

  1."看起来"两不"像":look like, look the same
  as you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different.就像你看到的那样,在某些方面我们看起来一样,在某些方面我们看上去不同。
  look like, look the same都可以表示"看起来像"之意。
  (1)look like是由"不及物动词look+介词like"构成的动词词组,后面需接一个宾语。若表示"某人(物)十分相像"可用very much修饰。
  lily looks like your younger sister very much. 莉莉看上去很像你妹妹。
  (2)look the same是一个固定词组,表示主语所包含的两个或两个以上的事物看起来一样,主语一定是复数,其动词look不可能出现looks形式。look the same后面不再接其他成分,也不能用very much修饰。
  are you twins? you look the same. 你们是双胞胎吗?你们看起来一样。
  (1)lucy looks _______her mother.
  a: same b: the same c: as d: like
  (2)although they are sisters, they don"t _______ ________ ________(看起来一样).
  2.all, both"都"不同
  we both have black eyes...我们都有黑色的眼睛......(p33)
  both 与all的用法相似。both强调两者都,而all则强调三者或三者以上都。
  代词"两者,双方,两人",与of连用both of them are teachers.他们两都是老师。
  both of the students are here.=both the students are here.
  =the students are both here. 两个学生都在这儿。
  副词"两者,两者都",位于行为动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动词之后。they both went shopping last sunday. 上周日他们俩都去购物了。
  the twins are both students.这对双胞胎都是学生。
  形容词"两者的,双方的"she wants both dictionaries.这两本书她都想要。
  both the answers are wrong.这两个答案都是错的。
  连词"......和....都""既......又......",用于连接两个并列成分;连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用复数。he speak both english and french. 他既会说英语,也会说法语。
  both you and i were wrong.你和我都错了。
  (1)_________of the twins study in no.1 middle school.
  (2)_________tom and john came over to our house for dinner.
  (3)_________the students in his class went to the park last sunday.
  they twins ________ ________ sports.
  as for other subjects, i likes them ________.
  however, we both enjoy going to parties. 不过,我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。(p33)
  however, they did not seem to have much effect. 不过,他们似乎没有太大的作用。
  he said that it was so. he was mistaken, however. 他说事情就是这样。然而,他错了。
  1.it"s raining hard. h________, i think i should go to school on time.
  2. he is very young. ___________, he knows several languages.
  a: though b: however c: so d: because
  (1)in some ways 在某些方面,类似的短语有:in many ways在很多方面。
  (2)more than 超出,常用在数词之前,表示数量超过多少,相当于over.
  (3)in common公有的,共有的
  (4)the same as...和...一样,常与be动词连用。其反义短语为be different from,意为"和......不同"。
  (5)not as/so...as... 不如......,中间用形容词或副词的原级。 其肯定形式为as...as...,意为"与......一样......"
  these two short stories have much ________ _________.
  _________ _________ _________, different is good.
  he _________ come _________ _________ _________ li lin yesterday.
  5. as you can see , in some ways we look the same , and in some ways we look different .
  这里"as"表示正如的意思。如,as you all know, she’s a very good tescher.
  do it in this way. 按照这样办法,以这样的方式。
  he solved this math problem,in many ways.在很多方面。
  in a way,he is right. 在某种意义上。
  don’t stand in the/my way. 挡我的道。
  she did her shopping on the way/on her way to the factory.
  6.. i think a good friend makes me laugh .
  make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
  help sb. (to)do sth 帮助某人做某事
  let sb.do sth 让某人做某事
  (1)don"t make me _________ this or that. i"m too busy.
  a. to do b. do c. doing d. did
  (2)his joke made us ________.
  a. laugh b. to laugh c. laughing d. laugh
  (3)my father ________(做)a desk for me yesterday.
  (4)the boy can _________(铺)his bed now.
  7.、不同的"兴趣"interest, interesting, interested
  (1)the book is _________. most of the teachers are _________in it.
  (2)the story is the _________ of the two.
  (3)i don"t think there is anything __________ in today"s newspaper.
  (4)the boy has much _________ in drawing.
  they visited many ________ __________ __________ in beijing yesterday.
  he _________ _________ ___________ music when he was 3 years old.
  8. for me , a good friend likes to do the same things as me .
  like to do sth. 喜欢做某事 指的是短期的喜欢,并不是一直的
  like doing sth 喜欢做某事 指的是长期的喜欢,一直都这样
  一般情况下,经常用like doing sth这个结构.....
  如 today i would like to see a film:今天我想去看电影。
  when i am free, i like seeing films:我有空的时候喜欢去看电影
  ask to do sth 让做某事
  9. that’s not very important for me ….
  固定句型it is important for sb. to do sth
  it is easy/hard for sb. to do sth
  10.. you must be good with children / enjoy telling jokes .
  be good with sb. 对某人好;与某人相处融洽
  be good with sth 意为"灵巧的;与……相处得好"。
  例如:she is good with her hands. 她手很巧。
  he is very good with the children. 他与这些孩子处得很好。
  be good to意为"对……友好"。
  例如: my friend was good to me when i was ill. 我生病时我的朋友对我关怀备至
  be kind to sb对......友好
  enjoy doing = like doing sth. (现在)喜欢做某事
  13. he can’t stop talking .
  stop doing sth. 意为" 停止(正在)做的事情" "即"不做某事了
  如:when the teacher came in , the students stopped talking and laugh . 、
  he stopped watching tv and began to read english.他停下来看电视,开始读英语。
  stop to do sth. 意为" 停下(正在做的事)去做某事" 做下面的事",。
  如:he stopped to write a letter to her . 他停下手边的工作,给她写信。
  讲一讲 1
  what’s the best clothes store in town?
  (1)此句中best 是good 的最高级形式,其前应加定冠词the。
  (2)in town 在城镇,town前加不加任何冠词或修饰成分。in the city 在城市, in the country在乡村;在农村。city/country 前加定冠词the。例如:
  do you like living in town or in the city? 你喜欢住在城镇还是住在城市里?
  (3)clothes 本身是复数形式,后面动词应用复数。clothing 是复合名词,衣服的总称,没有复数形式,后面动词应用单数。例如:
  the clothes in that shop are expensive. 那家店的衣服贵。
  all the clothing in the shop is very cheap. 这家店里的衣服很便宜。
  1. what’s _______ (good) clothing store in town?
  2. who is _______ (short),ann, sally _______ or mary?
  3. among the three boys he works the _______ .
  a. hard b.harder c.hardest d.most hard
  4)michael is taller than any other student in his class.(同义句转换)
  michael is _______ _______ _______ in his class.
  who do you think is _______ _______ _______ ?
  it has the most comfortable seats. 它有最舒适的座位。
  you can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats.
  comfortable 为形容词,意为"舒适的",用来修饰seats。most comfortable 是它的最高级形式,在句中使用时,要在其最高级前加the.
  练习:用所给词的正确形式填空 。
  6. -there are ___________seats in town cinema.
  -yes, you can sit there ____________ .(comfortable)
  7. -can you buy clothes the most ?
  -yes, i can buy the _______ clothes.(cheap)
  8. he is a _______ man, he does everything __________ . (careful)
  9. tom sings _________in his class. he can sing many________ songs .(beautiful)
  10. -did your father have a __________ breakfast this morning?
  -yes, he had breakfast__________. (quick)
  讲一讲 3
  it’s the closest to home. 它离家最近。
  (1)close 在此句中为形容词,意为"近的,接近的",既可指时间,也可以指空间上的。closest 为形容词 close的最高级形式。其反义词为far, 近义词为near。在表达"离……近"时用(be)close to 结构。例如:
  the post office is close to the park. 邮局离公园近。
  he sat close to us. 他挨着我们坐。
  ① close与near都意为"近的",但close比near表达的距离更近,相当于very near,可以近至几乎相接触,而near意为"附近的;邻近的。":
  my home is near our school.我家离我们学校很近。
  ② close还是一个动词,意为"关;关闭"。其反义词为open。例如:
  please close the windows before leaving. 离开前请将窗户关上。
  don’t close your eyes, please. 请不要闭上眼睛。
  (2)home 在这里为名词,意为"家",包含"爱;温暖;舒适;安全"等意义,通常不用冠词修饰。例如:
  home is where the heart is.心在哪里,哪里就是家。
  练习。11. the store is the __________my home. i often do shopping in it.
  a. near b.closest c.farthest d.closes
  12. -david ,where do you live?
  -it’s__________ taishan.
  a. close from b.closing to c.close to d.far to
  13. my home is __________our school, so i have to take the bus.
  a. far from b.closed to c. far to d.near.
  讲一讲 4
  it’s always interesting to watch other people show their talents.
  1.it’s interesting to do sth. 意思是 "做某事有趣", 它是it’s +adj+to do sth.句型的一种形式,it 作形式主语,to do sth.是真正的主语。例如:
  6. watch 在句中是感官动词。watch sb.do sth. 意为"观看某人做了某事或经常观看某人做某事",强调"观看动作的全过程"。例如:
  i watched them play football the whole afternoon.整个下午我在看他们踢足球。
  ①watch sb.doing sth. 则表示"观看某人正在做某事"强调"动作正在进行"。例如:
  i’m watching them playing football. 我正在观看他们踢足球。
  ②hear,see, feel, notice 等感官动词的用法与watch一致。例如:
  i saw him get on the bus. 我看见他上了公共汽车。(动作已完成)
  i saw him getting on the bus. 我看见他正在上公共汽车。(动作正在进行)
  练习:14. i saw my father__________ . it made me __________better.
  a.smiling; to feel b.smile; feeling c.smile ; feel d.smile; to feel
  15. the young woman watched her daughter_________ a yo-yo yesterday afternoon.
  a.to play b.to play with c.playing with d.played
  16. i often hear her__________ in the room.
  a.sing b.sang c.singing d.to sing
  17. it’s nice of you __________me with my math.
  a.help b.helping c.to help d.helped
