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211. Objective: To clarify the cause of postoperative functional speech disorder, provide evidences for prevention and treatment of functional speech disorder. 212. Based on the constitutive realtion of elastic viscoplasticity, the incremental functional is de- rived by means of non-linear functional analysis theory in this paper. 213. While the web is not an archetypal corpus, "web as a corpus" method is irrefutably functional, and has found its widespread applications in linguistic data retrieval and linguistic hypothesis testing. 214. The late - model copper - zinc alloy and mineral functional chinaware material were used activatedfor water treatment of boiler. 215. AIM : To study the functional α _ 1 - adrenergic receptor ( α _ 1 - AR ) subtypes in human right gastroepiploic artery ( RGA ). 216. And it detailedly designs the integrating scheme and functional model, which matches up to the full life cycle of wheels' products and gives the researchable value to manufactures' quality management. 217. The energy functional is then written and the plate is discretized into the finite element method format on a small computer for performing the calculation. 218. Many developers simply look at a functional specification to carve out a task list. 219. Sodium Perborate monohydrate is similar to sodium percarbonate as a famous oxygen bleach agent. It offers many of the functional benefits as liquid hydrogen peroxide in a stable solid form. 220. QuodDB is a fully functional database application for mobile devices. 221. General understanding of functional business structure, processes and legal responsibilities. 222. To investigate the mechanism of discoloration of black locus wood during thermal treatment process, the variations of functional groups in the lignin of black locust are studied by FTIR and UV-Vis. 223. Coital penetration recovered in 18 of 20 injected patients with erectile failure of functional (psychic) or organic (endocrinic, vasculoganic or neuropathic) origin. 224. The engineering department in a functional organization will do its project work independent of the manufacturing or marketing departments. 225. The functional counter unit incorporating the kitchen, powder room, and study room is made of integrally a solid surface "DuPont Corian". 226. Meanwhile, functional groups were also introduced by the reaction of 1,3 propane sultone with amine sites on the surface of silk fibroin film which were produced by NH 3 gas plasma. 227. That the extended Bernoullian equations can be derived from the Lagrangian function under the condition of the flow being steady, demonstrates that the energy functional presen... 228. The general similarity-based approximate reasoning method (GSBAR) needs a learning algorithm to find its functional parameters based on various cases. 229. Organizations are usually managed vertically, with responsibility for the intended outputs being divided functional units. 230. Immunoglobulin G is an important functional component of colostrum, and it's comprehensive research is an important issue for the dairy industry. 231. The success of innovation means that a number of functional departments can perform their work, and they maintain the balance and coordination, not just one or two are superexcellence. 232. Objective To observe the rehabilitation treated effect of children arrhythmia caused by autonomic nerve functional disorder. 233. According to the functional requirements of the Batch-type Aluminum Ingot Cooling Conveyor, designed out the hydraulic system schematic diagram. 234. Objective To observe the effect of the repair of wounds in functional location by autografting a large piece of mid-thick skin. 235. The experiments indicate that functional test sets may be able to identify functions whose realizations have low path delay fault coverage. 236. The prevailing paradigm for programming was functional decomposition with procedural languages. 237. It has advantage on other methods that only one linear functional equation is requested to be solved in on iteration. 238. By functional division, the project contains International Area, Processing Area, Block Distributing Area and Trading and Logistic Area. 239. Requirements-driven systems development methods focus on functional decomposition, often in isolation to assemblage composition, which typically occurs late in the development lifecycle. 240. Objective To study the relationship of functional phonation disorders and laryngeal organic diseases.