快好知 kuaihz

31. It is functional, and gives very encouraging results. 32. This case supports the theory that functional disturbances of the thymus may have a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. 33. Depending on the situation, he may report to the chief executive, to a functional manager, or to a steering committee. 34. The stronger argument is a functional one, that brains do not respond to damage like typical interactive systems. 35. For example, the social services department within a local authority is a functional department. 36. Each of the three functional areas is dealt with in terms of its salient features and its mainstream activities. 37. The Museum of Religious Art will be fully functional from immediately before the opening of Mayfest. 38. This is clearly an essential attribute for articles of jewellery and functional items such as tableware. 39. As in every matrix structure, the operational roles have reporting responsibilities to functional managers as well as to their immediate line managers. 40. In other words, the emergence of conscious experience depends only on an appropriate functional structure. 41. So far, criticism of functionalist theories has been concerned with the view that stratification is functional. 42. Functional as opposed to philosophical rationality is experienced by men and women in work, by government and through bureaucracy. 43. In a functional department we face quite properly increasing pressure on our resources. 44. Meisel's second functional characteristic is coherence, which is rather more straight forward. 45. They conclude that differential rewards are functional for society, that they contribute to the maintenance and well-being of social systems. 46. Then any additional carbon atoms forming the skeleton were added and finally the functional group. 47. If you are trying to change to a completely different field you should use a functional resume. 48. Elected governments and administrative elites are passive functionaries who simply facilitate the bargains struck by the functional elites. 49. One such functional prerequisite is effective role allocation and performance. 50. They therefore look to social stratification to see how far it meets these functional prerequisites. 51. Those arguments then assert that functional alignment is the only logical answer. 52. Meisel identifies three functional characteristics which-Mosca's elite has to have - group consciousness. coherence and conspiracy. 53. Each functional manager appoints a representative who is responsible for the project within his department. 54. First, each is assigned to a specific function with a functional boss. 55. The traditional organizational chart with divisions, departments, and sections drawn along functional lines may cease to exist. 56. Information was required on his or her physical and mental condition, including any functional mental disorder or behavioural problems. 57. Science deals with the existent, real, concrete and functional images. 58. The major institutions of society are justified by the belief that they are meeting the functional prerequisites of the social system. 59. BMany of these children have parents who remain fairly functional -- often for years. 60. What is needed is some basis for estimating the functional from a finite number of experimental results.