,变化
   vt. 排列,归类
   n. 变动范围;(权力、责任)范围
  (回归课本p34)besides the works of da vinci,the louvre museum has more than 6,000 other european paintings,ranging from the 13th century to the 19th century.
  归纳拓展   例句探源   ①(牛津p1637)estimates of the damage range between $1 million and $ 5 million.   估计损失在100万到500万元之间。   ②the five men are serving prison sentences ranging from 35 to 105 years.   这五个人的服刑期从35年到1XX年不等。   ③we just want to get within range to use our binoculars.   我们只是想进入能使用我们的双筒望远镜的观察范围。   1.完成句子   (1)价格自五美元至十美元不等。   prices________from 5 dollars________10 dollars.   答案:ranged;to   (2)我给了她很大的选择范围。   i offered her________ ________ ________options.   答案:a range of   2.they wrote on subjects________from child labor to the use of state troops to break strikes.   a.ranged   b.ranging   c.to range d.being ranged   解析:选b。句意:"他们写的话题从童工到为镇压罢工而使用国家军队。"ranging from作定语,修饰subjects。   3.—what is the cost of your shirts here,sir?   —it depends on which fashion you want to buy,and the prices ________from 100 dollars to 500 dollars.   a.increases b.ranges   c.reaches d.differs   解析:选b。range from...to...是常见搭配,在句中表示从100美元到500美元不等。   2distribute vt. 分发;分配   (回归课本p35)his younger brother,theo,tried hard to sell and distribute van gogh’s paintings to buyers,but he was never able to negotiate a successful sale.   他的弟弟西奥非常努力地向买主兜售和推销凡•高的画,但从来没有做成一笔成功的买卖。   归纳拓展   例句探源   ①(朗文p589)the red cross is distributing food and clothing to the refugees.   红十字会正向难民分发食品和衣物。   ②(牛津p581)the money was distributed among schools in the area.   这笔款项是在本地区的学校中分配的。   ③make sure that your weight is evenly distributed.   注意让你的体重分布均匀。   4.完成句子   (1)老师把新书发给小学生们。   the teacher______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.   答案:distributed the new books to the pupils   (2)他们将利润平分了。   they distributed the profit equally________themselves.   答案:among   5. (XX年广东汕头调研考试) the work was________well among the students and was completed to everyone’s satisfaction.   a.distributed  b.contributed   c.spread d.decorated   解析:选a。考查动词辨析。此处表示"分配"工作,因此用distribute。句意:工作在学生中分配得很好,完成的状况令每个人都满意。contribute"贡献";spread"展开,伸展";decorate"装饰"。   6.it was too dark to________anything more than their vague shapes.   a.distribute b.dismiss   c.discount d.distinguish   解析:选d。考查动词辨析。句意:太暗了,只能辨别出他们模糊的身影。distinguish"辨别出";dismiss"解雇,解散";distribute"分配";discount"打折扣,不重视"。   3abandon vt. 放弃,丢弃,遗弃   n. 放任,放纵,狂放;无拘无束   (回归课本p37)in fact,he abandoned them and starting from scratch,created a style of art known as cubism,which is a type of abstract painting.实际上,他放弃了它们并且从头开始创造了一种艺术风格,称之为立体主义,是一种类型的抽象画。   归纳拓展   例句探源   ①(牛津p1)the baby had been abandoned by its mother.   这个婴儿被母亲遗弃了。   ②(朗文p2)the suspect abandoned the car at llewellyn and hamilton avenues.该嫌疑犯将小汽车丢弃在卢埃林大街和汉米而顿大街交汇处。   ③they abandoned all hope of capturing the castle.   他们放弃了夺取这座城市的一切希望。   ④he abandoned himself to feelings.他陷入了情感之中。   易混辨析   abandon,desert,quit,resign,give up   abandon强调"完全、永远的遗弃",尤其指遗弃以前感兴趣或负责任的人或物。   give up最为普通,可代替其它的近义词。   desert强调"违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等"。   quit强调"突然或无意地弃去",常指"停止"。   resign意为"辞去,放弃",指辞去某一职位,尤其指通过正式通知,放弃某一特权、权利、要求、希望等。   表示"抛弃,离开"abandon与desert同义,abandon可接动名词或名词作宾语,不接不定式。表示"放弃,停止做某事"时,abandon与give up同义。   ①she abandoned her child.   ②he was forced by the scandal to resign the office to which he had been elected.   ③she quitted her job.   ④he gave_up smoking last year.   7.完成句子   (1)他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。   he________ ________ ________and went away with all their money.   答案:abandoned his wife   (2)人们发现那辆破损的自行车被扔在河边。   the broken bike________ ________ ________by the riverside.   答案:was found abandoned   (3)他自暴自弃。   he________ ________ ________despair.   答案:abandoned himself to   4bargain n. 便宜货;划算的买卖    vi. 讲价,讨价还价;讲条件,谈判   (回归课本p43)tourists paid him small fees for these early works,and considering his later fame,they got a real bargain.   游客们买这些早期作品付给他极少的钱,想想他后来的名气,他们真的非常划算。   归纳拓展   例句探源   ①(朗文p137)the family refused to bargain with the kidnappers.这家人拒绝和绑架者谈条件。   ②(牛津p143)in the market dealers were bargaining with growers over the price of coffee.   在市场上经销商正和种植者就咖啡的价格进行商谈。   ③finally the two sides struck a bargain.   双方最终达成了协议。   ④the car was a bargain at that price.   那辆车的价格真便宜。   8.完成句子   (1)这件夹克衫这么便宜,真划得来。   this jacket is________ ________ ________ at such a low price.   答案:a real bargain   (2)他和卖水果的人讨价还价,直到他把水果便宜地卖给他。   he ________ ________the trader________the price till he sold him the fruit cheaply.   答案:bargained with;over   (3)他跟妻子讲条件说"你看好孩子,我做饭"。   he ________ ________ ________with his wife that"you take care of the children and i’ll cook".   答案:made a bargain   5stick vt.& vi. 粘贴;张贴;阻塞,卡住,陷在……里   (回归课本p47)choose small shells so they will not be very heavy when they are stuck onto the card.   挑选一些小的贝壳,这样当把它们粘贴到卡片上时它们就不会很重。   归纳拓展   stick a stamp on a letter在信封上粘贴邮票   stick sth.into...把……插入/刺入……   stick to坚持;粘贴   stick in卡在……中,陷入……中   get/be stuck in陷入……中   例句探源   ①(牛津p1980)she finds it impossible to stick to a diet.   饮食老受限制,她觉得受不了。   ②(朗文p2021)it was so hot his shirt was sticking to his back.   天太热,他的衬衫都贴在背上了。   ③the key has stuck in the lock.   钥匙卡在锁里了。   ④don’t stick your arm out of the car window.   不要把胳膊伸出车窗。   9.because edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact,he________his opinion.   a.struck at   b.strove for   c.stuck to d.stood   解析:选c。句意:因为艾德哥相信这个事实的准确性,所以他坚持自己的看法。stick to"坚持"。   10.how unfortunate!we were________in a storm and our car was________in the mud yesterday.   a.set;struck b.caught;set   c.caught;stuck d.lost;caugtht   解析:选c。句意:多倒霉啊!我们昨天被困在了暴风雨中,我们的车陷在泥中了。be caught in"被困在……",stick in"陷在……之中"。   6have an appetite for... 喜爱,渴望   (回归课本p37)he had an appetite for life and enjoyed exploring the workings of objects and animals.   他热爱生活并且喜欢对客观物体和动物进行探索的工作过程。   归纳拓展   have a good appetite胃口好   have an appetite for...爱好……   have a poor appetite胃口不好   improve the appetite食欲大增   lose one’s appetite食欲不振   to one’s appetite合某人的胃口   satisfy sb.’s appetite满足某人的食欲(或欲望   例句探源   ①(朗文p81)both of my kids have a healthy appetite.   我的两个孩子胃口都很好。   ②(牛津p80)the public have an insatiable appetital for scandal.公众对丑事总是喜闻乐道。   ③walking all day,you can work up an appetite.   如果走一天的路,你的胃口就会很好。   11.完成句子   (1)作为一名高三学生,他喜欢学习。   as a senior 3 student,________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.   答案:he has a good appetite for study   (2)when i was ill i completely________(食欲不振)my appetite.   答案:lost   (3)他有强烈的好奇心。   he ________ ________ ________ ________the curiosities.   答案:has an appetite for   (4)he has________ ________(毫无斗志)for the fight.   答案:no appetite   7be admitted to/into 获准进入;被……录取   (回归课本p43)in 1983,he was admitted to the beijing school of art.   1983年,他被北京艺术学校录取。   归纳拓展   admit(to)sth./doing sth.承认/供认/招认(做过)某事   admit sb.into/to接纳某人进入;吸收某人参加   admit of容许有;有……的可能   admit that...承认……   例句探源   ①(朗文p27)only members will be admitted to the club for tonight’s performance.   只有会员才允许进入俱乐部观看今晚的表演。   ②(牛津p26)she admitted to having stolen the car.   她供认偷了那辆轿车。   ③it was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly.   普遍认为,政府行动过急。   12.(XX年高考全国卷ⅱ)if you leave the club,you will not be________back in.   a.received   b.admitted   c.turned d.moved   解析:选b。考查动词辨析。句意:如果你退出该俱乐部,人家就不会重新接受你。短语be admitted in/into表示"被录取,被接受",符合语意。   13.you may not like the new comer,but you have to ________that she is good at her job.   a.admit b.declare   c.announce d.report   解析:选a。句意:你或许不喜欢这位新手,但你得承认她擅长她的工作。此句要用admit表示"承认"。declare和announce都表示"宣布";report"报道"。   14.only ticket­holders were ________ to the stadium for the concert given by jay chou,so many of his fans were turned away.   a.allowed b.permitted   c.agreed d.admitted   解析:选d。be admitted to意为"获准进入"。   8have a go 试一试   (回归课本p47)there are many other things that you can use to make unusual pictures,so why not have a go at some of the ideas above and then try out some ideas of your own?   还有许多其他东西你可以利用,做出不一般的图画,为什么不试试上面的一些点子,然后试试你自己的呢?   归纳拓展   have a go at (doing)sth.试做某事   at one go一口气   give sth.a go试做某事   have a go on sth.用一下某物   have a go at sb.抱怨某人   【温馨提示】 go作为名词,当表示"尝试"含义时是可数名词,常加不定冠词,有时也用复数,其复数形式是goes。   she had six goes at her driving­test before she passed.   她考了6次才通过驾驶考试。   例句探源   ①he ate up all the dumplings at one go.   他一口气吃光了所有的水饺。   ②(朗文p887)steve martin’s going to have a go at the role spencer tracy made so memorable.   史蒂夫•马丁打算重新演绎斯潘塞•特雷西曾扮演过的这个令人难忘的角色。   ③young children shouldn’t worry too much about spelling,but just give it a go.   小孩子不应该太过顾虑拼写,只要试着写就行。   15.完成句子   (1)她一口气把蜡烛全吹灭了。   she blew out the candles________ ________ ________.   答案:at one go   (2)我能用一下你的电脑吗?   can i________ ________ ________ ________your computer?   答案:have a go on   (3)马克肯定会埋怨我把这笔钱都花光了。   mark’s bound to________ ________ ________ ________me for spending all this money.   答案:have a go at   句型解析   【教材原句】 hardly had we left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we had left our map in the room.(p41)   第二天早上我们刚离开宿舍就意识到我们把地图忘在房间里了。   【句法分析】 该句是一个复合句,when引导一个时间状语从句,hardly位于句首,主句用倒装。   hardly...when...一……就……   ①hardly had he begun to speak when his father stopped him.   他刚开口发言就被父亲制止了。   ②i had hardly sat down for a rest when the doorbell rang.   我刚坐下来休息门铃就响了。   归纳拓展   (1)当hardly位于句首时常使用部分倒装结构,主句总是用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。同样用法的还用:no sooner...than...,scarcely...when...。   ③no sooner had she gone out than someone called her.   她刚一出去就有人打电话找她。   (2)表示"一……就……"的词还有:as soon as/immediately/directly/the moment/the minute 从句;at the thought/sight/sound of 宾语;on/upon (doing)sth.等。   ④you may leave immediately he comes.   他一来你就可以走了。   ⑤i knew there was no hope the moment i saw him.   我一见到他就知道没有什么希望了。   ⑥the performance began on my entrance.   我一进去演出就开始了。   ⑦at the sight of the tiger the monkeys ran away.   一看到老虎,猴子们就跑了。   16.________i had a few problems to deal with.   a.hardly have i arrived when   b.hardly did i arrive than   c.hardly had i arrived when   d.hardly had i arrived than   解析:选c。考查特殊句式。此题为hardly...when...的倒装句式,要注意前后时态的搭配。   17.—have you written these letters?   —no,________ time to do any other work yet.   a.hardly i have had b.hardly have i had   c.i have had hardly d.i hardly have had   解析:选b。hardly为否定副词,置于句首时,句子要倒装。a项hardly在句首要倒装;c、d两项hardly的位置不对,应该放在have后面。因此,答案是b。   作文指导   开放式作文   【体裁导航】   开放式作文一般不提供具体的情景,也没有固定的模式限制,但其体裁和字数仍然要受制于所提供的内容。   做此类题型的作文时,审题非常关键。还要根据所判定的体裁,打开思路,发挥想象,不要过多地顾忌是否犯了语法错误,或者表述是否清楚,而要尽快找出能合理表述文章内容的词句,一气呵成,完成作文。   一般说来,开放式作文,要求的字数比较少,所以我们在文章的结构上必须注意"集中火力",突出重点,直奔主题,而不要随便发挥。   这样,完成了表述以后,就进入了修改阶段。看语法结构,看语言表达,看单词拼写,看标点符号,甚至看字母的大小写。总之,好文章都是经过反复修改而成的。   【写作示例】   在竞争激烈的当今社会,人们十分强调个人能力,但是我们也不能忽视相互合作(cooperation)的重要性。请举例说明相互合作的重要性。   要求:词数120左右。   【写作要领】   本题为开放式作文,要求举例说明相互合作的重要性。首先应该阐明自己赞成合作的观点,然后,举例说明。举例后的重点应该在于说明合作的重要性上。最后一段要进行总结,以达到前后的呼应。   【金点模板】   ①people’s view on________.②in my opinion,________.   ③just take________.④the success________.⑤so cooperation________.   ⑥i doubt whether________.⑦no matter________.⑧at the same time,________.⑨so cooperation________.   ⑩all in all,________.   【范文点评】   my view on cooperation   ①people’s view on cooperation varies from inpidual to inpidual.in my opinion,cooperation to society is what air is to man.   ②just take the XX nobel chemistry prize as an example.the success relies on the efforts of all the three scientists.③so cooperation plays a very important role in the fields of scientific research.   ④i doubt whether personal efforts are enough to deal with the ever increasing challenges. ⑤no matter how great a person is, he or she cannot accomplish everything within his or her own strength. at the same time, everyone has their shortcomings. so cooperation is needed as far as the fact is concerned.   ⑥all in all, as the saying goes "all roads lead to rome" i think all rightful attempts to succeed lead to the improvement of men’s living and working standard.   点评:   ①开门见山,点明主题,提出个人观点。   ②举例说明合作的重要性,富有说服力。   ③据上例得出结论。   ④进一步说明合作的重要性,阐明个人的能力再强大也需要合作。   ⑤no matter引导的让步状语从句增强了感染力。   ⑥最后给与总结,呼应开头,前后得到了很好的照应。   【类题尝试】   (XX年陕西宝鸡教学质检)诚信是处世之本。但是在中学生当中,考试作弊、抄袭作业、欺骗家长和老师等现象屡见不鲜。请你对以上种种现象作简要描述,并以"how to guarantee honesty"为题,从三个方面谈谈如何保证学生做到诚信。   注意:1.词数不少于100;   2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。   how to guarantee honesty   as we all know,honesty is always an essential principle of living.much to our regret,however,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________honesty is the best policy,which is what we should keep in mind all the time.   one possible version:   how to guarantee honesty   as_we_all_know,honesty_is_always_an_essential_principle_of_living.much_to_our_regret,however,it is nothing new that some middle school students cheat in exams,copy others’ homework and fool their teachers and parents.therefore,how to guarantee honesty should come to our attention.   personally,i think honesty education is necessary.for instance,courses on honesty can be offered to students;activities like story­telling and lectures are also worth trying.with the concept of "being honest" rooted in their minds,honesty can be reflected in their daily life and study.   besides,related rules and regulations should be laid down.detailed criteria should be applied to evaluate students in aspects such as homework,tests,relationship with teachers and parents.   then,strict measures should be carried out to punish those who cheat,and consequently,they must assume responsibility for their bad behavior,thus considerably reducing chances of cheating next time.   honesty_is_the_best_policy,which_is_what_we_should_keep_in_mind_all_the_time.
