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181. Conducting functional tests of PT builds. 182. Computational Biology and Functional Genomics Laboratory, Harvard University, USA. 183. The functional character and exploitation of Portulaca oleracea L. 184. Inherent in judicial review are many functional limitations. 185. Revise the functional diagram to reflect this change. 186. Phytosterol esters are kinds of novel serum cholesterol lowering functional food additives. 187. In post-genome era, the objective of functional genomics study is to decode the functions of genes and control them. 188. The dissociative adsorption of cyclopropane on the copper surface was studied using density functional theory. 189. Phosphorus acid is added, so as to make it phosphonated. The new oligomer has high density branched chain of phosphonic acid functional groups. This product has undergone tests such ass... 190. The article reviews the function of proprioception in maintaining joint stability and the proprioceptive loss and reconstruction of functional joint instability. 191. The functional components of Chinese white olive pomace were determined and researched on its general utilization . 192. This review will focus on the recent development of hereditary endocrine and metabolic diseases according to the functional classification of the mutant genes. 193. The physical therapist individualizes exercise programs based on functional limitations as a result of injury or illness. 194. Protein subcellular localization is one of the key questions for functional genomics. 195. The structure of preform is described, the processing parameters are predicted in theory and the designs of functional and structural composites are provided by the method of topological analysis. 196. This paper made a comparison of functional parameter of M2483 and M2488. The compatibility of M2483 and M2488 and main features of their magnetic tape unit are also introduced in this paper. 198. SUMMARY: Comparative approach is one of the most essential methods for extracting functional and evolutionary information from genomic sequences. 199. This paper describes an Multi-Agent Integration Strategy(MAIS) for Agile Manufacturing System based on functional description of System Modules and Process. 200. Characters, events, and background are all part of the stories, Dirghagama-sutra shaped both the functional characters and the psychographic ones. 201. In this paper, according to the test results, the functional relationship between the surface hardness value (HV)and the load for nitrided and nitrocarburized layer was studied by regression analysis. 202. Troubleshooting and problem analysis on multi - functional drillers, and handle quality problem with customers. 203. In this article there're some details on the the familiar malfunction principle and maintenance in fluid pressure functional check of the hemodialysis machine AK95series of Gambro. 204. Objective Explore the function of mental intervention in the treatment of childrens functional recurrent abdominal pain ( FRAP ). 205. To observe the cure effect of needle-knife together with oral taking traditional Chinese drug(TCD)and functional exercise on patella malacia. 206. Drag onto the page to add a horizontal cross - functional process chart. 207. E - government will be a perfect and functional system , safeguarded with policies, laws and qualified personnel. 208. Finally, this paper designed a number of functional test cases to test the entire function; the main work is to test some boundaries of the function. 209. Results Some functional imaging characteristics exist between tuberculoma and peripheral lung cancer. 210. The paper analyzes colliery general goods and materials management information system, then puts forward its goal, at last divides and depicts system functional modules.