

  unit 6 going west
  word study
  1.perseverance 2.quit 3.circumstance
  4.assessment 5.survival 6.biscuit
  7.flour 8.bedding 9.frontier
  10.barren 11.salty 12.drinkable
  13.burden 14.desperate 15.beast
  16.accustomed 17.thirst 18.starvation
  19.anxiety 20.tax 21.anniversary
  22.throat 23.catastrophe 24.relief
  25.deliver 26.tough 27.quilt
  28.sculpture 29.memorial 30.properly
  1.坚持不懈 2.放弃,停止 3.环境
  4.评价 5.幸存 6.饼干
  7.面粉 8.铺盖 9.边界
  10.贫瘠的 11.含盐的 12.可饮用的
  13.负担 14 .绝望的 15.兽;动物
  16.习惯的 17.渴;渴望 18.饿死
  19.忧虑 20.税;税额 21.周年纪念
  22.嗓子 23突如其来的大灾难24.减轻或解除(痛苦、忧虑等)
  25.递送 26.困难的 27.被子
  28.雕塑雕刻 29.纪念馆 30.适当地
  useful expressions
  1. apply…to 2.add up 3.lose heart
  4.take it easy 5.keep up 6.common sense 7.leave behind 8.lose one’s way
  9.come to an end 10.tie up 11.go for
  12.live through sth 13.satisty one’s needs
  14.in need of 15.set off 16.suffer from
  1.运用;应用 2.加起来 3.泄气;灰心
  4.别紧张 5.保持;维持 6.常识
  7.望带;留下 8.迷路 9.结束;终止
  10.系;拴;捆 11.努力获取
  12.经历某事物而幸存 13.满足某人的需要 14.需要 15.出发 16.因… 受苦
  sentence patterns & communicative english
  i can achieve my goals. i am more of a leader than a follow . i never disappointed for very long. i can quickly adapt myself to new circumstances.
  i am strong and ready for any challenge. i don’t lose heart when i fail to do something.
  in the spring of 1845, my father read a book about california.
  less than half a year later we packed our things onto a wagon and left our farm.
  april 12,1846 was chosen as the day when all should be ready to start.
  on november 4,1846, we entered the desert and soon lost our way.
  at three o’clock in the morning of christmas day we reached the edge of the desert.
  定语(the attribute)
  1 .掌握定语的表示法(形容词、名词、不定式、介词短语、分词、从句等)
  topic & writing
  in 1921,franklin d.roosevelt took his family sailing one day and he fell into the cold waters. the next day , a forest fire broke out .franklin and his children helped to fight the forest fire and put it out. it was hard and tiring work . after the fire was put out , franklin was sick .it was polio(脊髓灰质炎).he could not move his legs .the doctors said he could never walk again.
  many men would give up then. franklin roosevelt did not give up. he began to work to get well again. even though he could not get out of bed, he did exercises, and his shoulders and arms grew very strong .at last the doctors let him out of bed, but he had to wear heavy metal braces(支架; 支撑之物) on his legs .then he went to warm springs , georgia. he swam in the warm waters there. even though it was painful to move his legs. he kept on swimming and exercising them . he grew better until he could leave the braces off. he could walk with only a cane to help him.
  "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself," president roosevelt told the people.
  warming up
  to go on till you succeed is what life is all about
  [点拨] to go on till you succeed是不定式短语作主语。
  e.g .to accept their offer would be foolish. 接受他们的帮助是愚蠢的。
  e.g. it is right to give up smoking. 戒烟是正确的。
  [点拨] what life is all about 是what引导的表语从句。
  e.g. china is not what it used to be. 中国已不是从前的那个样子了。
  apply the following statements to yourself.
  [点拨] apply sth (to sth)=make practical use of sth 运用,应用某事物
  e.g. we can apply the results of this research to new developments in technology.
  apply sth / oneself to sth/doing sth = concentrate one’s thought and energy (on a task) 集中精力(做事);专心
  e.g.1.you will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work.
  e.g.2.we must apply our minds to finding a solution.
  [点拨] apply (to sb)(for sth)=make a formal request 申请;请求
  e.g.1. you should apply immediately , in person or by letter.
  e.g.2. apply to the publishers for permission to reprint an extract
  e.g.3.apply for a job , post, passport , visa 申请工作、职位、护照、签证
  add up your score on each question.
  [点拨] add up=calculate the total 加起来
  e.g. add up all the money i owe you. 把我应付你的钱都加在一起。
  [归纳] 有关add 的词组:
  1. add sth to sth 加;添;增加 2.add sth 继续说;又说;补充说
  3. add fuel to the flames 火上加油 4.add to sth 增加某事物
  5. add up to sth 总计共达
  i am more of a leader than a follower.
  [点拨] more… than…与其…倒不如
  e.g.1. she is more shy than unfriendly. 与其说她不友好,倒不如说她内向。
  e.g.2.this is more a grammar book than a dictionary.
  [点拨] more than 用法小结:
  1.more than =not only 意为"不仅仅,不只是"用来修饰名词。
  e.g.his trip to beijing was more than sightseeing.
  2. more than = over 多于;超过
  e.g.1. more than twenty =over twenty 二十多
  e.g.2. that’s more than i can describe.=that’s beyond my description.
  3.more than =very 很;非常
  e.g. he was more than happy to hear that . 听到那个消息, 他非常高兴。
  4.more than one "不止一个人/物 "(做主语时,谓语要用单数)
  e.g. more than one person is going to lose his job.
  [辨析] much more …than与 many more …than
  much more +不可数名词+than 比…….大(多)得多
  many more +可数名词复数+than比……多得多
  e.g. he has made much more progress this year than (he did )last year.
  there are many more cars this year than last year in the city.
  另外(much)more (…than)还可以表示为多音节的形容词、副词的比较级。
  e.g. he is much more careful than he used to be.
  [辨析]: no more than 与not more than
  1. 当两者在数量上进行比较时, no more than 表示"仅仅""只有";而not more than只有客观地表示"不超过,至多",没有说话人对数量多少或事物大小的主观态度或口气,而no more than 主要用来表达说话人的主观看法或口气。强调数量之少,事物之小或微不足道。
  e.g.1.he was so poor that he had no more than ten dollars.
  e.g.2.he said he had not more than ten dollars.
  2. 当两者在程度上进行比较时, no more …than…表示"两者一样都不"; 而not more than则表示"一方不及另一方"之意。
  e.g.1.this novel is no more interesting than that one.
  e.g.2.this novel is not more interesting than that one. 这本小说不及那本小说有趣。
  [词组] more and more 越来越多 ,more or less 或多或少, what is more 而且,更有甚者
  i can quickly adapt myself to new circumstances.
  [点拨] adapt (oneself) (to sth)=become adjusted to new conditions,etc. "适应(新环境等)"
  e.g. she adapted herself quickly to the new climate.
  i don’t lose heart when i fail to do something.
  当我没能做好某件事情的时候, 我并不灰心。
  [点拨] lose heart=become discouraged "泄气, 灰心 " 该词组不能在heart前加 one’s
  lose 的有关词组:
  lose one’s breath 气喘咻咻;上气不接下气 lose courage 丧失勇气,沮丧
  lose face 丢脸,丧失声誉 lose one’s head 昏了头,冲动
  lose one’s heart (to sb/sth) 爱上,钟情于 lose one’s life 丧生
  lose one’s way 迷路 lose touch with (sb/sth)失去联系
  lose one’s voice 失音,嗓子哑 lose interest in 失去兴趣
  you will do better if you take it easy.
  [点拨] take it easy =relax; not work too much or do too much "放松;不过分努力;不做过多"
  该词组还可以说 take things easy
  e.g. i like to take things/it easy when i’m on holiday. 我在假日愿意轻松一些。
  take after sb (在长相或性格方面)像(其母亲或父亲)
  take away 拿走 take in 欺骗,蒙蔽某人;收容某人
  take off 脱下(衣服、帽子等)(不及物)起飞
  take up 拿起,从事,占用 take on 呈现 take sb on 雇佣某人
  take a walk/rest= have a walk/rest take one’s time 从容,慢慢行动
  take sth.in one’s arms 抱 take out 取出 take place 发生
  take food /medicine 吃食物/药 take the place of 取代,代替
  take sth.for granted 想当然 take sb.for 误认为
  keep up the good work!
  [点拨] keep up =continue sth at the same level 保持,维持
  e.g.they sang songs to keep their morale up. 他们唱着歌以保持高昂的士气。
  牢记下面keep 所构成的短语:
  keep (sb/sth)away(from sb/sth)使某人/某事物不靠近某人/某事
  keep back 阻止 keep off 远离,不接近 keep on 继续
  keep out (of)使…不进入 keep up with 跟上,赶上
  keep down 蹲下,控制 keep one’s word 守信
  what makes the differences in the narrator’s approach to his own situation?
  [点拨] make a /some /no/any/not much/a great deal of difference "有(颇有,没有,有何,没有多大,有很大)差别,重要性"
  e.g.1.flowers make no difference to a room. 房间里有没有花没什么差别。
  [点拨] 1.tell the difference between a and b "说出a 和b之间的区别"
  e.g. a lot of people can’t tell the differences between an american accent and a canadian accent.许多人说不出美国口音和加拿大口音之间的区别。
  2. a is different from b. "a 与b是不同的"
  e.g. mary is different from jane.玛莉和珍是不同的。
  3.split the difference "折中,""彼此将就"
  e.g. you say $10 and i say $12, so let’s split the difference and call it $11.
  why does the narrator blame himself for his fate ?
  [点拨] blame 的用法小结:
  1. blame sth on sb "把某事归咎于某人"
  e.g. they blamed the failure on george . 他们把失败归咎于乔治。
  2. blame sb for sth "把某事归咎于某人"
  e.g. they blamed george for the failure. 他们把失败归咎于乔治。
  be to blame for "应负责任,应受谴责"
  e.g. who is to blame for starting the fire ? 火灾之引起应由谁来负责?
  bear /take the blame (for sth) "(对某事)负责"
  e.g. we were ready to take /bear the blame for what had happened.
  3. put /lay the blame on sb(for sth) "(将某事)归咎于某人"
  e.g. the judge laid /put the blame on the driver of the car for the accident.
  all alone, and with very few tools ,he managed to survive on the island for more than 27years.
  在几乎没有工具的情况下, 他孤零零地在岛屿上设法生存了27年多。
  [点拨] all alone =by oneself 这里的 all相当于"completely "
  e.g. she lives all alone/ all by oneself. 她独自一个人生活。
  [辨析] lonely与 alone:
  e.g. he doesn’t feel lonely when he is alone. 即使他独自一人时也不感到寂寞。
  e.g. she dared not go home alone. 她不敢独自回家。
  leave/let sb/sth alone "听其自然,不予干涉"
  e.g. you had better leave that dog alone ;it will bite you if you tease it.
  let alone " 且不论,至于…更不必说"
  e.g.he can’t find money for necessities, let alone such luxuries as wine and tobacco.
  …and talk how you will satisfy your basic needs on the island for many years to come,…谈论一下在随后到来的许多年里,你将在岛屿上如何满足你的基本需要…
  [点拨] satisfy 的用法小结:
  1.satisfy sb."使某人满足或满意"
  e.g. nothing satisfies him :he’s always complaining. 她对什么都不满意,总是在抱怨。
  2.satisfy one’s need /desire /demand /curiosity "满足某人的需要(欲望、要求、好奇心)
  e.g. soon they produced enough tv sets to satisfy people’s demands.
  很快, 他们生产了足够多的彩电来满足人们的需求。
  3.be satisfied with "对…满意"
  e.g. i was quite satisfied with what he had done. 我对他所做的一切感到满意.
  4.express one’s satisfaction with "对…表示满意"
  e.g. the teacher expressed his satisfaction with the students’ results after the test.
  5.with satisfaction "满意地"
  e.g. he nodded with satisfaction. 他满意地点点头.
  6.to one’s satisfaction "使某人满意的是"
  e.g. the war came to an end, to the satisfaction of everybody.
  this account of the wonderful land beyond the rocky mountains gave him the idea to move there. 书中对于落矶山脉旁边的那块神奇地带的描述,使父亲萌生了去那儿的念头。
  [点拨] beyond 的用法:
  prep. 1.在…远处,在…那一边
  e.g.the new housing estate stretches beyond the playing-fields.
  e.g. it won’t go on beyond midnight. 这不会持续到午夜以后。
  e.g. the bicycle is beyond repair. 这辆自行车已不能修理了。
  e.g. he’s got nothing beyond his state pension.
  5.beyond sb. 对于某人来说难以想象、理解或估计
  e.g. it’s beyond me why she wants to marry geoff.
  adv. 在远处,向远方
  e.g.the immediate future is clear, but it’s hard to tell what lies beyond.
  it was not easy to decide what to take and what to leave behind.
  [点拨] "what to take and what to leave behind"是"疑问词+不定式"结构在句中作宾语。"疑问词+不定式"在句中可单独作主语、表语、宾语等.
  e.g.1.how to deal with the problem puzzled us .(主语)
  e.g.2.you must learn how to be patient.(宾语)你必须学会如何保持耐心。
  e.g3.the problem was where to find the right person for the job.(表语)
  [点拨] leave sb/sth behind"未能或忘记带某人/某物"
  e.g. it won’t rain, you can leave your umbrella behind.
  by the middle of october we set off for our journey across the continent
  [点拨] 1.set off for +地点 "朝某地出发或动身"
  e.g. einstein’s family set off for the states in 1933.
  2.set off 还可以作及物动词,"使爆发/爆炸" "引起"
  e.g.1.a slight touch will set the bomb off. 稍一触动就会使炸弹爆炸。
  e.g.2.martin’s speech set off a wave of anger. 马丁的演说激起了愤怒的浪潮。
  3.set out to do sth./ set about doing sth . "开始/着手做某事"
  e.g. the new government must set about finding(set out to find) solutions to the country’s economic problems.
  [归纳] 有关"出发、动身"的短语:
  start/ leave /set off /set out 动身
  start for a 动身前往a 地 sail for a 启航前往a 地
  leave (b) for a/ set off (b) for a /set out (b)for a (离开b地)动身前往a 地
  head for a/ make way for a/ 向a 地进发
  this was the meeting place for people moving to the west.
  [点拨] meeting place "集会的地方" "会面的地方" meeting 是动名词作定语,表示所修饰名词的目的、用途等。
  e.g. a publishing house 出版社 a walking stick 拐杖
  [点拨] moving to the west 是现在分词作定语,表示所修饰名词的动作。往往相当于一个定语从句。
  e.g.1.we are brothers sharing (=who share )weal and woe.
  e.g.2.there are a few boys swimming (=who are swimming ) in the stream.
  …was the most trying part. …是最难熬的一部分。
  [点拨] trying这里用作形容词意为"使人痛苦的","难堪的"考验(脾气耐性等的
  e.g. a trying day 难挨的一天 a trying person to deal with 不易相处的人
  work that is trying to the eyes 费眼力的工作
  water that was shown on the map proved to be salty ponds and not drinkable. 地图所示有水的地方,结果却是一些盐湖池,根本不适合饮用。
  [点拨] prove 的用法:
  1. prove + 名词/代词 "证明,证实"
  e.g.the soldier has proved his courage in battle.
  2. prove +that –clause
  e.g.these facts will prove that we are telling the truth.
  3. prove +复合宾语
  e.g. time will prove me (to be ) right. 时间将证明我是对的。
  4. prove +(to be )+ adj./n. ( 此句型中的prove是系动词)
  e.g. he proved (to be ) an honest friend.
  the cattle became tired and weak. 牲畜既劳累又虚弱。
  [点拨] cattle 牛的总称或牲畜,前面不可加 a ,也没有 cattles 形式。作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。
  e.g.1cattle mainly feed on grass. 牛主要吃草。
  e.g.2.twenty head of cattle have been bought in by farmers.
  [提示] 除cattle外,总是用作复数的还有people, police等。
  … their tongues hung out in desperate need of water.
  [点拨] hang out 的几种意思:
  1. 伸出来
  e.g. a dog’s tongue hangs out when it runs fast. 狗快跑时舌头伸在外面。
  2. 晾(湿衣服)
  e.g. she’s in the yard , hanging out the washing. 她在院子里晾洗好的衣服。
  3. 展示
  e.g. hang out flags for the queen’s visit 悬旗迎接女王的莅临
  hang abou 闲荡 hang back犹豫 hang on 紧握,坚持忍耐 hang up 挂断电话
  [点拨] 1.in need of "需要"
  e.g. this school is in bad need of english teachers. 这所学校急需英语教师。
  2.there is (no ) need (for sb)to do sth.. "(对某人)来说有(没)必要做某事"
  e.g. there’s no need for you to start yet. 你现在还不必动身。
  3.a friend in need is a friend indeed.(谚语)患难之交才是真正的朋友。
  for many weeks we had been accustomed to seeing horses and oxen ,suffering from heat, thirst ,and starvation. 几周来,马、牛饱受酷热、口渴、挨饿之苦。对于这一点我们已经司空见惯了。
  [点拨] be/become accustomed to =be used to "习惯于"这里 的 "to" 是介词.
  e.g. the boy soon became accustomed to hard work and poor food.
  accustom (oneself ) to = make used to "使习惯于"
  e.g. when he became a soldier , he had to accustom himself to long marches.
  当他当兵的时候, 他不得不使自己习惯于长途行军。
  lying around them were chains, guns……在它们周围到处都是锁链、枪……
  [点拨] 该句属于倒装句型。因为进行时态中的分词有时可移到句首。来对这动作加以强调。
  e.g. 1.lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen.
  e.g.2 watching the performances were mostly foreign tourists.
  each had all he could do to save himself and his animals.每个人唯一能做的就是挽救自己和他的牲畜。
  [点拨] 本句中" he could to "是省略 " that "引导的定语从句。来修饰all 本句还可以转换为 each had what he could do to save himself and his animals.类似的句式还有:
  do all (that ) sb can to do sth "尽力做某事"
  e.g. she did all she could to help him. 她做她能做的一切来帮助他。
  [拓展] 1.sb do everything (that) sb can to do sth
  2.sb do all (that) sb can to do sth
  3.sb do what sb can to do sth
  4.sb try one’s best to do sth
  5.sb do one’s best to do sth 在1---3三个句型中,后面省略了动词do
  our days of hardships had come to an end . 我们艰苦的日子结束了。
  [点拨] come to an end = finish "结束 ,完成"
  e.g. the meeting came to an end at last.会议终于结束了。
  come to a bad end "遭到恶报,得到报应"
  e.g. if you don’t give up crime , you’ll come to a bad end.
  at a loose end 无所事事 make (both)ends meet 量入为出,使收支相抵
  at the end of 结束,到尽头 put an end to sth 结束某事
  in the end=finally by the end of 到…末为止, 不迟于 end (sth) up 结束
  which hardships did they have to live through ?他们不得不经历哪些艰难困苦 ?
  [点拨] live through =experience and survive "经历…而未死"
  e.g. he has lived through two wars and three revolutions.他亲历两次战争和三次革命。
  integrating skills
  nome was only a small city of about 1430 souls.诺姆仅是一个大约拥有1430人口的小城。
  [点拨] soul= person "人,人口"该句还相当于 nome was only a small city with a population of 1430.
  e.g.1.there wasn’t a soul to be seen.连一个人也看不见了。
  e.g.2 the ship sank with 200 souls . 那船载着200 人沉没了。
  [短语] the life and soul of the party,etc. (某团体等中的)核心人物,主脑
  heart and soul 全心全意
  if untreated, it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient. 假如这种疾病不予治疗的话,它就会产生一种很强的病毒,危及病人的生命。
  [点拨] if untreated =if it wasn’t treated ,这是一个省略句。状语从句中省略一些词是非常普遍的现象,通常省略主语和系动词(如果主语与主句主语相同则可省略)大部分从句中都可以有省略结构:
  e.g.1.she would often sweep when (she was)alone.她一个人时时常哭泣。
  e.g.2.if (it is )necessary , ring me at home .如有必要可往我家里打电话。
  e.g.3. though (it is )not large ,the room was well lit. 房间虽不大却很亮堂。
  e.g.4. as(it was ) expected , the afforestation movement rapidly spread.
  …that a hospital in anchorage had a good supply of 300,000 units. 在安克雷奇的一家医院里拥有
  [点拨] supply的用法:
  vt. 1.供应,提供
  e.g.1.trees supply shade in summer.树木在夏天提供树荫。
  e.g.2. the school supplies books for /to the children.=the school supplies the children with books. 学校为孩子提供书本。
  e.g. it’s hard to supply the demand for more and better houses.
  n. 1. [ u] 供应,供给
  e.g. supply and demand供给和需求
  the water supply here is good. 这里的供水不错。
  2.[ c ]供应量(常用复数)供应品
  e.g. a good supply of food 大量的食物
  they cut off our medical supplies .他们切断了我们的医药供给。
  [短语] in short supply =scarce 短缺
  supply sb with sth. supply sth to/for sb.
  provide sth for sb provide sb with sth
  offter sb sth
  … but these were all tough men. …但是这都是一些能耐劳苦的人。
  e.g. a tough job 棘手的工作 a tough criminal 残暴的凶犯
  tough soldiers 能耐劳苦的军人 tough meat 老肉
  tough luck 倒霉 as tough as leather 坚韧如皮革
  be /get tough (with sb) (对某人)强硬
  each team covered a distance of 18to 53miles.每个队伍要走18到53英里.
  [点拨] cover 在该句中意为 "走过,行过(路程)"
  e.g. cover twenty miles a day. 一天跑20英里.
  cover 作为及物动词使用, 常见以下几种意思:
  1. 盖,包,覆盖
  e.g.1.cover one’s eyes with a hand 用手遮住眼睛.
  e.g.2.the floods covered large areas on both sides of the river.
  e.g.the city covers ten square miles.这个城市占地10平方英里。
  e.g.his researches covered a wide field. 他的研究涉及范围很广。
  e.g. i want our best reporters sent to cover the trial.
  e.g. will $10 cover the cost of a new skirt ?十美元够买一条新裙子吗?
  cover 还可作为不及物动词,"代理,代替别人 "
  e.g. john’s ill today , so will you cover for him , jean ?
  cover 用作名词时,常指"覆盖物,封面 ,盖子等 "
  …wrapped the medicine in a quilt and tied it up. 用被子把药包好,然后,捆起来。
  [点拨] 该句中的tie up =do up "束紧,包扎 缚牢 ,系住,栓住等 "
  e.g. we tied the boat up alongside the quay.我们把船停泊在码头处。
  tie sb up "捆绑某人""缠住某人使之无暇顾及他事"
  e.g.1. the thieves left the night-watchman tied up and gagged.
  e.g.2.i’m tied up in a meeting until 3 pm.我开会直到下午3点钟方可脱身。
  …but he knew that lives were at stake. 但是他知道有很多人危在旦夕。
  [点拨] at stake 意为"得失攸关,处境危险"
  e.g. his life itself was at stake.他面临身败名裂的危险。
  … a memorial to all who risked their lives to save those of others.纪念那些冒着生命危险来挽救别人的人。
  [点拨] risk 作为及物动词"冒 … 之险"
  e.g.1. risk one’s health /fortune /life /failure "冒着健康(财富、生命、失败)之险"
  e.g.2.we must risk getting caught in a storm.
  risk 还可用作名词,"冒险"常常构成下列短语:
  1.run/take risks /a risk "冒… 之险"
  e.g. you’re running a big risk in trusting him
  2.run/take the risk of doing sth " 冒…之险 "
  e.g. we’ll take the risk of being late.我们将冒迟到之险。
  3. at the risk of /at risk to "不顾 …之险"
  e.g. he was determined to get there even at the risk of his life.
  [点拨] those 在该句代替前面出现过的 "lives"
  e.g.1.these machines are better than those we turned out last year.
  e.g.2.the days in summer are longer than those in winter.
  语法:the attribute
  e.g.it’s a fine (windy,rainy, warm) day.这是一晴朗的(刮风、下雨、暖和)的日子。
  e.g.help yourself to some (more )fish.(再)吃一点鱼。
  e.g. there are twenty students in our class.我们班有二十名学生。
  e.g.1.she is a college graduate.她是大学毕业生。
  e.g.2.what’s your government’s attitude towards the problem?你们政府对此态度如何?
  e.g.these are the roads leading to the beach.这是通往海滨的路。
  e.g.i’ve something important to discuss with you.
  e.g.who’s that girl with a pigtail ?那个梳辫子的女孩是谁?
  e.g.i have nothing special on tonight.今晚我没有什么特别活动。
  e.g.1.is anything the matter with you?你出什么事了?
  e.g.2.he is an easy-going man.他是一个容易相处的人。
  e.g.she is a girl everyone likes.她是一个人人都喜欢的姑娘。
  e.g. the oppressed people 被压迫的民族
  everlasting friendship 永恒的友谊
  * 它由here,there , up ,out ,down, home , abroad这类副词表示:
  e.g. on our trip abroad we visited relatives in belgium.
  * 它修饰的是由some, any, no, every等构成的合成词:
  e.g. there’s nothing wrong with the machine.机器没有毛病。
  * 定语从句:
  e.g. she was annoyed by something that i had said. 她被我说的一句话得罪了。
  * 介词短语:
  e.g. she was a young woman of character.她是一个有个性的青年女子。
  * 分词短语及不定式短语:
  e.g. here are the seats reserved for you.这儿是给你们留的座位。
  e.g. their attempt to cross the river failed. 他们渡江的企图失败了。
  all, both+冠词或物主代词+其他单词定语+名词
  e.g. all the girl students 所有的女学生
  both his younger sisters 他的两个小妹妹
  e.g. such a nice person many a student rather a failure
  so short a time too small a room however brilliant a mind
  *有几个形容词修饰时,表示基本特征的往往离所修饰的词最近 。则可按以下口诀记忆:限定描绘大、长、高;形状、年龄和新老;颜色国籍出材料;作用类别往后靠。即:限定词(the , a)+描绘性形容词+大小(size)+形状(shape )+时间、年龄(age)+颜色(color)+国籍、来源(origin)+材料(material)+目的(purpose)+名词
  e.g. a heavy black chinese steel umbrella
  1.---i drove to zhuhai for the air show last week.
  ----is that _____ you had a few days off ?(nmet 1999)
  a. why b.when c.what d.who
  2.______ fashion differs from country to coutry may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect. (上海春季高考)
  a .what b.that c.this d.which
  3.a computer can only do ______ you have instructed it to do.(全国高考)
  a.how b.after c.what d.when
  4. you can never imagine what great trouble i have had _____ the patient who received a serious wound. a. treat b.to treat c.treating d.treated
  5.----you’ve made great progress in your studies of english, haven’t you ?
  -----yes, but much _______.
  a. remain to do b. is remained to do c.remains to be done d.is remained to be done
  6.it is believed that if a book is _____, it will surely _____ the reader.(上海)
  a.interested … interest b.interesting … be interested
  c.interested… be interesting d.interesting…interest
  7.mr.smith ,______ of the _____speech, started to read a novel (北京春)
  a. tired … boring b.tiring … bored c. tired… bored d.tiring… boring
  8.i can think of many cases _____ students obviously knew a lot of english words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay (上海)
  a .why b.which c.as d.where
  9.a fast food restaurant is the place ______ , just as the name suggests ,eating is performed quickly. a.which b. where c. there d.what
  10.he did everything _____ break the record.
  a. that he could b.that he could to c.which he could d.which he could to
  11.premier zhou ____ to be unforgettable in the hearts of the chinese people.
  a. proved b.regarded c.thought d.considered
  12.cattle ____ kept off the fields by bamboo fence.
  a. are b.is c. has d.have
  13.some passengers complain that it usually ______ so long to fill in travel insurance documents.
  a. costs b.takes c.spends d.spares (北京高考)
  14. don’t keep the door _____at night.
  a. opened b.opening c. open d.to open
  15.----will $200_____ ?
  ----i’m afraid not . we need at least 50 more dollars.(湖北)
  a. count b.satisfy c.fit d.do
  1.a. why 引导的表语从句
  2.b. what引导的主语从句
  3.c. what引导的宾语从句
  4.c. "have trouble (in doing sth )"
  5.c. "remain to be done "
  6.d. 7. a. 8.d. 9.b.10. b. 11.a.12. a. 13.b.14.c.15.d
  1.a lot of people think that she takes after her father.
  a.supports b.resembles c.cares d.looks
  2.most boys go in for rough games.
  a. seek for b.take part in c. enjoy watching d.research
  3. she was standing there when he pulled up .
  a. entered b. arrived c.began d.concluded
  4. you must really apply yourself to some serious work.
  a. get down b. get to c. get through d.get at
  5. our visit proved to be a waste of time because fog reduced visibility.
  a. turned down b.turned on c.turned out d.turned off
  6. once you’ll understand english , it won’t be difficult to live in america.
  7. the reason why he missed the bus was because he got up late .
  8. five moths later , i accustomed myself to live here.
  9. many people were killed in their cars, but a few lucky one were not hurt.
  10.a memorial of heroes has been set up.
  i 单项填空
  1.----suan , will you please go and empty the drawer ? ----_______? ( 全国i )
  a.what for b.what is it c.how is it d.how come
  2.when i really _____ to take care of somebody, i’ll try my best.
  a.set out b.set off c.set about d.set up
  3.the research is so designed that once _____ nothing can be done to change it .(nmet ) a.begins b.having begun c.beginning d.begun
  4.canada and australia help to _____ english ____ food.
  a.provide … for b.supplu … to c.provide … with d.supply… with
  5.______ i had time , i would have checked my answers again.
  a.if b.unless c.had d.when
  6.could it be in the restaurant in ______ you had dinner with me yesterday ___ you left behind your wallet ?
  a. which… when b. which…that c. where … that d. that… where
  7.so difficult ______ it to live in an english –speaking country that i determined to learn english.(上海)
  a.i have felt b.have i felt c.i did feel d.did i feel
  8.it’s better to ____ at this job than to hurry and make mistakes.
  a. take your time b.take his medicine c. take his way d.take your chance
  9.only when your identity has been checked , _____ (上海)
  a. you are allowed in b. you will be allowed in
  c. will you allow in d. will you be allowed in
  10.—do you know what bush house is like ?
  ----yes, it is a (n)_____ building and it is the home of bbc english.
  a.nice old tall white b. old tall nice white c.nice tall old white d.white nice old tall
  11.such things _____ family provide were out of date nowadays.
  a. alike b. like c. similar d. as
  12.i hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have _____.(nmet1995)
  a. it b. those c. them d. one
  13. when first _____ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.(全国ii ) a. introducing b. introduced c. ntroduce d. being introduced
  14.the dictionary _____ where you _____ it when you left yesterday.
  a. lay… lay b.lies … lied c.lies…laid d.laid … laid
  15.our neighbour has ______ ours .(北京ii )
  a.as a big house as b.as big a house as
  c.the same big house as d.a house the same big as
  ii .完形填空
  do you know how long it’s been since mobile phone were first invented ?on april 3,30 years ago, the first public call was 1 f rom a handheld wireless phone.
  martin cooper , a(n) 2 researcher at motorola,made the call from a corner in new york city back in 1973.
  people were very 3 at the phone , cooper remembered . "we caused a great stir(轰动) ," he said.
  the phone was a 4 thing by today’s standards –it 5 almost 1kilogram and was about 25 centimeters long.now , 6 phones fit into the palm of your hand and weigh little more than a lemon.
  but back then, it was a huge 7 , especially when 8 the car mobile phones that had been in 9 since the 1940s.
  a 10 phone weighed more than 13 kilograms and 11 thousands of dollars .an owner had to drill a hole in the 12 just to install it.
  at that time , cooper was 13 with joel engel , the head of research at a rival 14 communications company. so, he made the first call to him.
  "i told him:joel, i’m 15 you from a real cell phone ," said cooper. "i thought i heard gnashing of teeth (咬牙切齿)at the other end, 16 he was polite."
  since that first call ,some 1 billion people around the world now own mobiles.
  today , they are multifunctional (多功能的)with more and more features , 17 short text messages , cameras and mp3 players.
  however,74-year-old cooper still believe the "original dream" of a truly mobile phone call is not yet a 18 .that is :being able to use a phone to call anyone from anywhere.
  cooper’s dream phone is so 19 that it fits behind his ear and automatically(自动地) dials out when he thinks about calling someone . and when there is an incoming call, it trickles(轻震) instead of 20 .
  1. a. made b. done c. recorded d. taken
  2. a. japanese b. english c. canadian d. american
  3. a. surprised b. angry c. encouraged d. delighted
  4. a. small b. beautiful c. big d. smart
  5 .a. measured b .weighed c. smelled d. lifted
  6. a. ordinary b. wireless c. vision d. mobile
  7. a. progress b. mistake c. advancement d. failure
  8. a. compared with b. different from c. satisfied with d. referred to
  9. a. order b. work c. construction d. use
  10.a. mobile b. cell c. car d. common
  11.a. worth b. cost c. spent d. paid
  12.a. car b. wall c. ground d. phone
  13.a. trading b. talking c. competing d. quarreling
  14.a. cable b. post c. tele d. wireless
  15.a.telling b.helping c.watching d.calling
  16.a.but b.so c.then d.however
  17.a.like b.such c.as d.in
  18.a.dream b.blueprint c.reality d.trend
  19.a.large b.beautiful c.common d.small
  20.a.cries b.rings c.creams d.laughs
  he may not be the world’s wealthiest endorse(代言人),but he is certainly one of the tallest .that 2.26-meter height has helped nba all-star yao ming on the basketball court and in marketing deals.
  the chinese center for the houston rockets has already appeared in tv sports for visa and apple and he just signed a deal for commercials for gatorade , the sports drink.
  his quick rise has surprised some marketing experts, because many expected yao’s court skills ----and his figure as a product endorser---to make time.
  "all of a sudden ,he’s all over the place."said bob dorfman , business creative director for san francisco----based pickett advertising . "i think it’s a little bit of a surprise to see how comfortable he is on camera and how charming he is without being able to speak more than a few sentences of english."
  ric iverson , the vice president of sales for harbrew , a beer importer and distributor(批发商) in new york, said he was in houston in june for a restaurant trade show, which took place the same week as the nba player pick.
  a houston radio station was throwing a party at a local bar, so iverson gave them several cases of china’s yanjing beer , for which harbrew is the sole us importer.
  because the rockets were expected to choose yao as the top pick overall that day,about a third of the 3000 partygoers were asian, iverson said. the bar ended up selling all the yanjing that harbrew had offered ,and iverson later got a call frome a rockets businessman who had seen the success of yanjing beer and wanted to partner with harbrew . harbrew now has courtside ads in houston advertising yanjing in english and chinese ,and the beer is sold at the place during basketball games.
  dorfman and bob williams , chief of an illinois company that tracks entertainment marketing, said the only way yao’s off ---curt deals will improve is if his court play does ,too.
  1.the underlined sentence here means " ".
  a.he became well known suddenly b.his figure is displayed everywhere
  c.he flies here and there in the usa. d.he succeeded out of others’ expectation
  2.the first two paragraph tell us .
  a. yao ming is successful both on the basket court and in marketing deals.
  b. yao ming isn’t thought to be the world’s wealthiest endorser.
  c. yao ming is popular with the american people
  d. why yao ming was accepted by the houston rockets.
  3.the author took ric iverson as an example to show .
  a. ric iverson is fairly successful in his careers.
  b. the nba player pick is of great importance in american life.
  c. yanjing beer agree with the americans.
  d. yao ming’s presence has indirectly benefited some companies.
  4. which of the following can be used as the best title of the passage ?
  a. basketballer takes up ads as well
  b.an nba all—star becomes a hit
  c. basketballer standing tall in ads world
  d. more internet in ads rather than basketball
  what is an american marriage like ? as it is described in popular fiction, the american marriage is heaven on earth:problems are tiny and easy to solve ; true love is always victorious; and the understanding husband and his beautiful wife live " happily ever after"as the fairytales say.
  fortunately , most young people know better. they realize that marriage means responsibilities, conflicts(冲突) , and everyday house work. they marry "for better or for worse"because in the usa it is extremely difficult for a single person to enjoy a full and satisfying life.
  in the usa, parents don’t arrange marriages for their children. teenagers begin dating in high school and usually find mates through their own activities. though young people feel free to choose their friends from different groups, most choose a mate of similar background . this is partly due to parents’guidence. parents can’t select spouses( 配偶) for their children , but they can usually influence choices by voicing disagreement of someone they consider unsuitable.
  however, marriage between members of different groups are increasing , probably because of the greater chance of change of today’s youth and the fact that they are limited by fewer old ideas than their parents .many young people leave their hometown to attend college, to serve in the armed forces ,or to seek a fortune in a bigger city. once away from home and family , they are more likely to date and marry outside their own social group.
  the average american man is about twenty—three years old at the time of marriage , his bride(新娘) is about twenty-one. traditionally ,when a couple decides to marry , the man gives his fiancee (未婚妻)a diamond engagement ring. when the engagement period begins , the bride – to –be and her future husband must meet other relatives, make preparations for their wedding and honeymoon,and plan their future together.
  1.from the passage , we can infer that boys and girls in the usa .
  a. are allowed to love each other in high school.
  b. can only be in love after they finish their school education
  c. can only look for friends in society
  d. are not cared for by their parents
  2.which of the following statements is not true according to the passage
  a. most young people choose their friends of similar background
  b. today’s youth are more changeable and have fewer old ideas than their parents.
  c. there is no advice from their parents for the children’s marriage.
  d. after engagement, a boyfriend first buys his fiancee a diamond engagement ring
  3.which of the following can be the best title of the passage ?
  a. understanding between husband and wife
  b.marriage in the united states
  c. no marriage arrangement from parents
  d. how to prepare for marriage
  english is the most wide used language in the 1_______
  world. methods of learning english will have been 2_______
  improved great since the beginning of this century. 3_______
  learning a language is just a matter of knowing lots 4_______
  of grammar rules and build up a number of words.a 5_______
  student mastery of a language is measured by how 6_______
  well he can use them .english is not a "subject" like 7_______
  history and physics, and a "skill" like swimming 8_______
  and football. you learn to swim by getting the water 9_______
  and swimming. you learn football by going and kicking 10_______
  it. and you learn english by using it , without by knowing it.
  2.词数100 左右。
  dear editor,
  i’m writing to tell you about the changes that have taken place in our english classes since modern teaching techniques started to be used .
  yours truly
  li hua
  a 级
  i.1----5 bbbac 6.you’ll you 7.because that 8.live  living
  9.one ones 10.of   to
  1---5 aadcc 6---10 bdadc 11----15 ddbcb
  ii 完形填空
  1----5 adacb 6----10 dcadc 11----15 bacdd 16----20 aacdb
  iii 阅读理解
  a: 1---4 badc b:1---3 acb
  iv 短文改错
  1.wide  widely 2.will 划掉 3.great greatly
  4.is  not 5.build building 6.student  student’s7.them it
  8.第二个and  but 9.getting  into 10.正确
  v 书面表达
  dear editor,
  i’m writing to tell you about the changes that have taken place in our english classes since modern teaching techniques started to be used .
  teachers used to speak alone all the time in class , keeping students busy making notes and leaving them no time to think for themselves . as a result , what was taught in class was difficult to understand or to remember.the classes were so dull that the students gradually lost interest in learning the language.
  however, things are different now. with the help of computers and other equipment, students not only listen, but also watch and speak a lot in class, which makes what is dull or difficult easier to understand and remember. english classes have become so interesting and lively that all the students are ready to grasp this useful tool.
  yours truly,
  li hua
  language study
  word study:
  1. (1) pond (2) burden (3) starve (4) circumstance
  (5) anxiety (6) desperate (7) keep up (8) add up (9 ) take it easy
  2.(1) burdens (2) pond (3) starvation (4) desperate (5) anxiety (6) come to an end
  3.(1) had come to end (2) came to an agreement (3) came to a conclusion
  (4) coming to a complete stop (5) has come to a decision (6) came to a better understanding grammar
  1.(1)wonderful land(形容词) (2) my father (形容词性物主代词)
  (3)journer westward (副词) (4)nothing to eat(不定式)
  (5)trying part(形容词) a running stream(现在分词)
  (6)green valley(形容词) promised land (过去分词)
  (7)my four – year- old son(合成词)
  (8)farmers who saw us stared at us (定语从句) walking skeletons(现在分词)
  2.(1) d (2) i (3 )a (4) j (5) f (6) c (7) h (8) b (9) e
  我们白天前行。夜晚,当我们宿营时,大家把马车赶在营火周围。最令人难熬的旅行莫过于穿越大陆中部的山脉和沙漠了。有时,在没有路的地方,马车不得不被抬起来,往上拉。穿过了沙漠,我们进入了看似优美的盐湖谷。我们沿湖绕了一周,不一会儿,我们来到了盐湖沙漠。在1846年11月4日,我们进入了沙漠,不久,我们迷了路。我们不得不在没有水喝没有草给牲畜吃的情况下,行进了大约九十英里。我们称之为"漫漫长路"。一路上到处都是不毛之地。地图所示有水的地方,结果却是一些盐湖池,根本不适合饮用。就连一小片草地也找不到,可想而知,在沙漠里前行对牲畜们来说是多么艰难了。因此,我们也不能做在马车上了,只能在马车旁徒步而行。一路上,我背着仅有四岁的小儿子。牲畜又累又弱。它们拖着四肢,虚弱地承担不了任何负荷了,它们的舌头伸在外面,多么渴望有水喝。然而,我们拥有的水如此之少,根本不敢给它们喝。因为,这些牲畜们再也不能拖动马车了,我们不得不把马车烧掉,把行李放在马背上。现在,我们得徒步再走500 英里那么远。
  瑞沃斯: 今天是对从安克雷奇---诺姆这段狗拉雪橇接力赛的八十周年纪念日。我们来谈论一下,帕克斯先生,你能给我们谈一谈有关这次接力赛的历史吗 ?
  帕克斯: 第一次接力赛不是一场竞赛,而是一场为了争取时间的接力赛。八十年前,它是轰动全球的事件,但是,现在在阿拉斯加以外的大部分人们已忘却了二十位勇士和他们的狗是如何营救数百人的生命的。
  瑞沃斯: 那时,发生了什么事?
  瑞沃斯:他们到哪儿去找疫苗呢 ?
  帕克斯:令人欣慰的是在安克雷奇的一家医院里还有300,000 支疫苗。但是,问题是如何很快地把这些疫苗送到诺姆呢?
  瑞沃斯:那有问题吗 ?
  韦尔奇:在1925年,没有什么可以很快地被送到诺姆的。因为 ,当时海水都结冰了,而且,仅有的两架飞机也停飞了。
  瑞沃斯:那么,该怎么办呢 ?
  瑞沃斯:疫苗到底是如何被带到尼纳纳的呢 ?
  帕克斯:他准时到了那儿。但是,当队伍在黎明前到达的时候,没有一个人迎接他们。因为,整个小城还在沉睡当中。但是,很快诺姆的人们就看到了希望的曙光。 那些狗太累了,以至于它们都叫不出声来。诺姆的孩子们得救了!
