快好知 kuaihz

61. A notional/functional approach essentially seeks to establish correlations between systemic and schematic elements. 62. Between these two positions lies a range of literacy activity, such as personal autobiography, diaries, functional lists etc. 63. The only renal functional abnormality consistently noted in, hyperuricemic patients is a mild defect in concentrating ability. 64. These results confirm increased macrophage activation in inflammatory bowel disease and suggest functional heterogeneity within the intestinal macrophage population. 65. The breakdown of departments into functional areas is unfortunately subject to frequent change, making computerisation of the return difficult. 66. For these reasons the functional significance of these observations is difficult to assess. 67. The characteristic functional groups were then indicated by prefixes and suffixes with numbers to indicate their positions. 68. Flooring should be non-committal: plain, functional cord fitted carpet, or rubber stud flooring. 69. The chemistry of the functional groups is considered here with a mechanistic rationale. 70. The roomy silos of the hull flanks gave it a bulbous appearance that defied approval by any aesthetic but the purely functional. 71. But even functional psychosis can vary in symptomatology and psychiatrists generally distinguish between two main forms. 72. In the opinion of most, however customer service and quality remained hostage to the lack of cooperation from the functional heads. 73. The residuals can also be used to indicate whether we have fitted the correct functional form or not. 74. By breaking down the communication barriers among work groups, rotation enhances the flow of information between workers and across functional units. 75. Later in Chapter 31 we will consider how functional shares have changed historically. 76. Part 2 introduces a new grammar, and includes a functional component. 77. Now the goal is to design buildings that also remain functional after a quake. 78. Even when the forms of such things as halberds or hoe-blades were rendered in jade they were too delicate for functional use. 79. We want to build factories that are as functional as they are aesthetic. 80. The best time to nudge children toward functional writing is when they are in the midst of doing purposeful work. 81. His bedside snack caviar dish - a functional item at two to three hundred. 82. The 1100 FD model is a fully functional PC-compatible notebook computer. 83. The first section describes some of the general principles that affect the reactivity of functional groups. 84. Also, when decisions based on that analysis process are made, they get implemented rather than lost in the functional silos. 85. Early regular mobilisation of the prepuce after surgery ensures an excellent functional and cosmetic result. 86. The patient characteristically believes that the part is diseased or not fully functional. 87. In another way, however, the difficulties experienced by new courses or fields in gaining acceptance are functional and desirable. 88. They assume that society has certain basic needs or functional prerequisites which must be met if it is to survive. 89. In a functional sense, spillover was founded on the belief that contemporary economies were based upon a tangle of interrelated sectors. 90. There are obvious functional advantages in the possession of two legs.