

  ⅰ.teaching aimstry to remember the main words, phrases and sentences.pay attention to the usages of some language points.ⅱ.teaching yourselvesmain words:ⅰwrite the following words 1.curtain n.窗帘 2.adult/ grown-up.成年人3.teenager n. 青少年 4.explanation n.解释explainⅱfill in the forms as possible as you can.重点词汇词汇拓展词汇用法surprise vt.使惊奇, 使诧异;出其不意获得n.惊奇, 惊讶surprised adj.感到惊奇的;表示震惊的surprising adj.使人惊讶的, 出人意料的, 惊人的surprise sb.使某人惊讶 give sb. a surprise使---感到惊讶be taken by surprise出其不意地攻击in surprise 惊奇地to one"s great surprise 使某人非常惊奇的是surprise "由于出乎意外而惊异或诧异" his coming surprised me.他的到来使我感到惊奇。astonish 指"由于出乎意料而又不能理解而感到吃惊", 语意较强i was astonished to see he got up so early.见他起得这么早我感到惊讶。amaze 指"由于认为似乎不可能或极少可能发生的事出现而感到大为诧异、迷惑不解", 语意较强i was amazed at his impudence.他竟然无耻到这种地步使我感到惊愕。shock 指"使震惊", 语意比amaze强i was shocked at the news. 我听到这个消息大吃一惊。bend (bent [bent]) vt. & vi.(使)弯曲; 屈身n.弯曲(处)bent adj.弯曲的,折弯的,拱起的be bent on 决心要, 专心于bend down 弯腰bend oneself to 专心于, 致力于explain vt. & vi.讲解, 解释explanation n.解释, 说明explain oneself 说明自己的意思explain...as... 把...解释为...explain sth. to sb. 向…解释scene n.. 景象;场面(戏剧的)一场behind the scenes 在幕后; 暗中on the scene 在现场; 当场; 在台上leave vt. & vi.离去, 离开; 出发; 舍弃.把…留下; 遗忘;听任, 让n.准假, 假期leave sp for sp离开某处去某处 leave sb alone把某人独自留下leave the door open让门开着 leave sth aside把想法(或问题)搁置一边leave sb/sth behind把…抛在后面; 丢下(人或物)ask for a day"s leave要求请一天假charge vt.充电;控告, 指责(with); 把...归咎于要(价), 收(费);猛攻charge the battery 给电池充电charge sb. with sth (murder)指控某人(谋杀) (accuse sb of sth)charge the enemy向敌人冲去charge sb money for sth.因…向某人要价…in charge of 在...掌管之下, 由...经管in the charge of sb. 由某人负责, 由某人照料[管理]unpunished adj.未受惩罚的punish vt.罚, 处罚, 惩罚punisher n.惩罚者; 处罚者punishment n.处罚, 受罚go unpunished不受惩罚punish sb. for his crime处罚某人hard a. 苛刻的hardly adv.几乎没有, 几乎不hardly...when... 刚…就be hard on sb苛刻地对待(某人), 对(某人)要求过严同义词]main phrases:be common to teenagers 对青少年很常见turn up the music调高音乐turn downa waste of time 浪费时间an unpleasant experience with sb.和某人的一次不愉快的经历be angry with sb.跟某人发火can’t wait to do sth 等不及要…be supposed to应该…leave sb. in charge 让某人掌管go out 熄灭deserve to know the truth 值得知道真相be very different from 与...很不相同now that (连词)既然, 由于for/as/ since/ because/ whenmain sentences:1.you weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow!2.the money ___which you were to buy dog food is gone.we thought you were an adult, a person ____whom we could expect good decisions.1)the science subject, _ tom is interested, is important in high school. 2)the park is a place____ which i often go.3)my mother is the person _____ whom i got money to buy my new hair clips.4)football is the sport ____ which i always score a goal.5)my grandparents are the people ____whom i stayed when i was young.ccdabb/ in which/ to / from/ in/ with3.i don’t know the reason ___ the house is so dirty.this is not a family ___ bad behavior goes unpunished.4.they don’t deserve to know the truth .5. mom and dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected.eric runs in after the ball, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.6. the room is a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.①he stood there with his hand in his pocket.②he was fast asleep with his mouth open.③they sat in silence with the light on for an hour.④with the guide leading the way, we got out of the forest without any difficulty. ⑤he fell asleep with all the windows closed. ⑥ with two exams to worry about, i have to work really hard this weekend.
  iii.. discussion
  ⅰreturn to nmet
  c1. she traveled all around the world, ____ places of interesting.
  a .visit b.visited c.visiting d.to visit
  c2.___by the accident, the little girl burst into tears.
  a.fright b.frighten c.frightened d.frightening
  b3.am i ____to clean all the rooms or just this one?
  a.suppose b.supposed c.should d.expect
  b4.___he lost the game, he had to go back.
  a.in that b.now that c.now d.for that
  c5.i was ___two dollars___repairing the tv set.
  a.cost;for b.charge;for c.charged;for d.charged;at
  b6(07北京) he is a student at oxford university,______ for a degree in computer science.
  a. studied b. studying c. to have studied d. to be studying
  d7(江苏) ----can i smoke here ?
  ----sorry. we don’t allow ______ here.
  a. people smoking b. people smoke c. to smoke d. smoking
  d8.is this museum ______ some german frienfs visited last time ?a. that b. where c. in which d. the oned9(07). ----where did you get to know her? ---- it was on the farm ______ we worked.a. that b. there c. which d. whereⅱ.writing 我是一个青少年。我与父母之间产生了一些矛盾。我父母对我要求很严格,甚至到了苛刻的地步,他们让我整天地学习,我没有足够的时间做自己喜欢的事情。父母总认为我做得事情是错的,也不给我解释的机会,还会强迫我做一些我不想做的事。我想有更多的个人空间,更多的时间花在个人的兴趣爱好上。我知道父母是爱我的,但我更需要他们的理解。
  i am a teenager and i have some problems with my parents. they are very strict with me, or i may say, too hard on me. they always think what i do is wrong and never give me a chance to explain. they also make me do things i don’t like at all. i want to have some spare time to enjoy myself by doing what i want to do.
  i love my parents a lot and i know they also love me, but i need their understanding--- they should understand me better than they do now.ⅳ. summarizingⅴ.consolidationⅰmultiple choicesb1.______ and happy, tony stood up and accepted the prize.a.surprising b. surprised c. being surprised d. to be surprisingb2.she tried to ______ out of the window to see the procession more clearly.a. bend b. lean c. bow d. sloped3. the poor driver telephoned the police and ______ what had happened.a. told b. talked c. expressed d. explaineda4---little tom cried for20 ! ---_______. he’ll be all right soon.a.leave him alone b. leave him behind c. leave him out d. leave him overb5. --- i have just have my watch repaired. --- how much did they _______ for that ?a. cost b. charge c. spend d. considerc.6.and you find that you’re not to be _______ with a position of real responsibility.a.offered b. furnished c> trusted d. retainedc.7. i broke my relationship with john because he always found _____ with me.a. error b. mistake c. fault d. failurec8. one of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high-rise is that you can get a good ______.a. scenery b. scene c. view d. lookb9. ---excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bank? ---oh, that’s_____ . it’s either the second or the third road on the left.a. the different one b. a hard one c. an easy one d. the very oned10. ______ you are free tonight,why not go to the movies with me?as if b. for c. even if d. now thatb.11. he hurried to the booking office only______ that all the tickets had been sold out.a. to tell b. to be told c. telling d.toldb12. he had a bad accident on the way to school. ______ he was late for class.a. that was because b. that was whyc. that was for which d. that was for the reasonb.13. he was told that it would be at least three more months ______ he could recover and return to work.a.a. when b. before c. since d. thatd14. i remember everything exactly as if it ______ yesterday.a. was happening b. happens c. has happened d. happenedb15. don’t be too hard ______the boy; he didn’t mean _____ it. a. at; doing b. on; to do c. on; doing d. for; to dod16. this box is so heavy that he cannot lift it. ____ ,he is only a ten-year-old child. a. in all b. above all c. at all d. after allb17. there was a terrible thunder____the sudden burst of light. a.followed b. following c. was followed d. which was followed byc18. i insisted that he ____, which means i insisted on ____. a.should go; he goes b. go; he goes c. he should go; him going d. would go; his goingd19. mother’s expression suggested she ____ angry, so i suggested father ____ talking to her.a. should be; would stop b. be; should stop c. was; stopped d. was; stopa.20.the beautiful village does deserve ______ !a. visiting b. to visit c. visited d. visit
