快好知 kuaihz

151. At the start of a project there is often a pressure on functional managers to provide qualified people for the project. 152. This neglect is not only by academics, but is also evident in the practice of both selective and functional assessment. 153. Many practitioners know this, and may be put off from benefiting from the undoubted if limited strengths of functional assessment. 154. This creates complicated relationships between project managers and functional managers. 155. There is no question but that agency rulemaking is lawmaking in any functional or realistic sense of the term.... 156. This can lead to friction, acrimony and lack of co-operation between functional groups. 157. In Piaget's system the behavioural components are functional forms of organic structure. 158. Our new architecture broke up those functional fiefdoms and broke down those functional walls. 159. The anytime / anyplace work world is upon us, particularly in functional areas like sales. 160. Thus a functional prerequisite of society involves at least a minimal degree of integration between the parts. 161. He provides a careful analysis of the relationship between the functional and structural characteristics of different types of discourse. 162. Those interested in functional explanations of linguistic phenomena ought then to have a considerable interest in the systematics of face-to-face interaction. 163. You must be able to develop good, informal contact with functional managers. 164. Intended to develop recognition and efficient production of key functional phrases, improve listening ability, and expand basic business vocabulary. 165. Neither the provision of contemporary hardware or a functional equivalent is trivial. 166. The classical design was a far cry from today's functional agricultural buildings. 167. The practitioner works as the officer of the organisation to test for entitlement to its services, perhaps using functional assessment methods. 168. Local authorities are often composed of these kinds of functional departments. 3. 169. Thus differences in pay and prestige between occupational groups may be due to differences in their power rather than their functional importance. 170. Internal interfaces include those between an engineer and different levels of management, departments or functional groups within the same organisation. 171. In fact a number of sociologists have argued that there is no objective way of measuring the functional importance of positions. 172. Some search consultants span these two worlds and have both a functional and an industry discipline. 173. Generally, this condition persists for only a short period as the enzyme system usually becomes functional within several days after birth. 174. Useful - really functional language items that can come in handy in real situations. 175. The 33 patients with distal disease have functional results that are indistinguishable from those with total colitis. 176. Half of all the failures are because patients are dissatisfied with the functional results of this operation. 177. There is also a general feeling that a co-ordination unit will result in more pressure and control on functional departments. 178. The device showed evidence of much tinkering, and was clearly not yet functional. 179. Each runs one of the restaurants, and also takes responsibility for a major functional area. 180. Felicity's bedroom was spartan but functional.